Just so ya' know...  

Posted by cokelady

I will be unbloggable for a few days. We're off to Colorado for the weekend and I am soooooo excited!!! James will be at Men's Retreat, so the kids and I are going to stay with Emilee and her kids... and Haley and her kids!!! That makes 10 kids vs. 3 adults, but we're not worried. We can take 'em. ;-) We really intend to lock all of the kids in the back yard or the basement (depending on the weather, probably) and have a grand Girl Party all weekend! Wa-Hoo!!! I just finished packing my party bag. Photo albums (Haley's request), girl movies, stuff to make spiced cider and flavored cocoas, a few games... I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I think the party bag is bigger than my suitcase--the one containing enough clothing for one adult and three children for 4 days! Ha! We're going to have a great time!!!
The kids are sooooo excited, too. They're packing their own party bags. Sam keeps picking up toys and talking about how much Luke will like them, so he's going to take them for Luke. A few for Caleb, too. But he made it very plain, "I'm not sharing with Abigail!!!" Don't know why, really. But Joe told me that Abbie really likes his lizards, so he's going to take some lizards for her. Ha!

Okay, gotta go. I've got sooooooo much to do. I had great expectations for today, but I've given up on most of them. I had hoped to get the kitchen floor scrubbed, as well as both bathrooms. HA. I've got to go clean out the van, pull it around back, load all of James' sound equipment into it, pull it back around front, load everything else up, finish up on the laundry and get the beds made, THEN see if I have time to get to work on the bathrooms or kitchen. I'm hoping to still get one or the other done. We'll see! At least I got all of the ironing finished up last night, so that feels good. We'll be leaving when James gets off work tonight and driving part way so he'll be able to make it to Retreat decently early tomorrow to get all his stuff set up. So that's the plan! Everybody have a great weekend!!! (Although I know none of yours will be half as fun and Emilee's and Haley's and mine! Tee! Hee!) Later!!!


The Best Day of My Life???  

Posted by cokelady

Very nearly. And have I mentioned lately how much I love Tom Tefertiller?!?!? What a guy!!! Best weatherman in the state--probably the world. ;-) But more about that later...

James and I woke up sometime before 7:00am and peeked outside. WHOA!!! I was in denial for several minutes, but it was really true: 5" of fresh, clean, beautiful snow!!! In west Texas!!!!!! God loves me soooooooo much!!!

When the kids finally woke up (seemed like it took hours!!!) we fed them some oatmeal while I shoveled the sidewalks out back. As soon as we could, we got everybody all bundled up and headed to the front yard. Tammy showed up about that time to play with us, so we set to work on our snowman. We worked long and hard (the snow wasn't wet enough to be able to roll, so that made it quite a challenge!) while getting pelted with snowballs from the boys. We were almost done when we decided to take the head and middle section off and start over. He just wasn't looking just right. I told Tammy that no more than we see snow around here we're going to do it right and have a snowman we could be proud of! So after building, dismantling, and rebuilding him, this is what we came up with. I've never been so happy to see a snowman in my whole life!!!

Here's a pic with the whole crowd. The boys were only minimal help, but Katie brought us shovelfull after shovelfull of snow so we could keep packing it on.

While we were building I noticed that the old man next door was raking the snow off of his driveway!!! I asked if I could shovel it for him or if he'd like to borrow our snow shovel. He thanked me, but declined. After a minute he looked at our shovel and said, "You brought that thing here from somewhere'st else." I laughed and told him I'd come from Colorado. In another minute or two he picked up the shovel and said, "I think I'll give this here thing a try. I've never used one before." Can you believe that?! This man has got to be 75 years old. Never used a snow shovel!!! I've never heard anything so tragic in my whole life. Pitiful!!!

Anyway, after an hour or two enjoying the wonders of winter (that are painfully rare in this little corner of the world) we came in to get warmed up.

James ordered pizza for us (what a guy!!! -- He had stayed home from work due to the snow, by the way) so we had a great lunch. Then I brought in the big bowls of snow that I'd set aside earlier and made some snow cream. It had been years since I'd made any (you can imagine) and I couldn't remember exactly how to do it. So I called HQ and asked for Dad. I never thought anything of it until James started cracking up. "You call General Headquarters and ask to speak to the General Overseer... to ask him how to make snow cream?!?!?" It never occured to me that everybody wasn't calling him and asking! Dad makes terrific snow cream. Relaying the recipe is a different matter. The instructions went something like this: "Well, let's see here... You take a whole slew of eggs--without the shells--whomp 'em up real good. And then you, uh... let's see... you use a can of some funny kind of milk and, um..." I finally said, "Thanks, Dad. I'll call Mom." She was much more helpful, I assure you, and the snow cream was delicious!!!

