
Posted by cokelady

I think that's what we have here. I wasn't being vague in my last post for the sake of cruelty, I was being vague for the sake of discretion! I was trying to be careful about what I said--I don't ever want to speak ill of anybody or say something that would negatively affect somebody's view of somebody else. But apparently I have whetted the curious appetites of some of the blogging crowd out there! In reviewing the situation, none of my blogging buddies have ever, or probably will ever, meet the parties in question and the chances of the people themselves actually reading my blog are about one in a billion... So let's throw caution to the wind and blurt out all the gory details!!! Ha!

Actually, I don't know that there's really all that much to tell. It's much, much more what I felt than what I experienced. I met a couple, Bobby and Betty, we'll call them. They were rather dirty and unkempt in appearance and just seemed to be the kind of people who have a pretty rough lifestyle. We shook hands and introduced ourselves and spoke with them for a few minutes. Betty just looks sad and miserable, her face drooping down into a permanant frown--and she rarely if ever makes eye contact; just keeps her face to the ground. She reeks of smoke. Bobby, on the other hand, has plenty to say--all of it very strange. He was thanking us for helping out a family member of his and saying how much he appreciated us and how he liked us so much (this was our first meeting with him) and how he likes everybody "who likes 'The Big Guy'," referring to God. He then pointed to a red rubberband he had on his wrist and began explaining how it is his "cussing band" or something like that. It's supposed to remind him to watch his language and any time he slips up and says something he shouldn't, he grabs the band and gives his wrist a snap. He has three colors of bands for when he moves from one stage into the next. The red reminds him of the devil and just makes him mad, then he'll wear a blue one that reminds him of something else (apparantly it didn't remind me of anything since I can't recall what it was!) and then a white one to remind him of who he's doing this for--God. Weird. Anyway, James and I both left our little encounter with the same feeling: these people are weird. And that was about it. But you always want to be a good witness and hope that something you say or do will help them to see God and perhaps their need of Him, you know?!

Later that day, kind of spur of the moment, I had to give somebody a ride over to these folks' house. I was surprised--to say the least--when we pulled up. It was soooooooo bad. Half of the siding was missing, revealing just that black paper stuff underneath, it looked sooooooo old and dilapidated and just rough, rough, rough. Let me insert here that I have nothing at all against poor people and am not "snooty" about the conditions in which some people live. I recall being in a home in worse condition than this one some years ago when we'd gone to visit some church folks. That doesn't bother me in the least--I thoroughly enjoyed that visit. So it wasn't the poverty or the living conditions themselves that made me uneasy, it was the people. Betty was standing outside screaming at the dog--who happened to be the only pleasant thing in the entire setting. Friendly dog. She shoved her arm and face into her shirt so she could light her cigarette without the wind blowing out her lighter, and she began telling me in a coarse voice how the doctor's gonna give her a patch to help with her cravings.

I helped carry some things inside and was surprised at the cement floor and filthy couch--the only piece of furniture I recall seeing in the room. Although I hardly stayed long enough to notice anything! I passed the goods I was carrying over to Bobby's brother, who also lives there. This guy looks like somebody who's been moonshining for the past 40 years someplace deeeeeeeeeeeeeep in the mountains of Tennessee...but mean. He had a long, bushy white beard and these great big bugged out eyes. And he doesn't speak, he just stares at you and will occassionally nod. I'm tellin' you, he walked straight out of an old Vincent Price movie or the Twilight Zone or something! Ha! I headed back outside and Bobby followed me all the way out to my van and then still continued to talk and talk and just wouldn't give me a chance to leave. Even after I got in the van he started talking again and made me roll the window down so he could keep talking. And I felt like he was looking around the inside of the van or something--it was weird! By this time I was feeling almost sick and couldn't get out of there fast enough!!! And it had nothing to do with the house or the things I'd seen or heard... it was all about what I felt. I can't begin to describe it, but I just felt soooooooooooo creepy!!! I'm sure some of you will think I'm just nutty or something--and I can't blame you--but I know that I have never, ever felt anything like this before. I am sooooooooo not a paranoid person and I do not get scared of people, even people I probably ought to be scared of, usually! (I'm more the kind of person to be get myself into trouble by being too careless and trusting than the kind of person to freak out and expect the worst.) All I can say is that those people (especially Bobby) freaked me out. I did not like the way that man looked at me. I did not like the way he looked at the little boy across the street. "I'm gonna go say hi to this little boy over here, he wants to talk to me--he's a sweet kid." Nothing I've said here would give any reason for anybody to think that there was anything really out of place or "wrong." But what I felt was weird, weird, weird! I never felt any fear for my safety or anything even close to that, I just felt sooooooooo creepy. And like something was driving me to get out of there.

