NEWSFLASH: Emilee is in Labor!!!  

Posted by cokelady

That's right, folks -- it looks like tonight is the night...or possibly tomorrow morning is the morning! We're trusting that Emilee is in "real" labor right now (her body likes to play tricks on her, but I don't think it's faking this time), so if you happen to see this before it's too late, PRAY FOR HER!!! I know she would greatly appreciate it! All of you moms out there know how desperately she needs it. We'll keep you posted. ;-)

Hhmmm. Seems sort of strange to try to think of something else to write about right now. The happenings there at my brother's home are so...BIG! Seems strange to talk about trivial things while something so big and exciting is going on! But I'll try.

We had a good weekend. Having church at noon on Sundays is going to take some getting used to (!), but we had a good service. On Sundays we have Sunday School and song service and such, then Brother Sam preaches, then afterwards we go into a mini-auxiliary service of sorts. It was my week for my WMB boost/service. I talked about not just enduring the things that come our way, but finding true rest and peace and contentment in the midst of them. To be "content" means, "Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied; willing, ready to accept." That last one really caught my attention. Ready to accept...whatever God chooses to do in our lives. So many times we simply endure hard times, but truly resting in God means that we have to be ready to accept whatever God ordains or allows in our lives.

Then there's James. He does not accept the month of August. I went out to his office earlier today and when I swung the door open, out poured Christmas music. That man! I love Christmas as much as anybody, but this is ridiculous. He starts taking our family to look at the Christmas stuff at Hobby Lobby every July. And once we get home from the Assembly--and I'm ready for fall things (the changing of the leaves, homemade soups and chowders, spiced cider, etc.)--he is in full force Christmas mode. This (to my knowledge) is the first time he's whipped out the Christmas music so early. The worst part? It was a terrific song from my very favorite CD. Within 30 seconds I was "into" it. Still rebuking him for breaking every rule in the book and telling him how wrong it is (and meaning it!)... but I couldn't stand still. It was one of those songs, you know?! ~sigh~ I'm so ashamed. I'm just going to stop visiting his office until after Thanksgiving. It's my only hope.

The kids are doing great and staying happy, for the most part. They've got their Mom "back" for a little while and much more attentive to their needs. It's amazing how much happier and contented they are when I'm not consumed with other things. Simply being with them like I want to and like God intends makes our home so much more peaceful and joyful. With everything that's been going on the past few months they've gone neglected a lot, I'm sorry to say. It shows. "A child left to himself," you know! I'm trying to remedy the problems that have arisen due to that and I'm seeing some improvements.

Speaking of improvements, Katie's reading abilities are blowing me away. She has been reading our devotions the past few nights and doing a terrific job. In fact, I feel certain she could read that last sentence with little or no difficulty. I know I didn't read that well at age 5! We put the kids to bed at 8:30 each night, but I've been letting Katie keep her lamp on and read until 9:00. I think that has made a big difference. Tonight when I went to check on her she had her school book spread out in front of her, working on her math. For fun! Weird. Oh well. I hope she stays weird like that!

Joe is starting to read basic words as well. He's mostly just interesting in cuffing people, hauling them off to jail, then shooting them. (He has a warped sense of justice.) Actually, I think he enjoys just looking the part as much as acting it out.

And Sam? His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds and he cracks us up every day, without fail. That kid is a riot. He has discovered the joy of Lincoln Logs. He's getting better at building with them, but he still likes to throw them all in a pile and pretend he's making fire. It makes me nervous that he has such a fascination with fire, especially considering my own history. I just keep telling myself that he's too young to worry about it too much. Right???

Ramble, ramble, ramble. Sorry again. And sadly, I don't even have anything witty to challenge the Merry Heart Man with. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not all that clever on a day to day basis. I have to have something to inspire me. ~sigh~ Where is Jimmy Williams when you really need him?! Ah yes, he's putting out fires somewhere. Maybe I'll call him if Sam gets out of hand.

Gotta run. Remember to pray for Em!!!


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Keep us posted on Em. I'm praying for her! Even if you didn't have anything terribly witty to say, it was a great post because you just shared your life with us. Love you!

We be praying.

I didn't realize that James likes Christmas that much! Wow! He is worst than Jacob. lol

I can always send you more pictures of Bro. Jimmy :oD hehe

IT'S A BOY!!! (Poor Abby! She needed a sister!!! Ha!) Ezekiel David was born last night at about 2:30 Colorado time. I THINK that's when Jon called. The conversation is a little hazy. Anyway, Jon knew nothing (weight, length, etc.) except that everybody thinks this baby looks just like Luke. So the tally is one girl, FOUR boys! :-)

Congrats, Aunt Becky. I remember Bro Jon coming to our Church with Bro Johnny Furlong a long time ago. The funny thing was when Jon was going to sing a song, he told the musicians not to play because they would mess him up. He did not mean it that way but it was funny. No many years later he is the proud father of 5 children.

I was just thinking today with the cloud cover and cooler temps that, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." We are Christmas junkies as well. It looks like the Griswald's at our home. Soon the work of celebrating Christ's birth will begin by illuminating our home as He illuminated the world. Our ultimate goal is for the neighbors to have to wear sunglasses in bed. We are nearing that. The electric company loves it. I even bought an ornament at Cracker Barrel on Sun. it says, "Middle Child, Mom's Favorite." I thought it so fitting for me.

Have you ever heard the Martin's Christmas album from several years ago? It is very good. I am worse than Bro. James. There is much to do before then. I must concentrate on other things.

Again Congrats.

congrats TO THE FAMILY!!!

Hellooooo! Your "NEWS FLASH" is waaaaay outdated! Get with it!

I am not!!!!
But thank you all for the prayers. They were much needed and appreciated. And God answered the prayers just as He always does. As Mom keeps reminding me...God's way DO work. We're enjoying our new addition!

For Pete's sake, would you do a new post and relieve poor Em from being in labor??? You're the BAD ONE!

That must be the longest labor in history. Poor Emilee! Please end her suffering soon!!!!