Listless & Lethargic  

Posted by cokelady

That's me. If you're not up for a royally derpressing post then I suggest you look elsewhere. I'm not an easily depressed person and I'm afraid I'm not very sympathetic toward people who are inclined to be easily depressed. For that reason, I fully expect a host of rebukes and scoldings. Whatever you do, lend me no sympathy. I deserve none and I certainly desire none. A good slap will often accomplish what a kind word could never do. At least in my case. ;-)

~sigh~ I'm bored. Really--out of my mind. Like, I can't concentrate on anything. I've been trying for a couple of hours to come up with a Sunday School class for tomorrow and I still have nothing. How hard is it to find a craft to accompany God creating the land and plantlife?! For the average person it's not hard at all. For the person bored to distraction it is quite difficult. At least for this particular person bored to distraction on this particularly boring day. I've been through four books and scrolled through countless Internet pages only to realize in the end that I'd forgotten what I was even looking for... several times. Can't we just talk about God giving us "rest" tomorrow and call a nap time during Sunday School??? ~sigh~ No, that will never do. Especially not after we've had two good Sunday School classes in a row and I feel like the kids are actually starting to look forward to class. We're at the place where we might be able to grow a real bond with each other and get into a regular "this is an important part of my life" routine for them, you know? I don't wanna flop now! I'll have to pray some more and try again later. I fear this will be one of those up-'til-2:00am-trying-to-put-together-what-I-didn't-get-put-together-earlier kind of nights. Oooooh, I hate those. They used to be the norm for me on Saturdays, but I've been doing much, much better about planning things earlier. Until today. ~sigh~ And I feel like doing nothing.

It's the kind of day where you don't feel like doing any work and you don't feel like enjoying a "day off" either. There are things that should be done, so I can't justify doing the fun stuff at this point. It's been a long, long time since I've felt this way, but it's like I'm in a state of half-reality. Like my brain is foggy and everything seems like a dream. A really, really boring dream. I have so many jumbled up thoughts, but not deep ones. Just simple, unimportant, silly little things rolling loosely around in my mind. Like... I wish I could dance. (This one may get me in trouble! Ha) Always wished I could dance. Not AT a dance, just in the privacy of my very own home, you know? To actually flow with music and not stumble and bumble all over the place. Seems like it would be sooooo fun, but I'll never know. I wish I could write. I mean really write--like poetry that's truly inspired and enlightening. Not all that mumbo-jumbo poetry that's so "deep" you have no idea what it's talking about, I mean real poetry that has actual rhyme and rhythm and draws to a proper conclusion of the subject at hand. Oooooh, I wish I could sing. I've been listening to me lately and I really can't sing. I can usually carry a tune okay (but not always), but my voice is very weak and almost a little annoying. I'm thankful that God doesn't care--He enjoys hearing me sing with the voice He chose to give me, so there is comfort in that.

Oooooh. I just had a terrible revelation. I'm having a MELANCHOLY DAY!!! Yipes! Talk about depressing!!! I am a Phegmatic-Melancholy personality by nature, but the Phlegmatic is usually dominant enough to squash out any of the pathetic Melancholy woes and I stroll merrily along through life without enduring the sad and dark colors that a typical Melancholy seems to shade their lives with. All is usually happy and fun in my life, not sullen and gray. What an ugly way to live life! I can't imagine feeling like this every day. I would so much rather be a sarcastic, low-key Phlegmatic who takes great joy in the quirks of others than the one who provides the quirks for all of the other Phlegmatics to make fun of! Ha! Okay, at least now I feel hope. I know the solution...

So, all you Phlegmatics out there--WHERE ARE YOU?! I need you now!!! I desperately need a Phlegmatic to come and mock me out of all of my self-pity. I need somebody to tell me how pitiful I am in good, well-colored sarcasm, enough to paint a clear picture of the foolishness of my groveling and slap me back to reality and out of this stupid cloud of gloom. Ha! I can't believe I said that! "Cloud of gloom!" How Melancholy can you get?! That is soooooo pitiful! I think perhaps I'm slipping down into the depths of despair. My soul is anguishing in the darkened abyss of loneliness and there is no soul alive who my senses can revive. Ha! Ha! Ha! No, wait--I can do better. Oh, that I were never born! To never have entered this cruel world of pain and despondency! To be free from the chains of grief and woe that encompass my soul and to soar away, never to be seen or heard of again--this bitter world would be less troubled without my meaningless existance anyway... Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, I think I healed myself. This is the first time I've laughed in hours now. My brain actually feels a little clearer, too. Maybe I'll be able to concentrate on Sunday School now! Wa-Hoo! ~sigh~ To think, all I needed was a little mockery. The solution is often so simple. *shaking head* Still, I will welcome all of the mockery and riducule any of you can dish out. It might help later on, just in case the chasm of hopelessness begins to tug at my spirits again. Ha! Ha! Ha! Really, let 'er fly. If I'm willing to publicly confess to embarrassing thoughts of loneliness and self-pity then I fully deserve and expect the proper derision that should naturally follow. Don't make me come up with all of it by myself. It might depress me again. ;-)

Sinking into the dismal gulf of dolefulness, hopelessly lost in wretchedness of spirit, with not the smallest hope of recovery... (HA! HA! HA!)

~Bummed Out Becki~

This entry was posted on 3:15 PM . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Oh my word! My sides hurt! You have seriously cracked this melon-head up. That was so hilarious! You should sink into the doldrums more are great entertainment to the rest of us. Now I'm in tears and when I laugh I sound like that wheezing cartoon dog that I can't remember his name.

I do truly hope that you are able to put together a wonderful class for tomorrow.

Oh! I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~wiping away~ That was a knee slapper!

