Does Anyone Else...  

Posted by cokelady

...ban their children from telling jokes??? I do it ALL THE TIME. They make up their own jokes frequently instead of repeating ones they've heard or read. It's bad either way, but they usually get a more severe ban for the made-up ones. On our way up to Craig on Sunday all three kids tried their hand at telling jokes. I can't remember who got which, but one kid was banned from telling jokes for the rest of the day, another kid for two days, and the worst joke of all earned a three day ban. It ended yesterday unfortunately.

We were enjoying our "picnic" lunch on a blanket in the not yet remodled garage a little while ago when Sam says, "Knock, knock."

I groaned, but answered, "Who's there?"


"Orange who?"

"Orange... um... don'tcha' wanna let me in?!"


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Awesome!!!! Toby is not the only one who makes up knock knock jokes huh?
He doesn't do it as much anymore but it was all the time.
That is funny I never thought of a joking ban, pretty creative. I think I will try that.
I would rehearse some jokes with him just so they would make sense:)

*giggling* Awwww, poor Sam. ;-)


Okay note to self: Don't tell any Papa jokes around Becki.

I can't believe it Becki!!!! That's a sin!! Taking away a kid's pride, by not letting them tell jokes?!?!?!?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE...HIS MOM OR SOMETHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!...............................................................................Kidding.