Afterwards we bundled the kids up again and sent them out back to play. Fun, fun, fun!!!

I came on in and sent some pictures to my Dad -- and a few to Tom Tefertiller. I was serious when I said last time that I had e-mailed him threatening to bring the kids down to his station and refuse to leave until he got us the snow he'd promised. He had written me back on Monday and said how very sorry he was for the lack of snow and the bad forecasting to go along with it. Said to not lose hope--we might get some snow that very night. (I, of course, chalked that up as another lie, but appreciated his apology nonetheless.) He begged us to please not come down and throw any mud balls at him.

So I felt I had to write back and let him know that he had gone from "scum of the earth" to "greatest guy in the world" because of those 5". (A good weatherman in my book is one who delivers snow, regardless of what he says should or shouldn't happen.) I sent him that picture of all of us with the snowman and the one of the kids making snow angels -- and one of my ruler buried in the snow all the way up to the 5" mark. :-)

After a while we brought the kids in and put them down for a nap, then Tammy and I sat in the den and played games by the fire. ~sigh~ Can it get any better?!?!? When the news came on at 4:00 we were sure to watch Tom Tefertiller. Not only did he deliver snow, but he put our picture on the news! Ha! How fun is that?! The only bad part is that the kids were down for their nap and missed it. It was on again on the 5:00 news, but the kids were outside playing again by then! Oh well. It was fun, nonetheless!

We had left-over pizza for dinner, then I made a run to the store before coming home and putting the kids to bed. Took a nice, hot shower, put on my flannel Coca-Cola nightgown, some fuzzy socks, and sipped on some hot cocoa--cherry vanilla flavored. Yum!!! ~long, satisfied sigh~ What a day!!! I tried to blog all of this last night, but kept getting errors. Weird. Anyway, here it all is! The snow is melting fast and by last night our snowman was leaning forward precariously--the big fall will happen sometime today. But it's still just so glorious that we actually had a snowman--in my front yard--in Andrews, Texas!!!! Wa-Hoooo!!!! Life is Grand and I am just soooooooooo, soooooooooo, sooooooooooo happy!!!!


Update: The snowman is no more. Some punk kid came and knocked him down. (I can tell because his remnants are not on the side he'd been leaning toward; they're on the opposite side.) No matter. It was still a grand and glorious day and no punk kid is going to be able to spoil it for me now!!! ;-)

Keep scrolling--there's more!

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More Wonderful Winter Pictures!  

Posted by cokelady

Sam coming to get me

Joe making a snowman of his own

Katie and her very first made-it-all-by-myself snowman

Hershey eating the raisins and cookies off of Katie's very first snowman! HA! I was cracking up!!! He knocked the head off of Joe's snowman to get at the goodies. Everybody's got a their job, right?! Hershey figured his out pretty quick. ;-)
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Better than nothing  

Posted by cokelady

...I guess. We did finally have a few flakes today. Nothing to write home about (although, isn't that what I'm doing right now?) and certainly not enough to make snow angels, a snowman, snow cream OR have a snowball fight with, but I guess it's better than none at all. I was thinking today about how much I've been robbed. If I had been oblivious to the news this past week and had never heard any of those lying weathermen and their faulty predictions of a foot of snow... If I would've just bumbled into the little bit of cold weather and dusting of snow on the ground, I would have been soooooooo excited and sooooooo very happy! But despite my best efforts to control my enthusiasm, I bought into their lies and had my heart set on real, true-blue SNOW. So when we did get a small (very small) taste of winter weather, did I enjoy it?! Noooooo! I paced the floor fuming and flailing my arms while hashing over once again the dopey weathermen and how they should all be fired, etc. I was robbed of being able to enjoy the "wintery mix" (a term I am SOOOOOOOO sick of hearing!) because I was banking on something more! Life is so not fair.

