I Cracked  

Posted by cokelady

I'm sure that Brothers Estep and Mullins and the rest of you Christmas freaks out there will be pleased to hear that I gave in. Just the tiniest little bit, mind you, but knowing James I would guess that this minute compromise will soon take on a snowball affect. Before you all start shouting "HYPOCRITE!," let me explain.

This coming Monday-Wednesday, James will be in Lubbock for training for his new job. He'll have Thanksgiving weekend off, then begins full time at Mardel (anybody know what that is?) down in Odessa the following Tuesday. He'll be working a full time job now (probably more than full time throughout the holidays) along with his Overseer responsibilities until he's able to go back into "full time" church work. (Please help us pray about that!) My point is this: between the church work, a full time job, and the 40 mile drive to Odessa and back each day, James is going to have much less leisure time this holiday season. As we are all aware, James is somewhat fond of Christmas. *clearing throat & rolling eyes* Sooooo... being the kind, thoughtful wife that I am, I told him that I was going out to the shed to find the box of Christmas music and movies (if I didn't pack them away, they would be airing nightly throughout the year) so he could watch the Christmas movie of his choice. I wish you could have seen his response. It was as surprised and joyous--almost downright giddy--as any Choleric could possibly muster. Rather cute, really. ;-) We put the kids to bed, James built a nice, cozy fire (it is truly cold here tonight! Wa-Hoo!), and watched Holiday Inn. I'm ashamed, but honest enough to admit that I enjoyed it. Eight days early. Whatever you do, don't tell my kids--they'll be begging for Rudolph and Frosty day in and day out if they know that Mom watched a Christmas show before Thanksgiving! It'll just be our little secret. HA! A secret -- in Blogland!!! That's a good one.

Other and more important news includes a three day Revival in Andrews this past weekend! Keven Lewis and family came from Colorado and we were so blessed to have them! The Revivial was good and already has me looking forward to the next one. (Hear that, Brother Sam?!) And we sooooo enjoyed having Keven & Michele and the kids here. They stayed with Sam & Tammy, naturally, but we were able to have them over for dinner a few times and spend some time with them. I loved it!!! My kids had a BLAST hanging out with their crew (Sam told me, "I found a friend in Malachi!" -- He's crazy about him!) and it was just so great to be able to fellowship with all of them. I love them so much! Here are a few pictures.

Brother Keven, preparing for the evening service. *ahem*

My Sunday School class, minus Sam. (He's not much of a "large crowd" person and wasn't about to be included in the picture.)

The Lewises (is that right?!) stayed through Sunday morning service and had lunch with us--a big delicious one, complete with homemade hot rolls and pumpkin pie--then drove home Sunday afternoon.

That night we had a special service for Ellis and Elizabeth Poole, the old couple who got baptized last week. They wanted to renew their wedding vows, so we had a special little ceremony for them concluding with (insert drum roll, please) administering the Church covenant!!! Isn't that just sooooo exciting?! The Church of God in Andrews, Texas has just grown by 20%! :-) God is sooooo good to us and we are just so thrilled. And so are they! Brother Ellis is so excited to be back in the Church again after all these years. (He was a member years ago, back in A.J. Tomlinson days. Remember, he's 94 years old!)

Here he is, joining God's Church!

It was quite an exciting night. We had a nice little party for them afterwards, complete with a mini-wedding cake and a shattered punch bowl. No worries, though. We were able to salvage most of the punch and, to my knowlege, nobody ended up with a shard of glass stuck in their throat, so I'd say the whole evening was a tremendous success.

I know that several interesting or entertaining things have happened in the past few days, but I have forgotten them all. I will, however, post a picture of the fantastic card my littlest cowboy received from his Auntie Em a week or two ago...