I'm going to start getting a complex, Bec. You respond to everyone's comments except mine. Please, throw me a bone here.

Sister Tammi--HEY! What's the big idea?! There was no rebuke in that!!! No mockery!!! Or wait... was there??? Let me go back and analyze every word and it's positioning in the sentence and re-evaluate what it's true, deeper meaning may have been and... (As a Melancholy, I'm sure you'll understand perfectly! ;-) Ha!)

Jennifer--Um... oopsie?!?!? I don't know how that happened! Often I don't respond to the comments at all. When I do, I try to respond to everybody. I'm so sorry for missing you. Please don't tell me that I'm giving you a complex--it might depress me!

There you go. Fetch! Good girl. ;-)

ITS, that is. Not it's. See, I'm already re-evaluating things!

You are cracking me up! That ought to be rebuke enough coming from a melancholy like me. Ha! I'm laughing at you or am I laughing with you...hmmm...are you laughing? ~hee hee~

Let's see, do I have a rebuke in me?.....snap out of it...hmmm...nope that wouldn't do it...sorry...that's all I've got, so I guess I'll just have to laugh at you instead. Love ya though!!!!! ~snickering~

Sorry I don't rebuke my elders! I'm praying for you to get some inspiration though. - Charity

~sarcasm alert~ (Hey you BEGGED!)
Oh good grief! Give them some home made salt playdough. Make a world...a salt map... plant a seedling in a paper cup...make mud pies...gather leaves & flowers and glue and make a plant collage! ~sarcasm ended~

Ha! Was that that what you wanted? I'm not really fond of sarcasm in writing, cause it never comes out right because you can't see the way I cock my right eyebrow or hear the giggle in my voice :)

But in this case you BEGGED!!!
You just probably breathed too many paint fumes :) Go jump on the trampoline and jiggle all that melancholy away!

I always wanted to be an ice skater, one of those flowing, figure 8, thriple toe axle to beautiful grand music type. But I'm too clutzy, too short and had the advice to members hanging over my head ;) :) No triple toe axles for me! Ha!

You are TOO much! As for the sarcasm . . . you're the QUEEN and the rest of the world can't begin to hold a candle to your iridescent, lustrous, glowing mockery. What really baffles me is how you could possibly have one moment of boredom when you have 3 small children!? And especially with the diversity of their personalities. Sanguine Katie could surely single handedly provide more than adequate opportunity to free you "from the chains of grief and woe that encompass [your] soul." ;-) Whether or not you successfully mocked yourself out of the doldrums, you certainly made ME laugh! This is a post to hang on to--it's too good to just get buried in the pile of past blog posts. I think I may have to print this one out and put it in a "Becki" folder. Thanks for the chuckles.
Oh, and about Sunday School. Remember what we talked about last week? It's more important to spend ample time in prayer than it is in study and preparation. Like the scripture says, "...for without me ye can do nothing." You can do, and do, and do, plan and prepare cute visuals or crafts, but it's all nothing unless the Lord is in it. Hit your knees, girl. That's where the answer's at. (Hopefully you've figured that out by now and you've crawled out of your muddy pit.) --I'll be anxious to hear the end of your saga.

And for your viewing pleasure:

would you please stop using all those big words..the phlegma-whatevers.

Becki, Come on now.. If this was me, what would you say?? You would tell me I was pathetic.
You sound like Anne from Green Gables.
I think you really miss James. You NEED him Bec. He should come home and soon... before we are all in trouble. You sound pretty bad.
I am a phelmatic and I am here to tell you to snap out of it. That is all the sarcasim I can come up with. I have never been good at that. I agree with your mom, you are the QUEEN!! I suppose it is the melancholy that makes you depressed,that melancholy is the problem. It can be such a problem....HMMM??? I really would not know, I have never had that problem. I have enough problems with my phelmatic :o) I do agree w/Kasey... stop with all those big words. Maybe you should read the encyclopedia??
I will end with this... YOU SHOULD HAVE COME TO ANDREWS ;o)

You did get alot of comments, that is fun.

One more thing, I don't believe you need any help with the writing poetry bit, I think you are pretty good.

I used lots of big words in my BTI serivce tonight...Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholy and lots of others that I had to explain to certain individuals. This one is just for Tammy...I have no AVERSION to reading the Encyclopedia or using BIG words. ~hee hee~ Let's see if she remembers what that means. *wink*

Are you feeling any better? How was Sunday School?

Wow. All you've gotta do to get a whole slew of comments is have a really crummy day and tell everybody about it, hu? Crazy.

TW--Thanks so much for the wonderful sarcastic help and the websites to look at. We used the egg carton tulip thing today and we also made "worlds" with melted green and blue crayon shavings, ate "dirt" pudding and built Lego houses to put on sandy ground and solid rocks and pour water over to demonstrate Jesus being the solid ground we need to build our lives on. Your inspiration got the ball rolling for me--thanks a million!

Kasey, you should learn the four "big words" and what they mean. (They are names of the four basic temperaments or personalities that people have in differing levels.) It helps you to understand people sooooo much better and be more patient with WHY people are the way they are. It helps you RELATE to them so much better. If you're interested, I can dig up a description of the four basic temperaments and send them to you. As you read them you'll find yourself thinking, "Oh! That's _________ to a tee!" :-)

Tammy, what can I say? I was having a very weak moment and I foolishly used it to expound all of my weaknesses and reveal myself to be truly pathetic in front of the entire blog world. Something that now has me questioning, "What was I THINKING?!" Feeling that way is one thing, but BLOGGING about it and admitting it to everybody?! Good grief! I don't at all like being accused of being an "Anne." It's entertaining enough from a distance, but far too melowdramatic for me personally. I like to mock the Annes--not be one! It's okay though, I think I'm over it now. But I still wanna dance. ;-)