Something Day?  

Posted by cokelady

Lyndi's post about "nothing day" must've made me feel guilty all the way down in Texas because I've been extrememly productive today. It all started last night, really. My office was needing to be vacuumed, but I kind of went crazy and did a whole top-to-bottom cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming of everything in the room, from the base boards to the ceiling fan. (It never had been cleaned since you guys were here in April, Em! Remember how bad it was then?! Add 4 months of dust to what was already there. Eeeewwwwww!)
After the cleaning frenzy I took a break for a few hours to play Rummy 5,000 with Tammy. Sam was covering the school board meeting, so it gave Tammy and I a chance to play some more of our Eternal Rummy game that we started 10 and a half years ago. We're at somewhere around 180,000 points right now, Tammy being about 3,000 ahead of me at the moment. Ggrrr. Oh well. It's really not all that disturbing when you know it's Eternal Rummy and you've got the rest of your life to catch up!
Today I've done the great big top-to-bottom cleaning of the boys' room, Katie's room, our bedroom, and the hallway. I stopped to make dinner--poppyseed chicken casserole, one of our favorites--and right now I'm supposed to be starting the clean up job in the living room. But I've hit a snag. All of my motivation has drained completely off and I just don't wanna clean anything else. ~sigh~ Now what do I do? I've got the vacuum cleaners and the rags and the Endust sitting there, all ready to go...and I'm not. Even though it feels great to have accomplished so much, today has been one of those "ugh" days. It started yesterday sometime and has continued on throughout the day today. I just feel BLAH, you know? And it's spread all the way through my system now and I don't feel like doing anything. I don't feel like cleaning. I don't feel like reading. I don't feel like blogging. What am I doing here? Even though I don't feel like it, I feel more like doing this than cleaning! I don't even feel like being fun. Oooooooohhhh. That's BAD. That's when I know it's time to go pray for a while! I hadn't thought of that consciously, but when my sense of humor goes flat it's always a sign that I need to pray! It's better to have the world crumbling all around me and still be laughing about security guards and cannons than it is for things to level off, but not feel like cracking a joke or two. So I guess that's my cue. I'll go read and pray for a bit, then try to find the motivation I misplaced and see if I can't get some cleaning done in the living room and den tonight.
MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES FOR SUCH A TERRIBLY BORING POST!!! Pray for me and I'll do my best to make up for it next time. :-)


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Wow girl! You work circles around me. And you even got a few games in??? How in the world do you do that????? *sigh* I know, you have James for a husband. You're world must be soooo orderly. lol With my Mr. Visionary/meloncoly (sp) husband, my life is make plans, expect them to change and then change again. :)

Yeah, I would take getting just one room cleaned with the blahs I have too! Sister Barbara is going to be here Monday for a week and I'm looking at my place rolling eyes... I can't imagine where the energy will come from but I know it will get me going sometime between here and there cuz I can't stand for anyone to see a dirty house. Dog hair. Ugh. I told Mickey he may need to go see how the other half lives! Like up on the corner here where I have been putting these two dogs from shade tree back to their houses for rain all week. The lady wants my husband to come build her a dogpen with shade. I'm sure! It'll probably end up happenin! LOL. Just hang in there, better moods are ahead. Victory on top of victory!


I have had several of those "Blah" days... I actually feel numb! BUT my day was brightened today, when I received a flyer in the mail telling me that our new Papa Murphy's is NOW OPEN. WAH HOO!!!! We're having pizza tonight!!! Then I get a phone call from Sis. Vickie Bly asking Grace and I to help with the parade of nations... I don't do WHITE! Then I felt bad for having that thought and decided that this just gave Grace and I another reason to go shopping. It's all good!!! The glass IS half full, Lyndi, and I plan on filling it the rest of the way with an ice cold COKE!!!


Hey I got one of those calls too!!!!
I get to wear my one white dress again!!!
Oh, no, I think I got rid of my one white dress when we moved because I never wear it except for WMB day at the Assembly and they really don't do that anymore and I would probably not be noticed wearing a different color ...

One white dress ---- $60
Pair of white dress shoes --- $20
White Hose --- $5
Spending a whole day in the white dress, hose and shoes, trying not to get a spot or wrinkle --- Priceless!

Rebekah: I don't know what got into me. I've NEVER done this much cleaning at one time. I home I'm okay... ???

Sister Julie: I'm worn out, so I'll pray my cleaning bug will move on over to your house and bite you so your place can be ready for company.

Lyndi: I'm with Aunt Kay. I'm going to fill my half-full glass up with Coke and enjoy it! (Hope the first half was Coke, too. Otherwise it might be pretty nasty.)

Erika (it is Erika, right?!): NO, the parade of nations phone call didn't help. ;-P Actually, it sounds like it will be pretty neat -- I think it's great to try something different. I only wish I could go shopping for white with Aunt Kay and Grace. I'll have to go with James. Ugh. (HA!)

Aunt Kay: Be thankful for that numb feeling. Sometimes it's better to have no feelings at all!

Sister Annette: $60, $20, $5, priceless. And finding a white dress, shoes and hose in Bethel, Alaska? MIRACULOUS!!! Good luck!


Well my legs are so white I could probably skip the hose.
I do have a white sheet, but a toga would probably be inappropriate.
I could go barefoot!!!

If anyone would like to borrow them, I have some plain white leather dress shoes I only wore once at my wedding. They are a size 7, Hush Puppies with a wide 2 inch heel. I had to get shoes with heels that tall so that my dress would not have to be taken up! Anyhow, anyone is welcome to borrow them!

Wow, how kind! However, they're about 3 sizes too small for me! Any takers with tiny feet???

A size 7 is tiny? Wow! I thought it was pretty normal, but normal is just a setting on your dryer. :-) BTW, I don't comment much but I always read. :-)


I don't think I was born with that tiny of feet.LOL!

Ok, so now that I'm a tiny-footed freak that can barely hold her own body weight up because my feet are so small...

Hmm.... I wonder if that's why I'm such a klutz? :-p

You guys are a riot. :-) Watch out I'm joining the comment party!

Welcome, Rachel!

By the way, I'm a klutz too, for the opposite reason. I'm a long-footed freak who stumbles over myself all the time as if wearing skis. I'm a long and skinny size 10. (My feet and arms are the ONLY part of me that is long OR skinny, however! Ha!)

lol Ok where is Sis. Smith to add to this the way Rachel your feet are NOT small, I wear a 5 1/w (6 if my feet are swollen)giggle.

What is a "Jason Mullins spirit"?