How 'bout the face of self-deception?! Ha! I love this picture.
We were blessed with an OVER-abundance of musicians at Family Camp this year! :-) It was so great. "Auntie Em" (or "M&M," as Sam calls her) did a really fantastic job with music. It was so much fun -- and such a blessing, too. Thanks, Em! I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE. Go ahead, leave just one little itty-bitty comment to let everbody know you're really there! You know you want to!!!! It's just a click away! ;-)
And here's the happy, however orange-shaded couple -- Ray & Tammi Adams. The funny glow comes not from their radiance (however radiant they may be!), but from the light shining through the circus tent we were using as a chapel. Sounds strange, I know -- but it was so great! I loved it!!! (Even without the trapeze! HA!)