I came straight home, found James and told him all of the feelings I'd been having (and how happy I am to have him and the feeling we have around here instead of the feelings that are over at that house!)... then I went to the bathroom and took off every stitch of clothing I had on and threw them all in the hamper (!) and took a long, hot shower and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed! Strange though. I didn't feel any cleaner afterwards. I still felt so crummy and dirty and troubled on the inside. It lasted for a couple of hours, at least. I talked to James about it and then Sam called and I talked to him (he had been to the house and had the same creepy feelings), and then my Dad later on. I don't know how it is that I've been raised in a Christian home my whole life and am too dense to think of such a thing as "spiritual warfare" without somebody taking my hand and walking me through it (!!!), but somehow it just never crossed my mind that the "creepy" things I was feeling were probably "spiritual" things--and very bad spirits at that! All three of the guys (James, Pastor Sam, Dad) said the same thing--God let me feel those things for a reason and I need to take heed to that and follow what I'm feeling. They said that there could be so many reasons why I was feeling those things and feeling them so strongly--and especially since I've never felt anything like this before to take it very seriously. I have strict orders to never again step foot on that property, to keep my distance and pray for their souls from the safety of my own home-- and that if these people are to be led to the Lord (and we pray they are!), that I am not the person God will use to lead them! I was receiving warnings from God and need to listen to them. No problem there!!! I've never been so creeped out in my life. It was just weird, weird, weird.

Okay, do you all feel better now?! You're probably sorely disappointed. You were probably expecting some fantastic and hilarious story about the freaks with the mohawks at Wal-Mart or something. Sorry, this is the experience I had, so that's all I've got for you!

ANYWAY, today has been a much better day. Oh, and the news I've been dying to blog about but haven't been able to...!!!

We church folk here in Andrews decided several weeks ago that we wanted to paint Tammy's living room for her. She had this one wall that was a dark orangish-brownish kind of color (from the previous owners) and has had a hard time figuring out how to decorate in there because of it. She's never really done much painting and for some reason painting always seems like a huge project to people who haven't given it a shot. It's like telling them to build a deck out back. "Who, me?! I can't do that!!!" Anyway, we've been planning this for the past 6 weeks or so and were waiting for Tammy to skip town for a few days so we could get to work. ;-)

She left last Wednesday, so that afternoon James and I went over to their house ("Sam, give us your house key and keep your mouth shut!" ;-) Ha!), moved all the furniture out, and slopped some primer over that orange wall so it would be easier to paint over. The next day Stacey came from Odessa and she and I painted the living room and got to work decorating it. There was a big picture at Aunt Sue's store that Tammy had said she loved, but knew it wouldn't work because of that crazy wall. Well, we all went in together to buy it for her and since Sue was unable to help with any of the actual labor, she donated more stuff from the store to help decorate with. How fun is that?! We got a lot done that day, then Stacey took some things home to paint and bring back.

On Saturday James took Sam to Odessa and they found an old antique armoire that had been converted into an entertainment cabinet--something Sam and Tammy were desperately in need of. And penny-pinching Sam actually bought it!!! Wa-Hoo! (He actually got pretty excited about the whole project himself and seems to love it!) Then they came back to town and ripped up the old carpet from the living room (it had several stains) and brought in the piece from the garage that somebody had given Sam several months ago. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get anybody to come over and actually install it before Tammy got home (!!!), but the piece fit perfectly in the living room and you really don't even notice that it's not actually "laid." And it's much better than the old stuff. It'll work until next week sometime when they can get the carpet guy to come install it. Stacey and I went back over after church on Sunday and finished up the decorating. Then James and I went over today and put all of the furniture back in there and did the finishing touches so it would all be ready for Tammy when she got home. It was sooooooooooo fun to do all of this--it was just so exciting!!! Here are some pictures we took tonight of the finished product...

This is what you see when you open the door.

And this is from the opposite corner--notice the brand new (but really old!) entertainment cabinet! And the mirrored shelf on the wall. The mirror on the top right was cracked, so we broke it out of the frame and put some cute little word signs in there. Neat, hu?! Oh, and Stacey painted it black, along with the frames of the other two pictures on that wall and the large shelf in the first picture--and a floor lamp that I didn't get a picture of. In fact, I had very little to do with how all of this turned out. It is mostly due to Sue's generous donations and Stacey's creative eye--I'm just the "what do you want me to do now?" girl! ;-)

This is that picture that Tammy liked so much and some stitched prints we knew she liked as well--and a candle sconce on the left.

