~whew~ What a Day  

Posted by cokelady

Yesterday, that is. It started out normal enough. Eggs and toast for breakfast, then devotions with the kids. We were just getting ready to head to the office for school when James came strolling through the front door with a whole bunch of little flowers to plant in the backyard! Wow! That's great! That's terrible! What do I do?! We've been doing some work on the yard here and there trying to get it looking nice and we've been discussing these flowers for some time, but it's scary that we're actually doing it. I keep telling James not to yell at me when they die. I've never grown anything before and I'm completely panicked about going to all of this time and work only to have a pile of deadness a week from now. He says it's easy, just keep them watered. I say sure, right, no problem--I do well to remember to feed my children. You can ask Mom how good I am about tending to plants. Every time she and Dad would take a trip without me she'd come home to several brown, crunchy looking leaves where once there was plush, green foliage.

Anyway, we headed out back and got to work. This is the long row we planted. There's also a shorter row on the other side of the office, but truthfully they looked too bad to take a picture of! Even some of these are hurting.

All of the big floppy flowers are doing just that--flopping big. Like...laying down and settling in for a nice, long nap. I didn't take any close-ups of them, but here are a few of the others. (I figured I should take pictures quick, before it's too late!) I call this the Happy Yellow Flower.

And this is the Look Like the Happy Yellow Flower, But Have a Nifty Two-Tone Thing Going On Flower.

(Marigolds, right?)

This is a cute little Look Like a Squatty, Little Gold Daisy Kind of Thing Flower.

After we planted everything we got cleaned up (kind of) and headed to Odessa in search of the rose bushes we were needing to line the other back wall of the house. We also bought a 5 gallon bucket of paint to be used next week out back. Ugh. Oh, how I dread that job! Anyway, here are the hanging flowers we got for out front. This one is sooooo cool! You can't really tell in the picture, but those blue flowers look incandescent--almost like the color you'd see on a brilliant saltwater fish.

These are some big, floppy flowers that were already planted and therefore didn't feel the need for a nap. :-)

We headed back to Andrews and went to pick up our rose bushes. We decided on a purplish kind of one, a traditional red one, a really pretty funky yellow and orange blended one, and a plain yellow one. But they didn't have any yellow ones, so we'll have to pick one of those up somewhere else. Gotta have yellow. It's the whole "yellow rose of Texas" thing--it would be wrong not to have yellow.

Anyway, the bushes we got only have one tiny little bloom apiece right now, but here are a couple of them. The purply one...

And the really funky yellow-orange blend thingie.

Neat, hu? When we finally got back from all of our running around we went out back to plant the rose bushes. It was more fun than planting the flowers because I made James buy me some bright green gingham garden gloves. It's a lot more fun to do such things if you've got fun gloves. :-)

Then we went out front and cleaned some nastiness out of the flower bed up there. The kids got to play with waterguns and a bucket and such the whole time, so they were good and muddied up by the time we were all done at 7:00. I took them in the house and showered them down before they got into their PJ's, then they had cereal for dinner. Isn't that great??? I talked to another mom yesterday and she asked what we were having for dinner. I told her we were having pork chops and she laughed and said, "You are such a better Mom and me--we're having hot dogs and macaroni and cheese!" Then it was my turn to laugh. You think we have pork chops every night?! Probably the only reason we did is because of all of the pitiful dinners we've been having--the guilt finally took over and forced me to cook a decent meal for my family. Anyway, after the long day we had there was no chance for a homecooked meal--even taking the time to make sandwiches--so cereal it was. After the kids were in bed and we were all showered up ourselves, James went and picked up a Frito Wrap and Cherry-limeade for me and some Chinese for himself. :-)

Anyway, it was quite a day! I'm loving the flowers--it's such an improvement over the dirt and rocks that were there before. I'm still nervous, however, and hoping beyond hope that they'll live. I'm not getting too attached to the lazy, like-to-lay down kind, though. Don't want to set myself up for heartache. ;-)

Oh yeah, here's the skirt that I made for Katie a few days ago--and her new bike. Not the greatest picture of Katie or the skirt, but the bike looks good!

Okay, I'd best get going. Lots to do today. I just figured I'd blog before I hear any more about being the bad blogger daughter and all that. If I had a new blog and a new camera I'm sure I'd be blog happy too, you know! ;-) Love you all--talk to you soon!


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The flowers are so pretty. I hope they survive for you. I have a brown thumb too, so I know the feeling of wanting to plant something really pretty and HOPING that they survive, but knowing that I will probably kill them in the end. ~smile~

Beautiful flowers. I would love to plant flowers in our yard, but I'm the same way I'm not very good with plants, although I can say that the peace lilies that I got from my aunts funeral almost 3 years ago and one from one our former church members husband about the same time are still living they look pretty good. I'm so proud of myself for keeping them alive for this long. Cute skirt I have one that looks alot like that one.

So .... ummm .... when did school happen yesterday??? hmmm????

Just teasing. tee hee hee

Cute skirt. Good job, Becki.

just dont over water them, and they should be fine. Although, you are in texas, so i don't know that you could really over water anything. :) Over watering or under watering can kill. Water with caution ;)

The only plants I've never killed was a cactus and a shrub. :( Well except the plant in my office. If you don't water it, it will let you know by drooping all the way to the floor. When you water it, it will stand back up. It's nice to have a plant tell you when it's thirsty :)

They were learning "horticulture" for homeschool that day ;)

They are so pretty. I know how you feel though. I have a knack for killing plants. It's amazing. I think that they are allergic to me or something.

The flowers are beautiful. You guys did a good job picking them out and planting them. ~smile~
That skirt is so cute. You did a great job.

I'm so proud of you! Keeping plants alive in the arid west is a challenge, but if OTHER people can do it, so can you. Hmmm. But what about Camp and Convention? Who will water them then? It's not easy to be in TCOG and be a good gardener in the west!

Love the flowers. The orange rose is beautiful.