I was also thinking today about my rotten attitude and how I really should be thankful for what we have... and if I was one of my children how I would quickly remedy the complaints and hostilities I was displaying. Ugh. It's always so bad when you realize that you're being bad. Worse yet when you struggle to straighten up after the realization!

I did my best, though, and in the end I did enjoy what cool weather we got and the flurries that are so rare down here. (Not as much as I would've enjoyed real snow, but... HA!) The kids went out and played for quite a while and they don't seem to know the difference between real snow and what we get down here in Texas. I should never tell them any different, I suppose. Then they won't struggle with thankfulness like their mother!

NOTE: Please excuse the pink and purple gloves on my boys. They were not happy about having to wear them, but it's all we had! We bought the two-pack for Katie last year (or was it two years ago?) and a two-pack of black and blue ones for the boys. They, of course, have never been used before and somehow the boys' gloves have been lost. They weren't very happy about the sissy colors, but were glad to have gloves of some kind. Sam even told me, "Mom, these are girly gloves... but I like 'em." So sad!

The ice on one of our trees in the back yard.

Let's see... what else did we do today? Nothing much, really. Played outside with the kid-o's, then went to Aunt Sue's store to pick out some Spatterware since she's not going to be carrying it anymore (yikes!), then James took us out for lunch. It was fun! We came home and the kids played out back a while longer, then watched the Jack Elam scenes from Hawmps while I made some chocolate chip cookies. It was their first time ever seeing any of that movie and I thought they'd never stop laughing. It's right down their alley, especially the boys. A cowboy--a bad guy, no less--lots of guns and lots of craziness. It's especially hilarious to hear your 4 year old in the other room saying to his siblings, "I'm loose! I'm ready! I'm walkin' death and destruction!!!" Ha!

Well, that's it for the night. I'll follow up with some more snow (I wish) pictures for you, so keep scrolling down. Hope you all had a great day and have good church services tomorrow!


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Icy Shots  

Posted by cokelady

Despite my disgust over not having any real snow, I was amazed at how pretty all of the ice was. This isn't the sort of weather we ever had in Colorado. Naturally, I would greatly prefer the stuff you can play in, but there's no denying that the ice adds a beauty all it's own.

These two shots were taken in our back yard.

Oddly enough, some of the trees in town still haven't lost their leaves. I never would've imagined a tree still bearing the colors of fall also dripping with icicles! Bizarre.

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More Pictures  

Posted by cokelady

I just thought this looked pretty cool. All of the signs in town had terrific icicles.
The kids had a great time snapping icicles ("popcicles") off of the rose bush in the back yard and eating them. Strange.

And this is Sam. He spent most of his time under the steady drip from the gutter. (Notice the "2-6 inches" of snow in the background. Ggrrr.) He "took a shower" for quite a while, then decided he was thirsty.

And this is Sam after just a few more minutes under the "shower." I'm not sure what turned the experience from exhilerating to devastating, but the switch was quite apparent. The picture doesn't show it well--especially since he had cold drips from the gutter water still streaming down his face--but he had little tears flowing right along side! Sooooooo pitiful. Ha! You gotta love 'em!
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Posted by cokelady

Well, today went just as scheduled. All except for the SNOW, that is. That's right, folks, we've got NO snow. None whatsoever. Those dippy weathermen were forecasting 2-6" (Channel 9) or 6-12" (Channel 7.) NONE. Not a single flake. We woke up to a sloppy, soggy, muddy world today. Not that I'm bitter or anything. I will tell you this, though--if we go another two or three days with no accumulation I'm going to bundle all of the kids up in their hats and scarves and mittens and hoof it town there to Tom Tefertiller's weather lab (really, that's his name--Katie is in love with good ole' Tom) and tell him that he promised us snow and we're not leaving until he makes good on it. Jerk.

No matter. We had a good day in spite of our lying meteorologists. I called Tammy first thing and told her to get over here and we'd just pretend it was a grand and glorious snow day. So she came and we did devotions with the kids, then sat down and watched a great chick flick (thanks for sending it, Melissa--I really liked it!), then played games for most of the afternoon. We had chowder for lunch and sipped hot cocoa. The only thing we didn't get to do was the snow angels. And snowball fight. And snowman! And snow cream!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, TOM!!!