Is that not the cutest card in the world?! For a cowboy, that is. I love it!!! Great job, Em. ;-)

Okay, that's it for tonight. While I'm thinking of it, thanks for the call the other day, Lyndi--you're the good one! It was great to talk to you. As for the rest of you out there, the least you could do is blog. ;-)

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I am so excited about your new members!!! That news made my day!!! Especially since this is a dreaded day of meetings and stuff I don't want to do...

I bought another snowman the other day... I couldn't resist. He was a cowboy snowman with candy canes in his holsters. And he was 20% off. I'll try to take a picture of him for you.

HA! Sounds like a great snowman, Ger! There probably aren't many like that around here.

Great post, Bec. But I'm astounded that you gave in and allowed a Christmas flick early. I guess that's what a woman will do when she loves her husband. *oh, brother!* Nevertheless, I'm proud of you for making James so happy. Meanwhile, I was perusing the Nov/Dec issue of Country Woman last night and was surprised at the warm fuzzies I was feeling while looking at the Christmas pictures and crafts. I mentioned to some of the crowd yesterday that we may have to hang a string of Christmas lights on the travel trailer this year. *sob, sob* It looks like that's the best we can hope for.

Ahhhh, what a nice wife! Way to go Becki. I'm still waiting for my "call" although an e-mail would work too! :)

You guys have been busy. The news from Andrews is wonderful...I teared up at the picture of Bro. Poole taking the covenant.

BTW...I have been blogging...you just haven't commented! UGH! Who is the president of NARR? I want to file a complaint on all of these complainers about Blogsville being slow and no one posting! ~sugary sweet grin~

I am the President of NARR!!! Lyndi is Vice President. Or maybe she's top dog and I'm her vice... I'll have to check with her to find out. In any case, no fair complaining to the boss about the office rules! The rules are instituted purely for our pleasure and therefore as soon as a rule becomes unpleasurable, it no longer applies to us. NOTE: this only works for the President and Vice!!!

Okay, so I've been a little lax in commenting lately. I do apologize. I've been having a hard time even writing on my own blog in recent times. I've been so out of the loop that I've forgotten my usual pattern and have been missing out even reading several people's blogs. I'll get back in the swing of things soon, okay?!

As for the rest of you...

Thanks for stopping by, Sister Pam! James THINKS he's excited about working at Mardel. We don't really know since we've never actually been in one before!

Aunt Kay, the snowman sounds great! There are soooooo many western snowmen around here. I may end up with a few of them gathered on the mantle before it's all said and done.

Mom, I think it would be great to string up the trailer. Hang a wreath on the door, too. Ooooh, then you can get one of those great big blow-up snowmen to go out in front, or one of the snow globe looking ones... You could fill the whole parking lot of HQ with your Christmas spirit! Where's your excitement, Mom?! Live it up! Take lots of pictures! They'll be in the history books someday! (HA!) Or would that be HYSTERY...

Grace, you're a cheater. At least my purpose for watching a Christmas show was fulfilling Scripture. ("She will do him good..." and all that be-a-good-wife stuff.) You just flat out watched the biggest Christmas classic of all time--and it wasn't even a spiritual endeavor!!! CHEATER! Boo! Booooooooooo! The Queen of... Well, you know. ;-)

Bekah... Okay, so Grace is a cheater and I'm just a loser. I'm going to call! REALLY!!! I will, one of these days. I'm going to be on the roof most of the day today, but I'm shooting for sometime before Thanksgiving. If I don't follow through, you can start shooting. At me. Fair enough?

WoooooooooWoooooooo. WooooooooWooooo. That is the sound of sirens. The Seasonal Police are at your door. I knew it! No one can resist the charm of the Christmas season. Soon we will all have trees up...da...da...daaaaa...ALL YEAR ROUND!!!!! HA!! Ha!!! Haaaaaa!!!

That seems dastardly, doesn't it? I don't know maybe you just have to be here.

The important thing is you cracked!!! HA!!!

Ahem...why are you going to be on the roof all day? Please don't tell me that you cracked and put up the Christmas lights too...hmmm....