Christmas Craziness  

Posted by cokelady

I just got home from a Christmas Party and I'm so confused. Tammy called yesterday and told me to bring the kids to this party tonight--it would be fun. So I did. We loaded up (James was still at work), went down to the J.R. Center, walked in the door and signed the guest book, then some lady handed me a tin of cookies and a ticket. We went in and enjoyed a big ham and turkey dinner, then the guy who was throwing the party went up front and started drawing ticket numbers and giving away gifts. Before I knew it, Joe and Sam had both won presents (a robot and a remote controlled car thing--not junky gifts) and I'd won a $20 gift certificate to the steakhouse here in town. Then the lady sitting across from us felt bad because Katie didn't win anything, so she gave her her own tin of cookies. I felt sooooo guilty! Here I am, eating free food and gathering up all kinds of loot for me and my kids... and I never even figured out the name of the man who threw the party or what business it is that he owns. I guess he throws this big party every year as a way to give back to the community and to thank God for making him so successful. That's all great, but I still don't have a clue who he is or what he does. I was going to go up to him afterward and introduce myself and thank him for everything, but when I got up to him he just threw his arms around me and hugged me and thanked me for coming! What could I say?! "Great party!" He didn't know who I was and didn't care--he was just glad I was there and had won whatever I had won! Oh yeah, and "Santa" was there and all the kids at the party went and got their picture taken with them and he gave them all little bags of candy. Just what we need.

Speaking of Santa, did you know that can be a very sore subject with some people? I know there are some people who are offended at the very idea of Santa for religious reasons, but did you know that other people are offended at the idea that there isn't a Santa? At story time at the library this past week the librarian said something about Santa and Katie laughed and said, "Yeah. But, of course, there isn't really a Santa. It's just a guy who dresses up like that." The lady got all weird about it and insisted, "No, that really is Santa," etc., etc., etc. When we were leaving she pulled me aside and said, "Rebekah, could you please talk to Katie and tell her not to say that there isn't a Santa in front of the others?" I was surprised, but apologized and told her I'd talk to Katie about it. Just for the record, we've always told our kids the truth about Santa--that there really is no such thing. Kind of like Veggie Tales. There's really no such thing as talking vegetables, but we still enjoy the shows depicting such. Santa isn't real, but some kids have fun pretending that he is. We've never made it into a big, heathenistic thing that only wicked people talk about (!), just told them the simple truth. Anyway... I got to thinking later about what the librarian had said and how offended she acted that a kid had stated publicly that there is no Santa. I had to laugh. I mean, for goodness' sake--I tell my kids the truth about Santa. If somebody else tells them otherwise, they look at me and I'll tell them the truth again. No biggie. If some parents tell their kids that there really is a Santa, what's the big deal if somebody else says there isn't one?! I mean, all the parent would have to do is say, "Some people just don't believe in Santa. Isn't that sad?!" But nooooo, I'm made to feel like "the bad Mom" 'cause my kid happened to say Santa's not real?! Ha! That's so great!!! What a crazy world. People offended over Santa Clause.

And to add to the record, despite the truth I've always told my kids about Santa, I'm not so sure they're believing me any more. They've run into him twice in the past week and he was quite convincing--gave them candy canes once and little bags of candy the next time. And he remembered them. Probably because of Joe's request for a bow and arrow for Christmas. He was a little concerned about that one. "You ain't gonna hurt nobody with it, are ya'?" he said, with a thick southern drawl. I've never been much of a Santa fan myself, but I must say that I'm rather taken with this Texan Santa. He's a breed far different than any I've encountered before and I really enjoy the twist he puts on the traditional character we all envision. Even his "Ho, ho, ho's" come with a strong Texas accent. Ya' gotta love that.

The kids have been dying to build a snowman, but since there's no snow in Texas they've been improvising. Joe has a giant ball (intended for sitting on and bouncing) and created a "snowman" yesterday. He put a bowl upside down on top of it, then a smaller bowl on top of that, then a hat. Then he came to me and asked for some tape. He had a bowl of popcorn with him, so I had to ask. He explained that he was going to tape a two pieces of popcorn on for the eyes. I kind of laughed and gave him some tape. He ran to the other room and they I heard him start yelling, "Hey!!! Mom!!! Hershey ate one of the eyes!!!" Then I really laughed.

Christmas cards are DONE! Actually, they're sitting in a bin by the front door, ready to go to the Post Office. Feels good to have that behind me. It took longer than I expected, which puts me behind schedule on the big "Things To Do Before Mom Gets Here" list. Oh well. She may just have to help me make her Christmas present this year! Ha!

James is in the other room watching It's a Wonderful Life. I was hoping to save that one for Christmas Eve. Not a chance. I'm going to go join him and take a notebook with me. Gotta start planning what I'm going to make for the bake sale this coming Friday so I can figure ingredients. We'll go shopping after church tomorrow. So I'm outta here! Have a great night!!!


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It amazes me that a person can get so flurbed out about a little kid announcing that there is no real Santa but they may not even wince to hear someone declare that GOD is not real… How sad and messed up the world has become.

I agree with Aunt K on the Santa thing.

Other than have such a Wonderful Life! I know that there must be times when the same ole same ole dwells there, but for the most gotta love all the joy happening in your home.

I love the improv. snowman idea. How creative!!!

Congrats on getting your Christmas cards done. I've handed out several in the past couple of days, so I'm working on getting mine outta' here too.

Did you get my email?

Never mind about the last question. I saw that you did get my email and emailed back. Thank ya', ma'am. :o)

not to get into a santa discussion on your blog or anything but i agree that it is rather silly the emphasis ppl put on whether or not santa is real.

i suppose it's just a matter of opinion. i still believe in santa. it's a tradition my parents carried on for me from long ago and it's one i will carry on for my daughter. we are kailee's santa.

Joe must have had fun making his own "snowman!" I remember one year we spent Christmas with family in SC and we made a sand man. It was fun and our hands didn't get cold!

Good for you for telling your kids the truth about Santa. My Mama always said that if I tell you Santa is real, and I tell you Jesus is real, and later you found out Santa is just a character, how are you supposed to believe me about Jesus? He was always just a story to us. We had great fun pretending we could hear reindeer hooves on the roof on Christmas Eve. I think we had more fun pretending than kids who DID believe in Santa. Oh, and it was the same with the Tooth Fairy. Even though we knew it was Dad sneaking in to put money under our pillows, we were all secretly amused at the mental image of Dad dressing in a pink tutu and tiara to sneak in our rooms. :-) It's so much more AMUSING to know the truth, but have an active imagination. :-)

I had to laugh about your Santa offence. We are the same way with santa, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, etc. we have fun pretending but the kids know thats all it is. Its nice to hear another mom say she doesn't lie to her kids either, cause like you said, I'm somehow pegged the bad mom because I don't believe in deception. We've had plenty of awkward moments like that, and like you, I just have to laugh inside.
I think the reason people are so protective about it is because they have to have something magical to bring them hope. I guess when your hope is in Jesus its not such a big deal if santa is real or not.