Speaking of Tom, I was watching earlier today and he had the nerve to say that we might get a whole 3/4" of snow overnight tonight. 3/4"!!! Can you believe that?! The guy ought to be drug out to the street and shot. If that's the best he can do (which would, I concede, be better than he's done so far) he ought to invest in a snow machine. Jerk. Did I already say that? Strange. I always really liked Tom Tefertiller before today. He always seemed so nice. We even met him at Pets-Mart once several months ago. Katie insisted on talking with him and giving him several hugs. He told us to stop by the station some time to say hello and watch a newcast. We may just do that. Tomorrow. It won't be the friendly visit he was expecting, I assure you. Jerk.

James is actually in there listening to the latest hogwash. I told him I was DONE with the news. At least the weather segment. I don't even want to know what they're saying now. I just know I'm ready to take a vacation. To Siberia. But for now I'm just going to go curl up with a blanket and a book and pretend again that it's wintertime out there. *sigh* I am thankful that at least I have a decent imagination. I don't even want to think of how miserable life would be if I didn't have that much. What with no SNOW or anything.


P.S. -- I just finished sending an e-mail to Mr. Tom Tefertiller at News West 9 warning him of his upcoming visit if he doesn't deliver on his predictions. That'll teach him.

Nothing Fun  

Posted by cokelady

No, really. Don't get your hopes up for some grand and glorious kid story--I don't have any tonight. I know that I've laughed a lot at them today, but can't seem to recall anything specific. It just seemed like it was time to blog again, so here I am!

Something I've been failing to report is the discovery of a Home School Group here in Andrews, Texas! WHOA!!! I've tried to find out if there was such a thing several times, but to no avail. Then last month I bumped into a lady at the library who happens to head up a group here in town! I think there are nine families involved at this point. Last week was our first outing with them and it was great! We went on a field trip to tour a candy factory down in Midland. Very interesting! And they have all of their offices set up like an old western street--the jail, the saloon, etc., so Joe thought it was terrific. The free samples were great, too. ;-) Most of the families seem really nice.

This past Tuesday was Mom's Night Out for the group. James was working the late shift at Mardel, so Tammy offered to watch the kids for me so I could go. (What a friend!) It was just me and Sara (the leader) and another lady named Angela who I REALLY like. I've really been praying for God to give me some open doors in the are and I'm excited at the thought of having contact with some PEOPLE other than church folks! These ladies are sooooooo nice and we already have so much in common. (The reasons why a lot of folks homeschool their kids are similar and usually spill over into other areas of their lives as well.) It's refreshing to visit with people who don't think you're loony for wanting to keep your kids at home with you! Anyway, they seem like really nice ladies and seem to be so very sincere in their desire to please the Lord. I'm praying that God can somehow use me to be a blessing to them. There is more out there for them and their families than just "the kingdom" and I want to be a good representation of what they have yet to discover!

Along those same lines, James has had some very interesting talks with his boss at Mardel lately. He and his family, too, share a great many of our same feelings and convictions and Brian (the boss) told James the other day that he doesn't know when he's ever met anyone so "like minded" before. He said he's pretty sure he and his family would be attending our Church right now instead of the Assembly of God... if it weren't all the way over in Andrews! (Mardel is in Midland, 35 or 40 miles away.) He's asked James LOTS of questions and seems to really be searching right now. Say a prayer for him, please! I was thinking the other day... Wouldn't it be just like God to bring us to a place where James would be required to get a secular job--so that He could open some doors and give some "ripe" people the opportunity to discover The Church of God?!

In other news, we had SNOW yesterday!!! Not really, but for around here, that's what they called it. I would call it a "heavy dusting." Nonetheless, you would've thought we got 3' of it, the way the kids carried on. I got them all bundled up and we all went out and tried to play in it for a while. Joe slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk at least 8 times. He insisted on wearing his cowboy boots. (My children have never owned snow boots.) I was scraping what snow I could off the sidewalk to try to make a few snowballs for them. They were loving it and stayed outside for the longest time. Pitiful, I know! My kids don't even know what a real snow really is! But...

