And Then it Came--A Toad Drowner  

Posted by cokelady

We're all hoping that Mac pulled through anyway. ;-) You wouldn't believe the storm we've been having tonight! It started on our way home from church. By the time we got to the house it was just coming down in sheets. Joe wasn't very excited about getting the gate down at the bottom of our drive (that's usually his job) and while we were discussing the matter Katie jumped out and got it for us, earning herself a cookie before bed. :-) James was thoughtful enough to park the passenger side of the van directly underneath the eave of the house where was gushing a regular waterfall. I didn't notice it until I stepped out of the van and nearly got washed away by the icy stream. Then he was thoughful enough to watch all safe and dry in the van while his wife and children stood under the river and fumbled with the keys trying to get the door unlocked. This, of course, did not go unnoticed by his wife. She doesn't miss much--at least of this sort of thing. ;-) Strangly, just as James reached the door it was slammed shut and locked. He had to stand in the downpour and fumble for his own keys. Ah-HA! It turned out to be a fun night after all! :-)

The kids and I went to the library this morning, although Joe was forbidden from checking out any books due to a bad attitude and talking back to his mother. I HATE punishing him like that! Reading is GOOD for him and I love it that he loves it--and it just seems wrong to take away his library privileges! But that's where it hurts, you know?! ~sigh~ I picked out a few extra books like I always do for the kids, but made sure to get a few things that would interest Joe. This way he still feels the punishment (since he wasn't able to select his own books), but he'll still have things lying around the house that he'll enjoy reading.

Katie got a book on Origami (is it supposed to be captitalized, Amy?!) and we practiced making paper boxes with lids and little butterflies and a party hat. It was fun! She also got a book on secret codes. (Actually, it's one that I picked out knowing Joe would enjoy it, but Katie nabbed it for her own.) She wrote me a note in Morse Code during quiet time today, then a code with pictures of flags that the British Royal Navy used to use or something like that. Cool!

We had left-overs for lunch. I got all of the ironing done. I read several more chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the kids. We had a good CPMA service. James and I watched a movie tonight. And now I'm blogging. A short, sweet little blog, it appears. I'm out of things to say! Isn't that GREAT?! It's just been a nice, regular day around here. I LOVE that I'm not swamped with other THINGS right now and I'm able to just be a regular wife and Mom and concentrate on doing things with the kids and taking care of the house. ~sigh~ Life is so grand! :-) Hopefully tomorrow will be more of the same. Until then... or later. You know me. ;-)


P.S. -- It's still raining. There's been TONS of thunder and lightning tonight. Sooooo cool! :-)

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"Strangely"??? How mysterious that the door slammed and locked just as your doting husband (who loves his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it) reached it. :-D Rain in the mountains--I LOVE it! And I miss it. Around here, rain just isn't the novelty that it is out there.
I wish I could say my ironing was all done. I wish I could say my ironing was STARTED! I've GOT to get on it today so I will have room for all the extra ironing that will be created from our trip this weekend.

Actually, *assuming a professor-like stance with fingertips lightly pressed together* the word origami, having come from Japan, should be italicized and not capitalized. That's what we do with words that were borrowed from a foreign language. (I would italicize it here, but I don't have a clue how to do that here in the comment frame.) :-@ ha!

Anyway, origami is great fun. Sister Ammons and I did some at camp last week with the kids. We were talking, you know, about being a peacemaker and so we taught the kids how to make the Japanese peace crane. Perhaps Katie would like to read the story of Sadako and the Thousand Cranes? (That too should be italicized, being the title of a book.)

Funny story about that door. Serves ya right, James!!!! ha ha ha I always said Becki was PERFECT for James, just what he needed. tee hee God knows.

I'll never forget when you two were courting and we went to Denny's one night. James blew his straw wrapper somewhere in the middle of the dining room and you made him go pick it up because you said the waitress shouldn't have to pick it up. ha!!! I knew then that the match was meant to be. Someone who'd hold him accountable to his shenanigans!!! ha ha ha

Shenanigans... and James... weird! He's really not much of a shenanigan kind of guy! HA! I'll have to remind him of the straw incident. He threatens our children with severe punishment if they blow their straw wrappers in a restaurant now. Oh, how soon we forget... Ha!

In any case, even though James isn't a shenanigan kind of guy, I certainly do my best to make him realize that he, too, is accountable for everything he would hold everybody else in the world accountable for. ;-)

That locking the door story was great. Your fortunate it turned out to be a "good" night. It very quickly could have gone the other way.
Like Amy said, God put you and James together. That is for sure.
I hope Mac is still alive.

If I woulda done that to Damon...shew, there would have been a wrestling match when he DID get in the door. hehe. Cept he wouldn't have put me out in the rain in the first place, awww..cus he was just that wonderful ;)

Wow! There is way too much to comment on...I've missed a lot in two weeks. I'm not even sure where to start.

The toad in the pond is way cool!

The playset is great too! Looks like the kids are enjoying it.

It's so nice that you get to stay home and be a wife and mother for a while. Cooking, cleaning and stuff! :-)

Oh, and your 4th of July pictures were great...looks like you guys had a really good time!

Guess that's all my commenting for now. ~~Later!~~