Can't Help but Smile, Hu???  

Posted by cokelady

And it's all thanks to Jenna. She is sooooooo amazing! I love the happy, happy, happy template--soooooo bright and cheery. It just makes you smile, doesn't it?! Wow! Can't get much more fun than this. :-)

Hhmmm. There's not really much to blog about tonight other than the fun new template. Things are still kind of up in the air for Ellis & Elizabeth Poole and probably will be for a few more weeks. And my cousin didn't have surgury today after all--it's been rescheduled for tomorrow. They say there is a 50/50 chance she will be paralized after the surgery, so please pray. Most of all for her soul--she needs to be saved.

James hasn't been feeling very good today and even spent part of the day in bed. That was the good part of the day. The bad part was when he got up and went to his office. He tried to turn his computer on and it refused to boot. Yesterday the weather started getting nasty and he went to shut his system down, but it was doing an automatic Windows update and we lost power. Oopsie. I talked to Jon about it and then called a computer tech here in town and they agree: corrupted Windows. So I loaded the thing up and hauled it over to the local guy's house. He lives in the ritzy neighborhood. Kind of makes me wonder how much this is going to run us! Ha! No, he gave me a very modest estimate and he seems to be super nice. I'm hoping that carries over into being trustworthy as well. Anyway, James should have his computer back and fully functional on Sunday. It can't come soon enough for me. His whole life seems to be stored on that computer and he's lost without it. Can't work on his seminary stuff, his Regional Convention stuff, his other Church stuff... even eBay. ;-) He's actually handled this whole situation amazingly well, I think.

And did I say there wasn't much to blog about?! I was sooooooo wrong! We had 5 real, live grown up visitors in church tonight and 2 little ones! Wow!!! The neighbor lady was there again and the three "holiness" ladies, plus one of the lady's daughter and her two foster children. Is that exciting or what?! God is sooooooo good and it's just so exciting to see so many visitors coming our way. One of the ladies testified tonight that she's just so thankful that they've found a church they can come to and feel welcome and worship and feel the Lord and on and on. We're hoping and praying there will be a day when they'll testify to how thankful they are to have found God's Church! :-)

Well, I'd best call it a night. Didn't get as much done today as I would have liked, so that makes more for tomorrow.


AH YES!!! I just rememered that a few of you asked for the cinnamon roll recipe. I figured I would just post it here instead of e-mail it separately. Then you can look at the pictures in the last post to help you out, too. ;-) I'll just copy and paste some of the stuff I had sent to Emilee so I don't have to type it all up again. Here goes:

1 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup oil
3 eggs, beaten
2 pkg. yeast
1/4 cup lukewarm water (whatever the temp is that you're supposed to mix yeast into--I forget)
3 cups flour
2 cups flour
1/2 cup flour on table
(Isn't that dumb?! -- 3 separate measurements of flour!)

Heat milk and pour over salt and sugar; stir until dissolved. Let cool. Just a little. ;-) Pour in oil and eggs. In cup, add yeast to water and mix; add to first mixture. Stir in 3 cups flour, then 2 cups. Dumb, hu? Oh, for goodness' sake--just dump it all in at once! That's what I do. Now that I look at it, this recipe is written up really dumb, so I'm re-writing it from here. Dump all 5 cups of flour into the bowl with everything else and crank up the KitchenAid (just on stir, actually) and let 'er rip for 7 minutes. (If you don't have a KitchenAid, don't sweat it--we mixed it up by hand for years.) Put flour on the table and then plop the dough on top and knead it, adding more flour as necessary until it's not sticky anymore. Grease a large mixing bowl with oil. Toss the dough in it and get one side slimy in the oil, then turn it over so the other side will get slimed up, too. Cover and let rise for 2 hours, preferably someplace warm. Sometimes I'll turn the oven to "warm" ahead of time, then turn it off before I put the dough in. Just be sure it's covered with a heavier towel or it will get crusty and dry. Anyway, after the two hours you knead the dough. If you're doing hot rolls, separate into three parts, then roll each one out into a circle, slice like a pizza, and roll into cresents. If doing cinnamon rolls, separate into two parts and roll into large rectangles.

This is the don't-ask-for-any-measurements part. Just wing it! I will, however, give you a list of ingredients...

Brown sugar
Butterscotch pudding

Melt or soften some butter (one stick for both rectangles is good) and spread over top. Then crumble brown sugar over the top. Don't be stingy--I don't think you can have too much, but you'll miss it if you don't have enough. Just make sure the dough is well covered with a generous amount. Sprinkle on one box of Butterscotch pudding (one box for both rectangles), then cinnamon and raisins. Roll up the rectangles starting at a long side.