They are actually forecasting SNOW for tonight!!! One station says 2-6" and the other station says 6-12". I'm hanin' with the big snow people!!! ;-) Actually, I'm trying to be very, very careful to not get my hopes up at all. It wouldn't totally shock me to wake up to nothing but some sleet and a lot of mud tomorrow. It just doesn't SNOW here, you know?! But if it DOES happen to snow, I've got my plan all worked out. First of all, Tammy is coming over!!! We'll go out and play with the kids for a while--make snow angels, the biggest snowman we can, and have a grand snowball fight. Then we'll come in and warm up by a nice, cozy fire. We'll drink hot cocoa or spiced cider and have corn chowder or ham and beans for lunch. We'll play games, maybe watch a girl movie and otherwise just celebrate the grand occassion! You know what would make it too good to be true? Getting enough snow to make snow cream! I don't think my kids have ever even tasted it before. CRAZY. So tonight (although I just stepped outside and it's completely dry and doesn't even feel very cold) I'm PRAYING for snow!!! God knows how much we need it. ;-)

Okay, gotta go. Maybe next time you hear from me I'll have some wonderful snow stories to share! Wouldn't that be something?! Easy, Bec, ... you're getting excited again... down, girl. *sigh* G'night all!



Posted by cokelady

Howdy, y'all!!! A big, hearty thank you to Miss Jenna for being so kind as to whip up a good 'ole West Texas blog for me! Sadly, I have no time to write anything new. I have been neglecting my real life long enough already! The whole morning has been snatched away from me and I'm bound to lose the afternoon as well if I don't get back to work. That's okay. I really just wanted to say, GREAT TEMPLATE, HU?! I love it!!! Thanks again, Jenna!!!


P.S. -- Ah, yes. Couple things. First of all, we're going to have to do some tweeking to get rid of that GIGANTIC profile picture that's throwing the whole page out of whack! Ha! I need to change the pic anyway--it's over a year old now.

Also, the song you hear playing is the one my Granddaddy used to sing to my Grandmother. Embarrassed her to death. It's "Waltz Across Texas," for you poor souls who are unfortunate enough to not know that already. ;-)

The Book of Blog  

Posted by cokelady

Sounds absurd, no? I agree. Nonetheless, I have just that sitting in a 78 page stack on my desk. I have finally come to accept the fact that I am a complete failure at keeping a diary. I’ve tried for years—ever since I was 10 years old or so. The first several years were sporadic to say the least (just like all of the years since then) and were either thrown away or burned when I was about 15 years old. At that extremely mature age (ha) I was mortified to go back and read the things (and guys) I had been interested in while still a mere child. (Again, HA!) I still have diaries from my teen years, but there are gaps of months—even years, in some cases—where there are no entries whatsoever. I realize that the loss of my personal history is no great blow to the rest of the world, but it always seems sad to me that I can’t remember so many of the things that have happened throughout the years, and my thoughts and feelings about them.

My failure to record the events in my own life has now transferred over to my children’s lives. That is, I am a total failure at the baby book thing. I did pretty well with Katie’s book that first year, but was already beginning to fall apart by her first birthday. Joe has no book at all and Sam only has a calendar that Auntie Em made for him—that still doesn’t have any pictures in it. I just can’t seem to make myself sit down do those things like I should!

I have, however, found something that I am successful at: blogging! Before you start throwing things, let me admit that I’m not completely successful at it. But when compared to my ability to keep a diary, I’m a gold medal winner in the universe of blog. The difference: a keyboard vs. pen and paper. I type soooooo much faster than I write. And as is being proven in this very post (!), I find myself recording every last detail, even the unnecessary ones, and it’s overwhelming to think of writing it all out by hand. SO…

In glancing back over some of my previous blogs a few days ago I began to realize that this is my diary. This is, in a sense, the story of my life this past year. And what a year it has been! True, due to the public nature of a blog I’m not at liberty to share quite as freely the details of certain things or my deepest feelings about them, but still—it’s better than nothing at all! The most important things that I want to remember are all of the crazy things my kids do from day to day. Those things never make it into my “real” diary because I just can’t write that much! But some day, I’ll look back at the stories of the weird and outlandish things the kids did “way back in 2006” and will laugh heartily. And cry, I’m sure.

Thus, Becki’s Book of Blog, 2006! James just stared at me, slightly grinning, when I told him. Just wait ‘til he gets home and sees I’ve printed out 78 pages of it. I could tell he thought I was nuts, but I insisted, “One day you’ll be glad I did this!” I hope!!!

