
Posted by cokelady

Can you believe it?! A new post two days in a row!!! Has this ever happened here before??? Pretty freaky. I don't know what came over me. I think it's because of the flood of comments that came in after last night's post. Makes you feel like "it's time" for a new one somehow. Nevermind that half of those comments were from my own self. ;-)

I just finished putting my WMB service together for tomorrow night. I hope it will be a blessing to everybody else and not just me! I'm going to be talking about hope and faith -- not the kind of faith that the children of Israel had, or that Thomas had. When they SAW God work, they believed. But Jesus said, "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (Jn. 20:29). It's really a glorious thing when all looks dark and dreary, when the future looks grim and hopeless and it seems that there is no way things are going to turn out okay. That's when we have the honor of hoping in the Lord! "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?" (Rom. 8:24). That comes just a few verses before that "all things work together for good" verse. :-) God is good and it's a blessing to be able to trust Him and believe He's got everything in His hands, even when the circumstances all around us are screaming, "It's out of control and there's no hope for things to turn out okay--things are doomed to be tragic and devastating!" Phooey. Not with our God! I want to sing "Let God arise, and his enemies be scattered," even with I'm all alone, surrounded by millions of reasons to believe things are hopeless! God is soooooooooo much bigger than whatever crises we may face. I feel so much JOY just knowing that He is God and He loves me and He loves my family and He loves His Church. He's going to take care of us all. (Remind me of this if I slip and have a surge of panic sometime, okay?! Ha!)

Nothing much has been going on around here today. After much persuasion in the form of a pastic spoon that I wear on my hip most of the time (!), Joe finally choked down his lunch. (No, I didn't give him another ham sandwhich...yet.) Life with Josiah nowadays gives a whole new meaning to the term "gag order." That kid. He's the easy going one. I never would've thought it possible for him to be soooooooo stubborn. He'll find out soon enough though--I'm more determined than he is. ;-)

I took the kids to the library for story time today. First time in months, it seems. We used to go faithfully every week, no matter what. Since April, we've probably been 3 or 4 times total. We can't seem to stay home long enough! So it was nice to do something that reminded us, "Ah yes, we did have some form of a routine once upon a time, didn't we?"

I was looking through that crazy "Every Day a Holiday" book of mine today and guess what! The first full week in August is National Clown Week!!! What do you think of that, Jason?! Somebody was weird enough to set aside a whole week in celebration of clowns. Have fun!

Looks like I've run out of things to talk about. I'll spare you all any more.

Until next time!


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I can't imagine the people not being blessed in your WMB service. What you shared here was a real blessing.


Amen! Brother Clarkson

I can't imagine what can possibly be entertaining about a heartless and abusive mother who has very little to blog about aside from the latest form of mistreatment taking place under her charge. But, hey, thanks for stopping by!

I don't recall ever seeing the mom's only blog thingie, but like you said, chances are I just deleted it before taking time to see what it was. I'm sure I'd enjoy at least looking at the site, so sure, sent it to me again. I'll try to be more careful with that delete button next time. It's easy to get carried away, what, with dozens of worthless e-mails coming in each day!


Sounds like an awesome WMB service to me. I would love to be there for it. You are such an inspiration to me. What is going on with my little Cuddle Bug??? Is he trying to assert some independence or what? Those of us that know you, KNOW you are stronger willed than him. LOL I sure do love you and you have wonderful children. I love you and I really enjoy your blog. You add humor to my day. Keep up the good work with everything. Tell my Cuddle Bug I said for him to be good to his Mom and eat like a good boy. Then give him a great big hug for me. Also one for Katie Rue and Sambo.
Love , ~~Sis.Gaylene~~


Becki, thanks! I needed what you posted today. I will read it again. I love you!

To Harmlessphotos: I didn't receive the invitation. My spam filter probably ate it. Often if an e-mail is sent to numerous recipients my spam filter takes it upon itself to do away with it before I ever get the chance to decide for myself. That's okay, since probably only 1 in 1000 is actually NOT spam!

To Bec: You really need to learn how to spell sandw(h)ich. LOL! Caught ya!!! I LOVE IT!!! *singing* You made a boo-boo, neener, neener, neener! HA! HA! HA!

Aw, come on, Aunt K. You KNOW you want to blog! Just admit it. ;-)

It's me again. I'm just posting so Becki can log on to check the comments and think, "WOW! Look at all the comments I've got!" *he, he, he!*

Just one more after this and it'll be an even dozen. *giggling*

Aw, yes, I can hear it now, "WOW! TWELVE comments??? I wonder who all has visited?" Me, honey! It's your favorite Momma! *big, big grin*

Becki - I think she REALLY just wanted to display her charming portrait to remind us of how BEAUTIFUL she is (not once, but FIVE times!). What do you think?

BTW, thanks for the little pick me up. I really needed that.

Hey Mom -- no strutting on my site! You'll have to do that somewhere else. ;-)

As for the misspelling, it's really your fault. How many times did I ask you to help me with my spelling when I was growing up?! You never would. "LOOK IT UP," you'd say. As if I walked around with a Webster's in my back pocket 24/7.

Oh, and you really didn't get my hopes up. James warned me. "Your Mom put like 5 comments on your blog, Bec." So the joke's on you.

To Lorrie: WOW!!! You're out here, blogging!!! Great to hear from you. I'll have to pop in and look at your blog to see if there's anything new since MAY. (Isn't that how long it's been?!) And Mom calls Sister Melanie a slacker.

Rats. Looks like James has been dinking around out here. I see my last comment was posted under his identity, not mine.

(Don't you just love it that he's been sucked into the blog thing?! He keeps saying it probably won't last long. I wouldn't be surprised either way, really. He's out there right now trying to figure out how to add a church flag picture to his profile. Ha!)

shoooo'eeee 15 comments. 16 is such a beatiful numba...so here I go!