Regional Convention Pictures  

Posted by cokelady

Tammy was smart enough to take notes during Camp and Convention (let's not talk about the ones I lost) and she has put so much great stuff on her blog! So... I encourage you all to go over there to read what she has posted, 'cause you ain't gonna find it here! :-) I will, however, post some pictures. I'll start with some Convention stuff tonight. Tammy and I have always been a pretty good team. She'll tell you about everything, and I'll show you! That works, hu?! :-)

One of our impromtu flag marches...

We had time on the program for a special tribute to John Clarkson. Although it wasn't planned, everybody in the Convention came up front to greet and hug and pray for the Clarkson family. It was beautiful. There is so much love in The Church of God!

A special plaque was presented to Sister Clarkson in honor of her husband's service to God and the Church in this region.

Not sure how this picture made it in with the serious ones (I intend to post the fun ones next time), but this is the Shulers helping Jon out... who was helping me out with the boost for the Western Skies. :-) It turned out better than I ever could have imagined! Ha!

Mama singing a special

This is Brother Gutierrez (that can't possibly be spelled right... somebody help!), the pastor of our new Spanish church in Phoenix. It was so wonderful to have him and his wife with us, along with another couple. They were a great blessing to us and I believe they were blessed as well. :-)
The VLB March

Have you ever noticed that every picture of Brother Rob Hawkins is nothing but a blur???

:-) It was SUCH A BLESSING to have Brother Hawkins with us. He has a special place in our hearts out west, although he wasn't here for as long as we would have liked. ;-) God really used him to speak to the Convention and to be the wonderful blessing that he always is. Not to mention the energy he brings with him!

We had such wonderful altar services at the Convention and several experiences. I'll have to ask James about the exact amounts--he never forgets stuff like that!
One of the great highlights for me was Brother Olivarez's testimony. I believe he said that he had recently had surgery (or was he about to go in for surgery?!) on his arm and that he was supposed to wear that sling for 6-8 weeks.
He testified to the Lord touching him and removed the sling and we all rejoiced with him over his wonderful healing! It is so marvellous to see God doing the things that we used to hear about Him doing. :-)

That's it for the pictures. There will be more to come, I'm sure. I'm trying to pace myself. Ha! I took the first two off entirely after we got home! I was feeling pretty sick on Saturday night (sounds like several of the Camp crew were feeling that way!), but was perfectly well by Sunday morning--Praise the Lord. Oh! I've got to say this--

There is a 15 year old kid who comes to church with his family here in Albuquerque on Sunday mornings. His name is Aaron and he's a really nice kid. We were able to get him to Family Camp and boy-oh-boy did he enjoy himself! He got down in the altar and was involved in the mighty moves of God there and he came home saved and sanctified. His Mom and Dad both testified on Sunday about the change in him. They said that from the moment he got home from Camp he has been a different kid. They can see it in his eyes and he's just so happy and peaceful. :-) PRAISE THE LORD! Aaron himself (who has never spoken a word in church before) stood and thanked God for what He did for him at Camp--and requested prayer for an uncle of his and for a couple of the kids he met at Camp who have difficult situations at home to deal with. After church he was telling me how he had already tried to talk to a cousin of his about the Lord. He was pretty much mocked, I think, but not discouraged. Please pray for him--I know this is something that he's never experienced before and we have no other young people here locally for him to serve God along side of. That makes it tough. I pray that God will move and we'll soon have a youth group here--wouldn't that be wonderful?! :-)

Today has been a busy, busy day. I finally decided I was going to have to do something. :-) We had managed to unload everything from Camp, but that's as far as we'd gotten. Everything has been scattered all over the house (worst ever???) and you couldn't even walk through. I've worked sooooo hard on it today but somehow there's still quite a bit to be done tomorrow! It always amazes me the amount of laundry there is to do after Camp. It's only a week, you know?! But it's a dirty, nasty, filthy week! Ha! I also felt it necessary to wash all of the blankets that we took to Camp (those of you familiar with Mountainair will understand why!), so that's added to the laundry, too. Our morning was interrupted by another snake sighting at the pond. Sammy was able to nab this one for us, too, and relocate it up the hill. I pitched the tent on the front deck for the kids to play in today since I knew I'd be swamped with laundry and housework. Didn't seem to help too much. They pretty much just fought over it. I've been ready to kill all of 'em since we got home from Camp. They run soooooo hard all week long at Camp, they eat more junk food (snack shack) than they get the whole rest of the year put together, it seems (!), they're up early in the morning and way, way late at night--and by the end of the week they are so out of whack that they completely flurb out on me. Some kids go to Camp and come home saved. My kids leave Camp a bunch of little monsters! In fact, they may not be allowed to go next year! Ha! They were all in bed promptly at 8:00 tonight. Surely by tomorrow things will be better. Right???

I'd better go to bed just in case things aren't better tomorrow. G'night!

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FINALLY a post. *deep breath*
Why would you relocate the snake UP the hill? If that slimey thing is perhaps going to attempt to come BACK to your house the least you could do is make him slither UP the hill instead of down! Make him WORK to get back to your pond.
I hope to make headway with MY laundry pile today, too. Something's got to be done. How can 2 adult people have so much dirty laundry???

Bro. Hawkins has that kind of energy in his local church also :) He was running around and leaping over the altars last Sunday night when the new family joined the Church.

I too have tons of laundry and there is only two of us, crazy.
Becki I am glad you got pictures. I will continue to post about Camp. I have been posting in sections. There is just to much to post all at once.
Since my husband took TWO pictures... ~sigh~ and only one turned out.
I will have to leave that part completely up to you

Man, what a LOSER of a photographer your husband turned out to be, Tam! SHAME of him! *tsk, tsk, tsk*
I forgot to mention, Bec, . . . GREAT pictures! You got some good ones. I love the ones of Brother Hawkins' race down the center aisle and back. :-) "That Brother Rob, he's crazy!" (quote by Katie Rue at 3 years of age, for those who don't know)

I am saddened that my husband did not take any pictures. I have a blog and everything, I could actullally share photos, but NOTHING...I got NOTHING......very sad,I know.

Enjoyed seeing those pictures of your great convention. Just seeing those ones of Bro. Hawkins, gets one excited. :D

Are you kids back to "normal" yet?