
Posted by cokelady

Uummm... Nothing just real thrilling, I'm afraid. (Until the very end, that is!) I got all of the laundry and ironing caught up again. I just wish I could enjoy that for a whole day before the hampers start to fill up once more. Got some cleaning done around the house, cooked a really great pork chop dinner, and spent some serious time with the kids and their schoolwork today. Actually, I only spent about 10 minutes with Sam (it's as much as either of us can handle), then just a little bit with Joe as he whipped through about 20 pages, then about two and a half hours fighting with Katie over her school! That kid. She came and begged to do school about 20 minutes before I was planning on starting it. I was wanting to get a little bit more cleaning done first, but since she was so excited I just dropped it and headed to the office with her. She started on her first page, but she is sooooooooo easily distracted and finds the boys' school books to be much more fun than her own, so she just kept looking at their stuff and talking to them about what they were doing. I tried to get her to focus on her own work several times, but she just got frustrated, then the bad attitude kicked in. By that time Sam was already outside playing and Katie wanted to go out and play with him. --And she still was only about a fifth of the way through her first page! I told her she was going to finish 10 pages before she got up and she went to tears. I hate it when she does that. She is soooooooo emotional! (I'm shipping her off to a better mother when she's a teenager--I don't even know what to do with her now!) She ended up with several spankin's and found herself in one of those sulking this-is-going-to-take-all-day-oh-woe-is-me-I'm-never-going-to-be-able-to-finish moods. Oooooooh, I hate those too. Lunchtime came around and I fed the boys, but she couldn't join us because she was still on page one!!! After over an hour!!! Naturally, she fell apart again and was just sure she was going to waste away to nothing and blow away in the wind because of missing lunch. I told her that lunchtime was from 12:00 to 1:00 and that if she finished her 10 pages before 1:00 I would get her lunch ready, otherwise she would just have to wait until dinner. That may seem cruel...except that I know she could have been done with those 10 pages in about 20 minutes if she really wanted to! She worked her way through more moping, sulking, crying, and "training sessions," until it was right down to the wire. In fact, I was watching the second hand on the clock and just as the last second of "lunchtime" ticked by she scribbled down her final number. ~whew~ Kid wears me out!!! I must say though, her attitude has been much improved since that time and I think school will be much easier tomorrow! (It had better be!)

James worked Mardel today, but I didn't have time to really enjoy my "home alone" day. That's okay though--it was still a good day. When we finished dinner I hurried to get Katie and myself ready for Church. It was Ladies' Bible Study tonight, so Joe and Sam stayed home with James. (He took them to Sonic for banana splits, the dirty dogs!) We had three visitors tonight! No--four!!! Three ladies that are all friends came together, then the lady who lives across the street from the church came walking in a few minutes later. They are all older ladies and are such a hoot! Two of the ladies are old fashioned, holiness looking folk all the way... almost! They have long hair pulled up and pinned in the back (the UPC look, you know?!), no make-up and long, flowing skirts. But one of them had a great big honkin' ring on each hand! Weird!!! Anyway, they had talked about seeing Tammy and me around town a lot and have always wondered where we went to church and are so excited to have finally "found" us. (Tammy bought a dryer from one of the ladies last week, thus the "discovery" of each other!) They just fell easily into conversation with us and took part in the Bible study and seemed to really, really enjoy themselves. Tammy--the Bible study leader--could hardly get a word in edgewise! Ha! We sang a couple of old choruses and they really sang and worshipped--it was just sooooooo neat to have them there. And to listen to them talk, they plan on being back. Again and again! How exciting!!! I was trying to tell James about them when I came home and it's just really, really hard to discribe them. They are so... crazy! They all just talk and cackle and tease and, now that I think of it, act like a bunch of teenagers! They're all between the ages of about 50 and 75, but they're just nuts! My, oh my, how it will change the face of the Andrews church if they continue to come and worship with us! We took in two new members last year. Wouldn't it be exciting if we were to take in these four crazy old ladies this year?! Ha! And their famies, and... !!! God is moving and it's just soooooo exciting.

That's about all our news from around here. Sam still has warts. I don't think James is going to go for the duct tape thing. Wants to try rubbing some vitamin A on them instead. That's no fun!!! I asked him if I could try the duct tape if it doesn't work, but he wouldn't give me a definitive answer. He's just no fun, you know?! Ha!

I'd best call it a night.


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Those ladies remind me of the ladies that were at Sister Bear's tea party. What a hoot! I can just imagine how much fun you guys must have had.

Wow! How exciting!!! I remember when we pastored in a similar size town, Salida, that we went for YEARS without a single visitor, it seems! It's encouraging to hear that your appearance had made an impression on the crazy ladies. =)

Well if you can't duct tape the kid's warts and you don't care for can always make duct tape dresses :) Of course yours will be better than these:

Those were worldly prom dresses by the way, but I've always thought it would be cute for a play/VBS character....To duct tape a suit or dress to make a human "puppet like look".

I am so glad that I'm not the only one who has trouble with my kids doing school. Dalton is in 2nd grade and he has gave me fits just about every day this year. I hate spanking him and grounding him everyday. And Madison hates to read. She is definitely not my child. I loved to read.
Somedays I just have to go outside and sit on the porch and breath for about 5 minutes and then come back in and start again.
It definitely takes the grace of God to homeschool. I'll pray for you if you pray for me. PLEASE!

I know the feeling all too well. There are sometimes I want to strangle Bethany. She would rather be playing, drawing, or watching tv besides doing her schoolwork. I have told her you can't make it in life without learning. It does take alot of prayer to homeschool, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hang in there, girls. It WILL be worth it. Keep your focus on SPIRITUAL things. The acedemics are secondary--they won't matter in eternity. Keep it in perspective. Godly character is the most important thing. 1 Peter 1:5 says, "And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith
virtue; and to virtue knowledge" Knowledge (academics) comes 3rd in the scriptural priority list. Faith and virtue precede knowledge. Ask God to give you inspiration to teach/impart the faith and virtue, then the knowledge comes a lot easier. BTW, the verses following this one list several other qualities we should possess. God bless!