Can’t leave without at least one kid story for the day, right? How ‘bout the latest from Joe. We’ve been having some issues with him lately and I’m certainly open to suggestions! There’s a definite power struggle going on and he’s displaying that guy thing—the will to dominate something. It will NOT be his mother, but he’s still testing the waters. A few days ago he was being too rowdy and I told him to go sit down for a few minutes. He obeyed, but there was a notebook and pen by the chair and in a minute or two he was looking at me snidely and saying, “Heh, heh, heh,” like he always does when he’s got the upper hand. I asked what he was doing and he whipped his notebook out and showed me what he had been drawing: a picture of me in jail. What is the proper way of handling this?!?!? I don’t want to overreact to stupid little things, but I can’t let the kid get away with “winning” when I’m trying to discipline or train him, you know?! I didn’t feel it was worthy of a spanking, but didn’t feel like I could just let him sit there and draw pictures of what he would really love to actually do to his mother at the moment! So I told him he’d have to stay in the chair until he could draw a nice picture of Mom. It took three or four more pictures of me in jail before he finally broke. In a defeated voice he finally called to me and said he’d drawn another picture. This one was a picture of him opening the jail door and letting me out. *sigh* That kid wears me out!

Just a few minutes ago I told the kids to clean the house in a certain amount of time. Joe fiddled around for a couple of minutes, then asked if I was going to spank them if they didn’t get it done on time. “Certainly,” I said. So he hollers to Katie, “Mom’s spanking us if we don’t get it clean, Katie.” Then, under his breath he muttered, “Mean old Mom.” !!! He only thinks I’m mean now!

Okay, I know, I know. WAY, WAY, WAY to long—just to tell you all that I have booked my blog! My apologies. Here, I’ll add a link to one of those dumb quiz things that everybody else is doing. I made this up several days ago and can’t remember a single thing on it. Anyway, here ‘tis:


Talk to you later!!!



Posted by cokelady

Okay, I'm going nuts, are you??? I've been putting off this blogging thing far too long. There are several reasons, none of them very good, I'm afraid. First of all, I've got my team (Team Jenna, that is) working on a new template for me and--due to some Internet problems in West Texas--we've had a hard time communicating, thus delaying the appearance of the new look. I've been waiting to blog until the new template was up because this one is just so Christmassy. It's grand, true, but it just can't work anymore. (There are, by the way, some new Christmas pictures just below this post, so be sure to scroll down.) That's lame excuse #1 for my having not blogged.

Lame excuse #2: I didn't wanna.

Only good and reasonable excuse: I've been a very good and diligent wife and have been working far too hard to sit around doing frivolous things such as blog. No, really! It's true! January is always the big CLEAN IT ALL time for me. When the Christmas stuff comes down, I go nuts cleaning every inch of everything before the regular stuff goes back up. You may think I'm exaggerating, but truthfully it goes like this: you start at the ceiling fan (which only gets cleaned once or twice a year around here), then you sweep the cobwebs off the ceiling, then the walls, then you clean, scrub or dust in, on, around, and under everything in the whole room, every tiny little knick-knack and beyond. I wash all of the doilies and greenery and such. I even managed to pull the piano away from the wall this time to clean behind and under it! It's usually the one thing that stands its ground. (I've tried several times, but have been unable to budge it. This time I just kept on grunting and groaning and pushing and prying and trying different bodily contortions until I was finally able to wedge it out of there. Wa-Hoo! Yea, me!!!) All of the wood has been treated, the furniture well vacuumed and emptied of all loose change and small toys. Every inch of the living room is spotless, from the ceiling fan right down to the baseboards, and everything in between. *long, satisfied sigh* Ah yes, 'tis a glorious feeling. Of course, that was last week. Living in west Texas, the whole room is quite dusty again now. Somehow, just knowing how hard I worked on it makes it still feel clean, so I'll settle for that.

After the living room, I moved the big cleaning project to the den. Then to the kitchen. Then I took a day or two and did the big sorting and purging of the kids' toys. After Christmas there was just no room to put anything away anymore. (Some grandparents really should be banned from participating in Christmas. They go totally haywire and lose all good sense, piling up more loot than a kid could ever hope to use before they outgrow it.) Then it was on to my office. I just finished this room up this evening. It looks terrific! All except the ceiling fan. Forgot to do that one. But it's too late now! If I were to try to clean it now all of the dust and grime would fall down all over the rest of my freshly cleaned room. So I guess the fan will just have to wait until the next cleaning spree. It's really the only reasonable way to do things. *wink*

Are you bored yet? I am. There's just nothing all that thrilling about cleaning. In fact, the only entertaining thing to go on around here has been the comic relief I receive from my kids throughout the day...

