If a Picture Says a Thousand Words  

Posted by cokelady

...then why do these pictures not even begin to convey the chaos here?

Oh, well. Maybe it gives you some idea anyway. Did you notice that the garage that we worked SO HARD to get all cleaned out a few weeks ago, is now loaded heavy with junk. It used to be clear enough to be a nice bike room for the kids. Now you have to hurdle four cans of paint, a couch and a few cabinets just to get yourself a bowl of cereal.

Even the dog is having a hard time finding a place to relax anymore.

Yesterday didn't exactly go according to our plans. We started off well enough, but then the floor guys showed up. We really thought we could just work around them--stay busy on projects in the area they weren't working on at the moment, then switch to another area when they got close to our spot. Nope. It seemed that no matter where we went and what we did, we were in their way! Mom was able to get some of the wallpaper up in the bathroom, but she finally gave up on that because the dudes kept needing in there. Sister Galaviz had come up to help, but there was just nothing to do! The whole house was in utter chaos and there were people buzzing here and there in every direction and it was enough to drive a person just a little batty. Sister Galaviz's job turned out to be occupying the kids! Little did we know it was really the best thing that anybody could have done!!! The chaos would have been soooooo much worse if she hadn't been there to keep them busy.

Lunch time came soon enough, but there was no place to eat, so I made my way to the garage (yes, the garage) and scooped up an armful of peanut butter, jelly, bread, left-over pizza and a few paper plates. We fixed our gourmet lunch out at the kiddy picnic table and enjoyed a little break from the mess and chaos of the house. Poor Sister Galaviz. We had invited her up for lunch, to begin with. In the end it turned out to be a peanut butter sandwich she had to make for herself! Ha! She somehow seemed to enjoy it and didn't seem the least bit frazzled by all of the madness going on. That made one of us, so it was nice. Ha!

When the floor guys finally left at 4:00... No, wait. One important little tidbit of information is that they DIDN'T FINISH the floor. Good ole' Wade had told me it would be a one day job, but then they ended up coming on a day when they couldn't start bright and early AND had to quit early. And, of course, we had added two little sections of floor to the job after he gave us the bid. Anyway, they don't work Saturdays, so they won't be back until MONDAY. No problem. Except that Mom and I were both really thirsty last night and would have gone to get something to drink... if the refrigerator wasn't so far away! Ha! The fridge and stove and washer and dryer and all of the contents of the pantry and utility closet and who knows what else have been strewn all over the kitchen table and somehow filled the garage up as well. Crazy!

Anyway, after the floor dudes finally left we were able to get busy and DO something. We marked 6 things off of our list of 12 for the day. Actually, there were a few little things that got done that weren't on the list, but I wrote them down real quick so we could check them off and feel more successful than we really were. ;-) Today's list has three things on it, as well as the 6 from yesterday. Oh, wait... I think we thought of a couple of new things to add to it last night. Oh well. We'll see how far we get!

The kids just finished breakfast and are almost all gathered (two-thirds of them, so far) for devotions, so I've got to go. Hopefully the next crop of pictures will be more impressive than these. ;-) Have a great weekend!
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I can only imagine the chaos that you all endured yesterday...kind of sounds like packing out day for the military, no matter where you go or what you do...you are in the way. The pictures really did convey total chaos...I'm surprised you still have your hair, because I know that a mess like that drives you AND your mother nuts.

I love Sam's "circus" pants and Hershey sure is eyeing your hubby's lunch...don't ya fee that dog? ~giggle~

Oops! That should read "FEED" rather than "fee". I'm still asleep. ~hee hee~

I have a question? Are your cabinets all wood?? Did you replace any?? I am wanting to stain or paint my cabinets but the ends (not worried about the inside) are the faux pressed wood, and I dont know how to paint or stain that. I saw yours and the ends (sides) of the cabinets looked like mine and i wanted to know how you did it.

The chaos has stretched out through today, too, Sister Tammi! We were finally able to move back into the pantry and hall closet today (well, mostly!), so that helped a LOT. Mom went and got the kitchen and dining table all cleaned up a little while ago--I don't know where she found the energy! Sam's pants are actually pirate pants that we picked up for .50 cents at the thrift store last week. He loves them! And I noticed Hershey eyeing James' lunch in that picture, too! Don't worry, he knows better than to get too close to James' food! Ha!

Kasey, I'll have to get back to you on that! The cabinets we are installing in the utility room are wood--at least the front and the doors are. We bought them unfinished and I have stained and polyurethaned them--and I think they look GREAT! The sides of them are that crazy speckly looking stuff--no wood grain or anything. I stained them, too, but I'm not sure how I'm going to like it. If we install them and the "not wood" sides really bug me I'll either paint them or (this may be the helpful part to you!)... They have some thin wood grain panels at Lowe's that you can simply glue onto the sides of your cabinets that makes them look like real wood. It can be stained or painted the same as the rest of your cabinets and look like it's all the same stuff. I'm fairly certain this hasn't answered ANY of your questions (!), but I'm having a hard time formulating my thoughts tonight! Maybe I'll just wait and take pictures of what we've done, then SHOW you what I mean! :-)