The Book of Blog  

Posted by cokelady

Sounds absurd, no? I agree. Nonetheless, I have just that sitting in a 78 page stack on my desk. I have finally come to accept the fact that I am a complete failure at keeping a diary. I’ve tried for years—ever since I was 10 years old or so. The first several years were sporadic to say the least (just like all of the years since then) and were either thrown away or burned when I was about 15 years old. At that extremely mature age (ha) I was mortified to go back and read the things (and guys) I had been interested in while still a mere child. (Again, HA!) I still have diaries from my teen years, but there are gaps of months—even years, in some cases—where there are no entries whatsoever. I realize that the loss of my personal history is no great blow to the rest of the world, but it always seems sad to me that I can’t remember so many of the things that have happened throughout the years, and my thoughts and feelings about them.

My failure to record the events in my own life has now transferred over to my children’s lives. That is, I am a total failure at the baby book thing. I did pretty well with Katie’s book that first year, but was already beginning to fall apart by her first birthday. Joe has no book at all and Sam only has a calendar that Auntie Em made for him—that still doesn’t have any pictures in it. I just can’t seem to make myself sit down do those things like I should!

I have, however, found something that I am successful at: blogging! Before you start throwing things, let me admit that I’m not completely successful at it. But when compared to my ability to keep a diary, I’m a gold medal winner in the universe of blog. The difference: a keyboard vs. pen and paper. I type soooooo much faster than I write. And as is being proven in this very post (!), I find myself recording every last detail, even the unnecessary ones, and it’s overwhelming to think of writing it all out by hand. SO…

In glancing back over some of my previous blogs a few days ago I began to realize that this is my diary. This is, in a sense, the story of my life this past year. And what a year it has been! True, due to the public nature of a blog I’m not at liberty to share quite as freely the details of certain things or my deepest feelings about them, but still—it’s better than nothing at all! The most important things that I want to remember are all of the crazy things my kids do from day to day. Those things never make it into my “real” diary because I just can’t write that much! But some day, I’ll look back at the stories of the weird and outlandish things the kids did “way back in 2006” and will laugh heartily. And cry, I’m sure.

Thus, Becki’s Book of Blog, 2006! James just stared at me, slightly grinning, when I told him. Just wait ‘til he gets home and sees I’ve printed out 78 pages of it. I could tell he thought I was nuts, but I insisted, “One day you’ll be glad I did this!” I hope!!!

Can’t leave without at least one kid story for the day, right? How ‘bout the latest from Joe. We’ve been having some issues with him lately and I’m certainly open to suggestions! There’s a definite power struggle going on and he’s displaying that guy thing—the will to dominate something. It will NOT be his mother, but he’s still testing the waters. A few days ago he was being too rowdy and I told him to go sit down for a few minutes. He obeyed, but there was a notebook and pen by the chair and in a minute or two he was looking at me snidely and saying, “Heh, heh, heh,” like he always does when he’s got the upper hand. I asked what he was doing and he whipped his notebook out and showed me what he had been drawing: a picture of me in jail. What is the proper way of handling this?!?!? I don’t want to overreact to stupid little things, but I can’t let the kid get away with “winning” when I’m trying to discipline or train him, you know?! I didn’t feel it was worthy of a spanking, but didn’t feel like I could just let him sit there and draw pictures of what he would really love to actually do to his mother at the moment! So I told him he’d have to stay in the chair until he could draw a nice picture of Mom. It took three or four more pictures of me in jail before he finally broke. In a defeated voice he finally called to me and said he’d drawn another picture. This one was a picture of him opening the jail door and letting me out. *sigh* That kid wears me out!

Just a few minutes ago I told the kids to clean the house in a certain amount of time. Joe fiddled around for a couple of minutes, then asked if I was going to spank them if they didn’t get it done on time. “Certainly,” I said. So he hollers to Katie, “Mom’s spanking us if we don’t get it clean, Katie.” Then, under his breath he muttered, “Mean old Mom.” !!! He only thinks I’m mean now!