The other day we were all sitting at the table and Joe was absentmindedly nibbling on his toast. He glanced down at it and was shocked at what he saw. "Hey, Mom! My toast looks like Virginia!!!" Strange thing for a 4 year old to say. Stranger yet: he was right--his toast was in the perfect shape of Virginia. Strangest of all: he knew it. Katie wasn't to be outdone, so she began nibbling away at her own toast. "Look, Mom! I made Tennessee!" Did a pretty good job of it, too. Forming states out of their food has been a regular mealtime activity since that day. It got me to wondering if other children out there spend the lunch hour whittling away with their teeth in an attempt to create the shape of Texas out of their sandwiches. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Texas toast," hu?! (Ba-dum-bum-ching! Sorry, couldn't pass that one up!)

The kids helped me make cinnamon rolls a few days ago. Whoever said that letting your kids help with such things will save you time in the long run (because they'll learn helpful skills earlier on, blah, blah, blah) was out of their gourd. I do my best to include the kids in things like this, but I must confess that it's often because I know I should include them, not because I want to. While I was rolling out the dough Katie started saying, "Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!" and running in circles to an unknown destination. She finally found what she was looking for: the napkins. She had to sneeze and knew that if she sneezed into her hands I would make her go wash them... for the 8th time. So she picked up the entire stack of napkins and sneezed into them, rather than just the top one. I was trying to not overreact to that when I turned around to see Joe running the rolling pin up and down his forehead. "JOE!!!! What are you doing?!?!?! Give me that rolling pin! I'll take care of that, you go wash up again..." That's when I noticed Sam, who had both fists full of my freshly rolled out dough. I was about to tell him to unhand the dough before I broke his precious little fingers when I saw Joe (on his way to wash up) step on one of the plastic placemats that had been dropped on the floor and *whoosh* his boot went straight up in the air in front of him and he landed flat on his back with a mighty thud. Mind you, all of this happened in the span of about 30 seconds. What had begun building as frustration in me suddenly came out in the form of teary laughter and I suddenly realized that, yes, indeed, it is absolutely more fun to make cinnamon rolls with the kids than without them. It is NOT easier. But it is certainly more fun. And that makes it worth it all. And somehow, the cinnamon rolls turned out perfect!

Katie has had a particularly clumsy week, even for her. There was one day that seemed to be especially bad. She tripped over the same 4" step from the den into the living room numerous times, each incident ending with a long and lanky girl lying spread eagle in one room or the other. (We've lived here for 3 and a half years; you'd think at some point she'd learn to look out for her usual danger zones.) Same thing happened on the kitchen floor once that day, too--and there's no step there. She hurt her knee doing something or another and who knows what else. Then she and Joe were playing in the utility room (don't ask--I don't know why) and I heard a bad scream. Katie screams frequently and I've learned to judge the differences in tone and pitch pretty well. There's the "Hey, you took my toy" scream. Then there's the, "Ouch, I just did something painful" scream. There's the "I'm just crabby and need a good spankin' and maybe a nap, too" scream. And so on. The scream I heard in this particular incident was an "I'm REALLY hurting this time" scream. I could tell it was the real deal and was going to check on her when she suddenly came flying through the room--I mean right through, and kept on going--wailing all the way. She made another appearance and departure before I could even get my first words out. She continued her running and jumping and screaming and pretty soon I had joined in on the screaming part: "KATIE!!! Come in here and tell me--or at least show me!--what is wrong!!!!" "I ca-a-a-a-a-a-a-an't!" said the blur as it passed once more. I kept yelling at her to come to me and she just kept sailing through the room at warp speed saying "I can't!!!! It hu-u-u-u-u-u-u-urts!!!!!," her voice trailing behind her speeding body. I began to wonder if something might be broken or perhaps even severed--though obviously not a leg. It seemed like a long time (although it retrospect it was probably 20 seconds or less) until she was finally able to come to me and show me the fingers that had been smashed in the hinge side of a closing door. (No serious injuries, in case you're wondering.) The whole ordeal was frustrating, a little frightening to begin with, and all-in-all quite fascinating. I just kept wondering... What must it be like to have absolutely no control whatsoever over one's own body? I don't think I've ever experienced that before. Is it something that training can cure?! If so, how do you set up that training session??? I would really like to be able to help this child out, but there are so many times when I find myself shaking my head and shrugging my shoulders. I don't have a clue what to do with her! Help???

