Meet Mac!  

Posted by cokelady

Four posts in less than 24 hours. Do I get a prize?!

I couldn't NOT post. I caught Mac! He had disappeared for a while and the kids were greatly disturbed--just sure we'd never see him again. I finally found him hiding in the tall reed-like plants by the pond. Sam tried to grab him but he flung himself into the pond way too fast! I sent the kids inside and found him a little while later sitting by the rocks next to the pond. I tried to get the guts to grab him, but when I got about 3 inches away he hopped--big and high and long!--about four times around the pond, then back into the water. He's so cool! :-)

The kids and I sat and watched him a while longer, hoping he'd come back out. I finally sent the kids back inside and watched solo for a while. Didn't help. I finally lost patience and eased up to the pond and was able to actually reach in and nab him! Ha! It was great!!!

And before anybody else has a chance to correct me for my ingorance, I realize that frogs are amphibians, not reptiles. (I referred to them as reptiles in a comment on my last frog post.) I realize they are different... but in my mind they're all the same! They are the things I have a hard time actually making my fingers follow through and GRAB, no matter how much my mind tells me that they're harmless. In any case, I was able to grab Mac and it made for a very happy day around here!

And yes, Mother, that is actually your granddaughter kissing a frog! HA! I love it! It took some doing to talk her into it, but she finally did it! How else was she going to know if it would really turn into a prince or not?! Tee! Hee! What a great day. :-)

I put Mac down on the sidewalk so the kids could see him hop. They loved that! It was a little tricky catching him again, but I finally managed it and released him back into the safety of his pond. Amazing, isn't it, how in just a few short hours this guy has shown up, acquired a fan club, a name, and a pond of his very own! "His" pond, we say! Ha! It will be so sad if he decides to leave us. Of course, after today who could blame him?! :-)

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VERY CUTE pictures of the kids and the frog, I have to say the kissing the frog thing is kinda gross. But, whatever. If Katie wants to do that, it made a cute picture anyway. no prince though, sorry Katie. I love the first picture of Sam and his wide open mouth. Joe looks like he is on cloud 9. cute

There is a song that says, "All princes start as frogs, all gentlemen as dogs, but some boys will become men, just don't kiss us 'til then!" Tell Katie to wait for her prince, don't go kissing a bunch of frogs! LOL!

Ha! Sounds like a great song! Thanks for stopping by, Rachel. :-)

As for Katie, she only kissed the frog at the suggestion of her mother. I just couldn't help but visualize her grandmother's reaction and it was too good to pass up. Besides, it's going to look great in a photo album some day! Ha!

I can't BELIEVE you had that child kiss a frog!!! What kind of a mother are you, anyway?!?!

I love the pictures. A new pet for the pond, how fun. Tell Br. James his pond is looking better all the time, very clear and nice.

Love the picture of Katie kissing the frog! hehe

Dustin said that frog is the kind your fry up for frog legs. You better watch him the next time we are there.

Sis Becki,

Do you have any ladies that would like to participate in the Parade of Nations this year? Sis Kaufman is and I would like for you to also, if you can...White attire as usual...Also are any of your ladies in the 5'7" to 5'8" category and around 140ish...I have a purpose for asking...

Sis Vicky Bly

Great pics. That frog is HUGE!! I take it the frog did NOT turn into a prince :)

Ha I love the picture of Katie kissing the frog! That's so great! It's Hilarious! My brothers loved it.

What a great big frog! Neat-o! Your pond has turned out great.

lol....hes huge!I am proud of you for touching him. I wouldn't have!

4 blogs in one day does NOT excuse you from blogging the rest of the week, you slacker! 4 blogs in one day doesn't even make up for all the days in the past month you DIDN'T blog. Count 'em up. You've become blog lazy!