Okay, I know, I know. WAY, WAY, WAY to long—just to tell you all that I have booked my blog! My apologies. Here, I’ll add a link to one of those dumb quiz things that everybody else is doing. I made this up several days ago and can’t remember a single thing on it. Anyway, here ‘tis:

Talk to you later!!!


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Little men react to guilt too. You coulda shed a little crocodile tear, told him he hurt mommy's feelings. Not only would he have gotten you out of jail sooner...he would have drawn a picture of flowers and gave you a hug. :) Guilt. Truly a beautiful thing. Ha!

Guess what?! I took your quiz and got 90! Woo! I am so proud of myself! Go me! :-P

I didn't do so good :(

Can I get you to check out your blog that Im working on - I just need you to let me know what more you are wanting done to it... if you like it... hate it... if its good to go... and all of that... don't worry about being a pest your are NO!!!!where near pestering me.... I do though need to know what ya think.. if you just want to leave a comment on that blog it'll probably be easier then the emails lol

Wow! That's a lot of pages! What size font? Your Dad has been after me to print out your blogs with kid-stories. Now you've gone ahead and done it. It would have made a nice gift for you someday. But you're making your own gift. Oh well. If I ever get my sewing room moved here to Cleveland I'll make you clothes instead. That's something you WON'T do for yourself!

True enough--I'm a total failure at sewing. At least I have Christopher & Banks, though. Katie is the one who is really hurting for clothes (though far less since you were here a few weeks ago!)--I can't believe the horrible and un-Christian looking clothes they make for little girls nowadays!!! There's nothing "neat and clean" looking anymore!!!

Jenna, I DID post a comment on the test site!!! I actually posted the e-mails that haven't been getting to you. I'm going crazy and dying to have the new template up--at this point, just SEND it to me, finished or not!!! Ha!


Hey, I took your quiz and needless to say I did a lot better than you did on mine. LOL. Oh well. Rebekah tells me that I don't know how to make a quiz and that I didn't play fair. I really didn't know all of your children's middle names, but I figured that one of them was probably James and only one of the choices included that. Also, I guessed on the best friend one. I figured that it probably wasn't one of the obvious ones that I choose and could see it being the one I ended up choosing. Fortunately, I was right. I have to say, though, your "If I could have one of these, which one would I choose?" question surprised me a bit. The answer definitely wasn't the one that my wife would have chosen for herself.

BTW. I enjoyed the stories about your kids. It was comforting to realize that I'm not the only one who gets frustrated with my children and wants to say something like, "break those precious little fingers off," and finds consolation in a good laugh.

Oh, as soon as I am done with the conversion of my garage, I will be taking over our blog. Rebekah wants to start one of her own. I will be writing on it regularly, but I'm way to busy right now trying to keep up with the work on the garage and still get my articles in before my deadline for the newspaper. Give me a couple of more weeks and things should gradually get back to normal.

You handled Joe just right. That is too funny though!

When I shut down my other blog, I transferred everything to Word, pictures and all, so that I could do a book and remember everything that the previous 15 months brought with them. I'm glad that you are doing that so that you can remember all the neat things that the kids are doing right now.

I haven't taken the quiz yet, but I'll probably bomb on it like everyone else's. ~giggle~

Wow! It's J. Doran! Who knew!!! Good to hear from you. I must admit... after it was all said and done, I wondered about how truthful that one answer was. At this point in time I might value a housekeeper above all else. The question should've been worded differently, perhaps. "What have I always DREAMED of having," or something!

I agree with Rebekah--your quiz is so not fair. You have to give people some CHANCE of stumbling into a right answer here and there, you know?!

Sister Tammi, I fully expect you to score higher than most everybody else. You have the great advantage of knowing me my whole life--and a knack for remembering details!

Hmmm...I don't remember...I don't think that I bombed as terribly as on other's but I don't think that I did terribly well either...I only took the quiz less than 10 hours ago and I can't remember. I guess my brain is still sleeping while my body is up moving around. Oh bother!

OK I got reeeeeeally lucky on your quiz. Some I got because of seeing your personality come through your blog.

The ones I got right were ones mostly ones that I actually knew, so I guess that's pretty good. :-)

I did worse on yours than I did on Sister Tammi's.

I did worse on yours than I did on Sister Tammi's.