Get two cake pans and spread or pour some more butter in each one--be sure to get the sides, too. Then sprinkle some brown sugar in there -- not as generously as you did on the dough. :-) Put the rolls in pans and cover for about 30 minutes. Pour whipping cream over the top -- don't be scared to use it, but don't totally drench them or your rolls will be soggy. (I think I used about 3/4 pint on both pans--not EACH pan!) Cover and leave for another 15 minutes or so.

Bake at 375 degrees for.... hhmmm. I can't remember. I think it usually takes about 20 minutes, but you might want to start checking it after about 15, just in case. I use a toothpick to check them, but you have to be sure not to poke it through a bunch of the gooey stuff or it's hard to tell anything about the dough itself.

Let them cool for about 5 minutes, then turn upside down onto a sheet of foil. Scrape all the great gooey stuff out of the pan and spread it over the rolls--and be sure to lick the spatula! It's the rule. ;-) Wash your pans up, then pick up the rolls and put them back in the pan (still on the foil). Gather the fam and dig in! And be sure to post lots of pictures on your blog of how everything turned out and how much your family adores you for going through all of this for them. :-) --And you have to come comment here on THIS blog to let us all know who has taken a stab at it and if you think it was worth it all. Those are all of the requirements I can think of at the moment, but I'll be sure to post more later if they come to me. Good luck!!!

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Ooohhhh, aahhhh...I do love the new template! Cherries can't help but make ya smile! Abbie will love it.

It is so exciting to hear about all the visitors you guys are having in church. I remember a few years ago when you were discouraged because it was just you guys. Then God sent you Sam and Tammy. Now He's sending more people. God is so good!

I'm cringing at the answer to this question but did you back everything up?

I'm so glad you like it I was slightly worried you would say there was to many cherries but I loved it and am so glad you love it.

I know!!! Isn't it soooooooo exciting! The template AND the visitors! Oh, and the one lady wasn't wearing her great big rings tonight. ???

Jenna, I honestly don't know how much of James' system was "backed up." He bought some great big something and backed up my entire system here a month or two ago, so I'm safe (!!!), but I don't know about his and I've been too scared to ask!

Too many cherries?! IS there such a thing?!?!? I LOVE IT. It's just so happy!!! Katie loves it too, however she's slightly offended that there are no pictures of her on this one. Ha!

Very cheery! Add me to the list of excited people for the visitors that have been coming out. So glad to hear about it.

I love the cherries. PTL for the visitors. Lord change lives.

What a neat template. I'm gonna' miss the Texas motif, but maybe not so much since this one's so pretty and cheery.

PTL for the new visitors. I know it must bring new life into the church and that extra excitement. Wow!!!! God is so good. I'll pray too that they soon receive the revelation of God's glorious Church and take their covenant.

My husband looooooves cinnamon rolls but up until now he's been content with the canned kind that ya' bake. Now I'm gonna' have to start doing homemade. Thanks a lot, Becki. JUST kidding. Actually, I love making things homemade when I have the time, so this'll be fun. School's almost out so I'll try it out really soon. Thanks for the recipe. It'll be great. Maybe I can get Jackson in on the action in some small way. That'll be even more fun. :o)

Oh, and by the way, the pictures below are too cute ... all except for James, he's just silly.
tee hee

Those directions are much more comprehensive than the ones you sent me...but that added to the fun!!!

Beautiful template. It does make a operson smile.

Hey, I was wondering... On your last post... The pictures of the cinnamon rolls... Do you always cut them that thin? ;)

Ha! Thanks, Aunt Kay--I've been waiting to hear from you, but I thought you were going to say, "What are you spraying???" :-)

I actually thought about that... But since I couldn't HEAR anything I thought I'd go with what I could SEE. :)


Love the new look, Bek. Your life is such an adventure. Well, I guess we have that much in common, although you seem to accomplish so much more than I do. Not surprising. Considering my personality, I feel quite accomplished to have achieved anything at all. lol.

Just so you know, I did post some artwork I made with Elijah and Alana on my blog, so it doesn't look totally like "a guy hangout" as you so eloquently put it. lol.

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your recipe for the cinnamon rolls I made some this evening. Those are so yummy yummy. I don't have a way to take a picture and post what they look like, but just so everyone knows those things are worth waiting for.