An Important Announcement from NARR  

Posted by cokelady

That’s right, folks, it’s that time of year again! The time when the Neighborhood Association of Rules and Regulations here in Blogville takes time to recognize that one-in-a-million blogger with the worst track record of consistent blogs throughout the year. The Association has put much time and contemplation into this year’s award before making its decision, but feels confident that they have come to the only right conclusion. Without further ado, we hereby state that
The Worst Blogger of the Year Award
goes to…
Lyndi Cabales
of Springfield, Oregon!!!
That’s right folks, we have a winner (or a loser?) on our hands! Our very own Lyndi Cabales has run away with the most un-coveted award of the year!!! This was, the board admits, a difficult decision. Mrs. Cabales only moved into Blogville this past August. Never before has this award gone to one who has not resided here for the entire duration of the year (actually, never before has this award gone to anyone—but no matter…), however, Mrs. Cabales has made such a strong impression through her ability to write phenomenal and side-splitting posts that everybody awaits with great anticipation—only to delay herself for months before posting once again—that even considering her short abode here in Blogland, it just wouldn’t seem right to give the award to anyone else. So congratulations, Lyndi! You are hereby named Worst Blogger of 2006!!! You worked hard for it and it has not gone without notice.

(Would somebody please call Lyndi and make her check the blogs to be sure she’ll even see this? Thank you.)

You’re all welcome to post your words of congratulations (or rebuke) here at this time. Thank you all for your participation and, most of all, for being better bloggers than Lyndi.

This is an official statement from NARR. Be it known that the Chairman of the Board has, herself, been so swamped in judging everybody else and their failures to properly blog that she has not found time to do much of it herself lately. This is, of course, completely acceptable for the Chairman (and the Chairman alone) and is covered on page 438, section 5, paragraph 2 of the NARR handbook. Don’t ask for a copy—they are currently out of print.

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You crack me up! You should write a book!

CONGRATULATIONS, LYNDI!!! I'm so proud to be related to a CHAMPION! Yesiree, our family is full of blue ribbon winners!

Too funny! I would e-mail Lyndi, but she checks her e-mail about as frequently as she blogs. ~rolling eyes and shaking head~

You are so funny Becki you keep the rest of us laughing out loud!

Somebody send out a search party for Jenna! I'm dying to see this fantastic new template she's got cooked up, and I'm ready for you to get back into regular blogging! You've got stories to tell and readers to delight!