And these are some shadow boxes and "fillings" to the left of the picture. And notice the cool faux painted wall--Stacey worked her magic there, too. She's the Mad Painter around here and she's really good.

We were so excited about it all that we decided we had to be there when Tammy got home. So we got the kids in their pj's and headed over there to wait it out! This is a picture of the kids hiding in a bedroom watching for their car.

And this is Tammy discovering her new living room! Her reaction was better than we ever could have hoped for--she was soooooooooo surprised and soooooooooo amazed and soooooooooo excited! She even cried for us! What a great friend!!! :-) Although I think she was emotional enough she might have cried over just about anything! Ha! She's had a really, really stressful month and I hope this helped her to know how very much her church loves and appreciates her. Made me think of the old Queen of the Parsonage days we used to have for the pastor's wife (always Mom, for me!) when I was a kid and how neat they were.

I'm glad that the secret is finally out and I can actually start blogging about what I've been doing! Those few days I missed last week were full of nothing but things I couldn't talk about, thus the lull around here. It will be much easier to blog now that I don't have any secrets! (I couldn't blog about it 'cause I knew Tammy would be around computers and would surely stumble upon it if I posted anything about it!)

Well, I think that's quite enough for one night, don't you?! I hope you're all satisfied!!! :-) I'm going to go join my husband. He, too, is sooooooo tired tonight and crashed in the den a little while ago. By the music I keep hearing, I know that he's watching National Treasure in there. Without me! Of all the nerve!!! I'm going to join the party. :-)


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Wow that decorating is beautiful. You all did a fantastic job. That was so special.

What a fantastic surprise for Tammy!! It looks GREAT!

I completely understand the totally creeped out feeling. Thankfully, I've only experienced it two or three times.

I love what you guys did for Tammy. What a wonderful surprise for her. But you know what really blew me away? She has the same couch that I had to sell to move to Canada. I squealed, "You've gotta come see this! Or go to Becki's blog and see Tammy's couch!" My husband didn't get quite so excited over that, but it was just so weired to be staring at my couch in Tammy's living room.

so when did you want my address...you know, so you could come decorate my house :)

Looks so great! A lot better than the burnt orange wall. Sara just can't wait to get her hands on the horsey mural in the guest bedroom this summer. :) Unfortunately creepy feelings go along with having discernment and obviousely yours is working well. Thank the Lord. Good advice to stay away and pray for them.

Wow!!!! Y'all did a beautiful job. What a neat thing to do. I'm interested in the "faux paint". Is that sponged on there or what? It looks really nice. I thought it was wallpaper until I read your post. Decorations are very pretty.

I'm with Kasey. You can have the keys to my house any time ... wait, that turn into a really BAAAADD thing. (I just had a flashback of James's Explorer and Chris's car that first year we met at BTI!!!) ha ha ha ha ha ha
What a great memory!!!

LOL! Amy, I remember the decorating job you guys did on those cars, too. Unfortunately, if I remember correct, the security guard did not approve of the decor on one of them and made you UN-decorate, right? Too funny! BTW, I overheard someone this morning before BTI devotions trying to sleuth out who had "decorated" his car this morning. He'd already figured out the clue that the dew was UNDER the TP. *giggle* And just in case anyone may be wondering, it was NOT me and I don't know WHO did it. ...Yet.
Becki, the living room looks FANTASTIC!!! You guys did a REALLY great job! It looks very Stacey-ish. I would have added some big pops of color in there somewhere, somehow. But it looks very soothing and classy. You did a GREAT job! THANK YOU for the pictures!

To all other readers out there: I mentioned to Becki on the phone the other day that she's often oblivious to the big, OBVIOUS stuff such as not realizing there could be something concering evil spirits going on. Another OBVIOUS thing she sort of missed was when she was in the plane crash in 1991 and as she was sitting in the plane that had just taken off, but was flying VERY LOW and she looked out the window and the thought entered her little brain, "Hmmmm. I wonder if that wing is SUPPOSED to fall off?" Yup. She's real bright sometimes. HA!

What a great post! Thank you. My curiosity is satisfied and I am so happy for Tammy. What great friends she has!

