James Met a Star!!!  

Posted by cokelady

Look!!! It's the Sonic guy!!! Sam & Tammy met him last year on the 4th of July and he and his wife are back in town again. (She's from Andrews originally.) We went to Tortas y Mas to grab a bite to eat after church tonight and, lo and behold, walking up to the restaurant out of the darkness comes a celebrity!!! Ha! James was so excited. Made me go to the van and get the camera so he could have his picture taken with "The Sonic Guy," Peter Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is.

Jenna, if you read this, James said to tell you that it was MUCH more exciting than meeting Elton John! Ha! James is sure of it, anyway. :-)

The kids didn't recognize Sonic Guy at first (he's sporting a beard right now and it throws you off a little bit), but when I told them who he was they were sooooo excited--especially Katie. She asked if she could have her picture taken with him, too.

I tell ya', the greatest, wackiest, craziest, funnest, weirdest, scariest or whatever-est things happen when you're with Sam & Tammy. Never a dull moment, that's for sure. This is much better than last time we were here and the cops were across the street arresting their neighbor. Ha!

Ah yes, James said to be sure and tell you all that Sonic Guy is going to be shooting some new commercials next week. For those of you lucky enough to be in Sonic country, keep your eyes peeled for 'em. ;-)

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How cool! Just think!...the Sonic guy got to have his picture taken with James and the kids!!! What an honor! ;-)

HA! I just noticed the lady in the background, with the tattoo on her arm, she's wearing a John Deere dress! What a combination! It just seems weird that a tattoo lady would wear a John Deere anything, let alone a dress!

Hey, I like john deere and I have not tattoos but I do wear dresses ;) hehe.

Ahhh, sonic, sweet sonic. Just think Becki I have both sonic and arctic circle. *innocent smile*

Ha! The girl in the John Deere dress is actually Sonic Guy's wife! She's the one from Andrews--and she's really, really nice, too. They've got to get so tired of nerds like us asking for pictures! Ha!

Kasey, I'm beginning to wonder if you're friend or foe... ;-)

You should show that picture to Stacey--she may know who the girl is. Maybe she went to school with her?

We might not be blessed to live in Sonic Country, but we still get teased by the commericials, which I think is just WRONG! Why do they show commercials of business that aren't even in your area?

We get teased by the commericals as well so mean :-P

Tell Bro. James I agree 100% !!I'd have my picture taken with Sonic Guy any day over Elton John.

The one with the kids is so cute the guy genuinly looks happy to be having his picture taken :-)

Mom--Stacey doesn't know them. The Sonic Guy is only 3 years older than I am! WEIRD!!!

Sister Tammi--I agree. It's cruel and unusual punishment to have to see Sonic commercials when there is no way to acquire the goods. Somebody should be fired. But not Sonic Guy! Ha!

Jenna--I'm not even SURE I would know Elton John if I saw him. But I knew Sonic Guy immediately! That oughtta tell ya' something! Ha! And you're right, he does look happy in the kid picture. I love it! Almost as happy as James looks in HIS picture with the dude! ;-)

Where we live now is NOT Sonic country ... and here's the proof: Just a couple of weeks ago when we first moved here, we were going to the bank to add my name to the checking account Anthony opened and there we came upon this LONG line of cars, which we naturally assumed had formed due to an accident or something of some nature. But about halfway into the line and around 5-8 minutes later, we see a sign that says "Sonic Right Lane". We were both quite confused. I offered the suggestion that maybe they were having some sort of unreal promotion at Sonic, like an entire free meal for the first 100 customers or something. Then we saw this kid with a headset STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD near the front of the line right before the entrance to Sonic taking orders. Crazy. We finally were able to get into the left lane and and were able to get to the bank where we were informed by the guy at the bank that it was the first Sonic opened in the area ever. He said people were waiting up to two hours to get into Sonic and order. !!!!!! CRAZY!!!! Where we lived before there were Sonics every few miles. I mean, it's pretty good stuff, but I can't imagine waiting two hours for a burger.

I ought to copy and paste this as a post on my blog!!! ha!!!!

Yes, you should! Ha! You're right--that's CRAZY. Who would wait in line for 2 hours for a burger?! NOT ME! I would, however, wait in line for 2 hours for a Frito Wrap and a Cherry Limeade with extra cherry flavoring--especially if I had suffered through months and months of withdrawal. ;-)

I just reread my earlier comment and laughed at my horrible sentence structure. I'm still suffering from sleep deprivation from our camp/convention weekend.

I think I will copy/paste it ... after I edit it some.

Yeah, those Frito Wraps are yummy. And cherry limeades are my favorite drink from Sonic. I always ask for extra cherries instead of the juice.