In Addition to My Earlier Post...  

Posted by cokelady

I thought Joe had overcome his fear of cap guns--I know I've seen him shooting them in the past few weeks. Apparently he's not as "over" them as I assumed. He just came and asked if I'd put a new roll of caps in his gun for him. When I got it all loaded for him and tried to give it to him, he told me to go ahead and shoot it first. And he took off running. "I'll be in the pantry if you need me!" he shouted. I shot it a couple of times and then handed it over to Katie. She shot once, then I noticed an eyeball peeking through the pantry door, which was cracked open ever so slightly. "You're doing good, Katie!," said the eyeball. "Shoot it again!" Ha! He's such a coward!!! I finally shoved him out the back door with his gun and have heard a few shots out there, so he must be working up some courage. Still, that's just pitiful!!!

Katie has been doing well lately. Except for that day a couple of weeks ago that she took the scissors to her bangs. I had Stacey even them up about a week ago, but she still looks dumb. They're just to short, you know? Kate is doing great in school (although we haven't done much lately!) and really seems to be enjoying her 2nd Grade book. Still reading up a storm. And writing. Yesterday one of the swings on the swingset had been thrown over the top rail again and again until it was way up high and the chains too short to be able to swing on. There was a sign taped to it that said, "Out Of Order!" Ha! Katie's handywork.

And Sam. He's still straining our childrearing abilities (!), but bringing lots of laughs, as always. We're working hard to do away with tattle-tales around here, but we've got a way to go yet. He came running inside the other day and said, "Mom!!! Katie's not doing good unto others!!!" Goofy kid. He was eating ants again yesterday and my uncle was appalled. I think he was mostly amazed that I wasn't appalled. I told him that I just have to pick my battles with Sam and in the big scheme of things there are lots of things I'm a lot more concerned about than eating ants. Like electricity. Knives. Power tools. Arsenic. Ants just aren't that big a deal to me anymore, you know?! I tell Sam not to eat other people's ants--it's rude--and that he'll be sorry if he eats the red ones. Other than that, I let it go.

Okay, gotta get back to work. I never have done the laundry since Convention last weekend (I finally started it last night!) and we're out of clothes. Not good.


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Dustin and I laughed over the capgun story. Eating ants, whats the harm in that ~giggle~ unless he does get ahold of the red ones.I have one like that

Eating ants is no big deal? Perhaps you've read one too many Michael Pearl books. *giggle* I can't imagine watching my son eat ants and not freaking out, but whatever floats your boat. *shaking head* I'm trying to be detached and allow you to parent your child however you wish, but we're talking about MY grandson here, so it's a bit more difficult! Oooooh, GROSS!!! As for the cap gun, well he's not 14, like Jacob, yet!

I told Anthony that your Sam was eating ants and he said, "I bet Becky freaked out, didn't she?" I just laughed and said, "Not exactly." But I gotta' say, that's something I wouldn't be able to stomach seeing either. Eeeewwwww!!!!

HA! I thought my boys were the only ones who ate ants. Caleb's done it most often, but Luke's tried them too. Crazy boys!

Joe and his cap gun just cracks me up. Of course that "out of order sign and the eating of ants was pretty funny too. Becky, your kids are a riot.

I love the "eyeball" encouraging Katie to shoot it again, the "out-of-order" sign on the swing and oh my! eating ants...well...I fed my little brother mud pies with gravel, so at least Sam is getting some protein. Too funny!

When I told Jacob about the eating of ants by both your kids and Jon's. He said that maybe it is hereditary??? *grin* Did Jon ever eat ants?

If he did, he was a SECRET ant eater! I sure never knew of him eating any kind of creepy crawler. An open safety pin once, but no bugs. Sam must get it from the Horne side. *giggle* Hmmmm. What's the explanation for the Smith boys? Maybe it's hereditary from their Granddaddy and it just skipped a generation?


Haha, too funny!


My Cuddle Bug is so funny. I can't believe that a cowboy is afraid of his own cap gun. Oh well. And Sam, he is just toooooo cute for words. Katie is too smart for her own good. She is always coming up with something. But, isn't it funny how we are so protective of the first one that if they even looked at an ant we would freak out? Then the second, we relax some, and then the third we say oh well, it won't hurt them. I don't know about the fourth and fifth, but I'm sure you get even more relaxed in what bothers you. Mine were into snakes and such.(as you know) But ants!!!!! YUK, I can't even imagine putting one in my mouth or watching one of my kids do that. Not even Chocolate covered with a cherry on top. When my boys were little a friend ate a worm and I thought I would die. He just laughed. I guess I shouldn't have freaked out so, he lived through it.
I love reading you blog, you have such a way with words and letting us know what your kidos are up to.
Sis. Emilee, Sis. Haley, and Sis. Jamey do good too. I like to start my day off, after devotions, with all of you. It lifts my spirits.
Love you,
~~Sis Gaylene~~

Uh hum...where are you? Are you hiding under a rock because you are embarrassed about all the typos we found in the Western Skies? You're trying to avoid typos on here too?!
~~cheesy grin~~
Don't worry, we all make mistakes!!!!

Maybe she hasn't found her way out from under that mountain of ironing that she created when she had to wash every stitch of clothing in the house because she let the laundry go too long...hmmm...~smile~