LOL!!!! Yes, Sister Smith, he did make us UN-decorate Chris's car, but was he a security guard or a an actual police officer? I was thinking he was a cop. Come to think of it, I was really scared, but Becki didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Ha!!! Another example of her overlooking the obvious---that a run-in with the police is NOT an o.k.-kind of thing. I was sure then that you wrote me off as a bad influence for your daughter!!!! ha ha ha ha Only I didn't know if you knew how much of that was Becki's idea in the first place.

Sorry, Becki, not trying to rat on ya. tee hee hee

The old antics are still going on at BTI, then? That's great!!!! I'd hate to hear that we didn't do our job in passing the torch. Sounds like an opportune moment for an episode of Kangaroo court!!!!!

You can all send pictures of your living room to us and we'll be sure to get back with you with a bid as soon as possible. :-) It was sooooooooo fun to make nice, homey living room for Tammy.

I can't believe somebody would have the nerve to come to my very own blog and rat on me. What's up with that, Amy?! Actually, I'm not the least bit ashamed of anything we did to the guys' cars that BTI. I'm still quite proud of us. To this day I have seen very few jobs better than the ones we did that year--especially on Chris' car. Remember what it looked like on the inside?! And the cop actually agreed to let us leave all of the string and tp inside if we agreed to remove the plastic wrap and gummy bears (remember the ones that spelled "BONEHEAD" across the windshield?! Ha!) from the outside. There's nothing wrong with reasoning with a cop, you know--some of them are quite understanding, possibly explaining why I'm nearly 30 years old and have been pulled over numerous times but have yet to get a ticket?! Hhmmm... ANYWAY, we would've done a better job on James' car, but Mr. Lock-Er-Up had the inside of his vehicle inaccessable. If you only knew how panicked he was as our wedding neared and he thought of our car being "decorated"! HA! And you should have SEEN HIS FACE when we got in to drive away from the church and he discovered that the horn had been wired to the brakes and every time he touched them we honked, long and loud! HA! (Good job, Jon!) Wow, Amy--you've spurred all kinds of great memories! :-)

As for the painting, it's done with a split roller. There are two small rollers that are separated, but share a handle. The paint tray is also separated. You pour one color of paint on the left side and a different color on the right, so each roller picks up a different color. Then you paint your wall in lots of "x" kind of motions that kind of mix the two colors on the wall and give you that nifty blended look. For the color we did, we use a cream color paint (Almond Tree from True Value) and a medium tannish brown color (Fig Cookie) to get that particular look. We use those colors for everything--they're so versitile! It looks terrific in the boys' cowboy room and in Katie's Americana room, Aunt Sue's store, in Mom's house--and now in Tammy's living room. Oh, and the Upper Room at HQ, right, Mom?! :-)

One last thing. I did not think, "Hey, is that wing supposed to fall off," Mom. I thought, "Hhmmm... seems like we're flying a little LOW... but I'm sure Papa knows what he's doing." I was able to watch Wheel of Fortune through the living room windows of the houses we were passing at that time and it seemed a little odd to me, but nothing like wondering if a wing was disposable! ;-)

Like everyone else has said, You guys did a GREAT job. How fun to surprise Tammy like that. I'm sure she is just loving it. Congrats and getting Sam to buy something like that. :P It all looks so nice.


You know, reading your blog is a lot like listening to you talk. I could actually hear you telling me the story. lol

By the way, great job on Sam and Tammy's place. I'll have to call and congratulate them on their remodel. I can just picture Tammy, when she walked in. Definitely a Kodak moment.

I do remember the "BONEHEAD" in gummy bears. Didn't James's say "LOSER"? with Oreo cookie polk-a-dots and wrapped with that huge saran wrap we got from the pallets at Wal-Mart. Ha!!!! What a riot. We did do a great job. Who was all in on that? Didn't Mandie and Melissa help out?

I remember being dead tired the next day in classes.

Sorry again to rat you out. You know I've always got to be the innocent one. 0:-)

Just wanted your mom to know. . . . tee hee

I had forgotten about the Oreo's--that was great! Yeah, James' Explorer said "LOSER" great big accross the windshield. I think it was you and me and Mandie and Melissa and Rebekah Peter. Right???

I don't remember classes the next day. ;-)

Yep. As soon as I got off the computer, I remembered that Rebekah had been involved in that too.

Whose idea was it to get the huge plastic wrap from Wal-Mart? That was so funny. The guy looked at us so weird but gave it to us without a problem (probably because that meant he didn't have to dispose of it.) Ha!!!

oh, what a great memory.

Hey you guys, don't go dragging me into this. Now my cover is blown. *grin*