Holiday? What Holiday???  

Posted by cokelady

Just hasn't exactly seemed like one around here today. Oh, it hasn't been a bad day, just kind of blah. Not that Memorial Day is a "great big" holiday, but still--you ought to do what you can to make it holiday-ish! I felt bad for the kids. Katie kept saying with great enthusiasm, "It's a holiday--we can do anything we want!!!" But... we didn't really do anything! The kids weren't impressed with this particular holiday--it was pretty boring in their book. We just cleaned house and did the same ole, same ole. We didn't do school today, but that was really the only noticable difference! And James grilled for us tonight--he does make the best burger in the world. That part of the day felt slightly Memorial Day-ish, but not entirely. We didn't even have any pork-n-beans. Oh well. When I came to the table James had fixed everybody's plates and had a Vanilla Coke there waiting for me. That helped the celebration mood a little bit! Katie saw it and asked if she could have some. It made me chuckle. Yeah, RIGHT! To my knowledge, I possessed the only remaining case of Vanilla Coke in the whole wide world--liquid gold, I tell you!--and it is NOT meant to be squandered on children!!! I found out later that it isn't the only case after all (more reason to celebrate), but still.

When I put the kids to bed tonight James told me that he wasn't feeling up to it, but that I should go over to Sam & Tammy's for a while. I think he felt bad because it had been such a blah kind of a day and he knows how much I like to be with people--especially on holidays. Days like this are a great excuse to just get together and hang out, you know?! So I did. We played a couple of games--both of which I won handily. ;-) Made it feel more like a holiday after all. Oh, and they had Vanilla Coke, too. I had just had one with my dinner at home and I wasn't the least bit hungry or thirsty, but hey, it's a holiday! And it was Vanilla Coke. Mmmmm.

Let's see, what else has been going on... Of the visitors we've been having lately, two ladies have been there every single service--for three or four weeks now. Praise the Lord!!! It is soooooo exciting!!! And they are settling in more all the time and feeling like a part of our congregation more than just visitors any more. As we were leaving yesterday one of them said, "You have no idea how good it is to go to church and actually feel like you've been to church!" :-) And they have no idea how good it is to have visitors coming around and being blessed in our services--and returning over and over again! Praise God!!!

Just to set the record straight, despite what my mother says, I do not deserve the homeschooling woes that are upon me now. We had our bad days on occasion, but I was always a pretty laid-back kid. I, on the other hand, have a little girl who is nothing but a great big ball of jumbled emotions and every little thing either sends her into sheer ecstasy or into the deepest, darkest dungeon of despair. There is no middle ground with that kid. (I really wonder if it's a good thing that I'm reading her Anne of Green Gables right now--she hardly needs the influence of an intensely emotional girl such as Anne with an "e"! Ha!) Anyway, if I can just keep the kid in happy-go-lucky mode all will be smooth sailing. She was struggling with her spelling the other day and not handling things very well. (She's not one to allow adversity to push her to succeed; she's one to throw her hands in the air and wail at the injustice of having to do something that is unreasonable--meaning whatever it is she doesn't want to concentrate on at the moment.) Something that she could sail right through if she was in the mood to can turn into an hour-long battle of wills. This is the trial of having a deeply Melancholy child. But the glory of having a heavily Sanguine child is that at the flip of the page she was transformed into the giddy, bouncy, jolly Katie who can whip through her school work in no time flat. What caused the change? Homophones. She loves them. As soon as she saw the word at the top of the page all of the gloom dissolved from her eyes and the sparkle was back. I'm assuming she developed interest in them from her Veggie exposure. You know...

Whether, whether, whether, whether,
you like it or not
Weather, weather, weather, weather,
is cold, warm and hot
Two, two, two, two, two of my favorite toys,
I'm bringing to, to, to, to a place the first one enjoys
--and I like it, too.

Okay, I know you're all into it by now--sing with me!!!

Oh! Homophones! Homophones!
Where the crews go cruising down the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded biscuits plain!

I know a pear, pear, pear, pear
with a pair of really soft shoes,
He wears them to pare, pare, pare, pare
bushes that easily bruise;
I planted rows, rows, rows, rows
of a horribly bad smelling rose,
Now nobody knows, knows, knows, knows,
if the scent will be leaving my nose
--But most likely, no.

Homophones! Homophones!
Where the toads are towed out on the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded bisquits plain!!!

There now. Go ahead, admit it. Even if you'd never given it much thought before now, you like homophones too, don't you?! Uh-hu!!! I thought so! If only I were a vegetable I could make all of school fun for my children and thus stop the war of the workbooks. Maybe I'll write to Big Idea and see if they won't consider going into the homeschool curriculum field. I'm sure there would be a great market for such a thing! :-)

That's my cue. When you go to quoting Veggie Tales songs you know it's time to call it quits. :-)


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I didn't even know what a homophone was until VeggieTales! HA! And it brings a devious smile to my face to think about YOU having a highly Melancholy/Sanguine little girl. TOO FUNNY!!! God DOES have a sense of humor!!! Go, Katie, go! (Drive your mom nuts!) ;)

I did NOT deserve a Melancholy/Sanguine child. I ought to have three Phlegmatics!!! Where is the justice in this?!

Remember what I've been telling you the last 20 years? LIFE . . . IS NOT FAIR! Well, in this case I was WRONG! This is so just! I got 2 Phlegmatic children to join my Phlegmatic husband in tormenting the life out of me and driving me CRAZY, so now YOU get a Melancholy/Sanguine in return. Ah, yes. There IS justice! Bwah, ha, ha, ha!!!



I need to tell you something. I am very disappointed in you; you’ve destroyed your blog!!! AHHHHHH!!! Are you sure you’re my cousin??? Alright!!! Come on you imposter!!! Bring Becki back!!!

Hey Becki, just stopped by to say howdy, and let you know I haven't completely abandoned my fellow bloggers (despite public assumption). Yes, I actually made a new post (I hope you're sitting down for your health's sake=) I'm coming to your neck of the woods! Check it out. Take care, and hooray for the Veggie Tale Momma (who said they were for kids anyway)??

Ha...when you were describing Katie I was thinking of Anne (with an "e"). I know what you should do...for when she is in the depths of despair....make a video of the part of the first Anne movie where she is following Marilla (sp?) up the steps to her room "for the night" and she asks her if she is ever in the depths of despair and Marilla stops in her tracks and says, "To despair is to turn your back on God!" I often make myself think of that scene when I am tempted to despair. You DO have your hands full but I don't think anyone is more up to the task! God Bless your day AFTER the holiday!

Homophones are my worst nightmare. And I'm not just talking about at school. I see homophonal mistakes at least a few times a week out in public ... on signs, on TV, in our Sunday School commentaries ... THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!!

For instance, the other day I was pumping gas and there was a hand-written note on the pump that said, "Smile, your on camera!"

AHHHHH!!!!! Made me go bonkers. Why? Because I spend inordinate amounts of time each school year fighting this monstrosity and my students go out in public and see the very thing I've taught them is wrong. So they wonder.... who's right? Their teacher? People who put these signs all over their BUSINESSES? It just isn't fair.

Incidentally, I took a pen and added the apostrophe and the e to the sign, for I couldn't help myself. ;-)