Then there's Sam. I was making lunch the other day and turned around to find him down on his hands and knees, licking the kitchen floor. "Sam!!!" I said, "What are you doing?!?!?" His expression showed a little confusion and a twinge of annoyance as he replied, "I spilled my juice." He was looking at me like I was some kind of a freak for asking such a dumb question--wasn't it obvious?!

*sigh* So the big question of the day is... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?!? I'm raising a bunch of little hoodlums who seem to think I'm weird for not understanding when they lose any and all self-control of their own person--or lick their juice up off the floor. ?! I'm doing the work--really! I'm not a slacker!!! I'm really, really, really trying to make decent human beings out of these kids, but I think they're about to whip me. They probably have secret meetings during nap time, planning their next strategic maneuver. "Okay, Joe--it's your turn. Maybe you should tie your bedsheet to the ceiling fan and..." All in an attempt to make Mama snap and end up in the loony bin so they can have free reign of the house.

It's late and I'm bushed. All the more after recounting the events of the past few days. I think I'm going to bed. Right after I go check on those little angels of mine... and make sure they're securely hand-cuffed to their beds until morning! HA!


Christmas Pictures  

Posted by cokelady

The kids making sure Granddaddy gets his exercise

Joe received every weapon known to man for Christmas: swords, guns, knives, bow and arrows--you name it. I, personally, think that a cowboy hat, a gladiator breastplate and a bow & arrow are a bit of a strange combination, but not Joe. He loves it all, together or seperate. In the end, though, he always goes back to the cowboy stuff. He did tell me today, however, that he wants to be a pirate when he grows up. That's a new one around here.

This is Sammy, sharing his Christmas candy with Grandma. I think.

This was Dad's gift to Mom: a picture of their new house, with the key taped to the frame. (The frame that really belonged to us and we made Mom give it back. It holds the picture of Paladen for the boys' room--they'd die if Grandma took it away! Ha!)
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A Few More Christmas Pictures  

Posted by cokelady

This is a picture of Sam with Joe's new sword... and his first victim: the orange he got in his stocking.

Happy Siblings!

Katie in the new dress Grandma Vicki made for her

The boys in their new suits from Grandma Wanda
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An Important Announcement from NARR  

Posted by cokelady

That’s right, folks, it’s that time of year again! The time when the Neighborhood Association of Rules and Regulations here in Blogville takes time to recognize that one-in-a-million blogger with the worst track record of consistent blogs throughout the year. The Association has put much time and contemplation into this year’s award before making its decision, but feels confident that they have come to the only right conclusion. Without further ado, we hereby state that
The Worst Blogger of the Year Award
goes to…
Lyndi Cabales
of Springfield, Oregon!!!
That’s right folks, we have a winner (or a loser?) on our hands! Our very own Lyndi Cabales has run away with the most un-coveted award of the year!!! This was, the board admits, a difficult decision. Mrs. Cabales only moved into Blogville this past August. Never before has this award gone to one who has not resided here for the entire duration of the year (actually, never before has this award gone to anyone—but no matter…), however, Mrs. Cabales has made such a strong impression through her ability to write phenomenal and side-splitting posts that everybody awaits with great anticipation—only to delay herself for months before posting once again—that even considering her short abode here in Blogland, it just wouldn’t seem right to give the award to anyone else. So congratulations, Lyndi! You are hereby named Worst Blogger of 2006!!! You worked hard for it and it has not gone without notice.

(Would somebody please call Lyndi and make her check the blogs to be sure she’ll even see this? Thank you.)

You’re all welcome to post your words of congratulations (or rebuke) here at this time. Thank you all for your participation and, most of all, for being better bloggers than Lyndi.

This is an official statement from NARR. Be it known that the Chairman of the Board has, herself, been so swamped in judging everybody else and their failures to properly blog that she has not found time to do much of it herself lately. This is, of course, completely acceptable for the Chairman (and the Chairman alone) and is covered on page 438, section 5, paragraph 2 of the NARR handbook. Don’t ask for a copy—they are currently out of print.