Posted by cokelady

I win!!! Yes!!! I have conquered!!! I've been home from Camp and Convention for 4 days now; I have completely unpacked from the trip (sometimes that seems to take a few days around here), I have formatted a 16 page regional paper, and as of tonight I have beaten the mountains of laundry and--get this--even the ironing!!! Wa-Hoo!!! If only Dustin Hays were in the neighborhood I'd ask him to sing "We Are the Champions" in my honor. ;-)

Actually, if we want to be picky about it, I haven't actually conquered all of the ironing just yet. There is one load yet in the dryer and I know there will be a few items in need of some work. Then a load of kid blankets and *voila* I will be finished. I've managed to keep the kitchen pretty clean in the midst of it all, too. Nevermind the fact that the only thing I've "cooked" since being home is ramen noodles. Usually when I'm consumed with the regional paper the whole house falls apart. This time only most of it did. ;-) I was up until 3:30 last night working on that crazy paper. This one is 4 pages longer than usual and just took a long, long time to put together. The centerfold has a whole slew of Camp and Convention pictures, so it took a while to choose which shots to include and crop them and resize them and all that jazz. In the end, it's always worth it. I love the picture pages! Anyway...

As crazy as it sounds, our entire household has slept in until nearly 9:00 all four mornings since we've been home! Is that nuts, or what?! That has never happened before. The kids have been going to bed at their usual bedtime, but somehow sleeping that late anyway--nearly a full 12 hours. Camp and Convention are hard on you, let me tell ya'! Ha!

Okay, so I've been racking my brain trying to think of what to say about our trip. I don't know! It's so hard to try to remember everything later on. The only way to successfully blog such a thing is if you do it faithfully at the end of every day while you're actually on the trip and can remember what all you've been up to--like I did when we went to San Antonio. It's been nearly 2 weeks since we left on this trip and I just can't seem to think of what to write. So I'll just post some of my favorite pictures. Here goes!
Okay, so these first three aren't from our trip. Sam Kaufman took them the week before--when he and Tammy had the kids at their house for the day. Sam is always making friends with all sorts of critters and was happy to share this little buddy of his (he lives in their backyard) with my kids. They loved it.

Here we go--Family Camp! By the end of the first day all three of my kids were bloody. You can tell a whole lot about how they each handle pain by the following pictures...

Kitchen Staff!

James' birthday was on Monday of Camp and this picture was taken while everybody was singing Happy Birthday to him. Poor guy. He didn't make out too good this year. Emilee was the good one--she made a card for him. I completely failed this year--no card, no gift, nothing. I intended to give him a kiss, but I even forgot to do that until after midnight, so even that didn't really count! (Yes, I usually kiss him on his birthday and most national holidays.) ;-)

Dustin was sporting a schnazzy new style at Camp this year. Think it'll catch on???

Okay, so what really happened is that Jamey started cutting his hair before she realized there was no guard on the clippers. Ha! Couldn't have happened to a better guy. By that I mean that Dustin was the perfect victim for such a mishap. He's so particular about things and he's soooooooo vain!!! He really needed this. It was a great experience for us all. :-)

Talk about a cute kid--check this out! He had made me a "flower" out of a toothpick and a crushed Skittle. Ha!

And here we have Ezekiel demonstrating the many moods of corn...

Could you die?! I love those pictures!

Here are a couple of spiritual picutres--James would get on to me if I didn't include some along with all the fun ones!

This is Sam eating his monster burger. I can't remember if it had two or three patties, but I do remember that it was driving Dustin nuts because Sam had built the burger upside down! If he held it one direction the top bun was on the bottom and if he flipped it over all of the innards were upside down--burger on top with cheese and condiments underneath. Ha! Now that I sit and think about it, Dustin really did provide lots of good entertainment at Camp.

Pretty clever way to avoid the woes of slicing onions. But it still looks pretty scary to me!!!

The guys made duct tape wallets and fire starters in their class. Is that cool, or what?!

Hhmmm. Here's some more entertainment by Dustin. He and Aunt Kay would be quite a match for each other.

Our infamous directors!

Luke Wantulok and Joe discussing the finer points of guitar playing.

And now on to Regional Convention!!!

Great music...

A special tribute to the VanDeventers.

The Communion and Feetwashing service was such a blessing!

Some scenes from the VLB march and the wonderful prayer time that followed it.

Hhmmm. I thought I had a picture of Brother Byers and Brother Wantulok (our guest speakers) on there, but they seem to be lost now. Oh well. Here's happy Zeke!

And happy cousins! It's so great to be able to put on some play clothes and climb a tree after being in Convention all weekend. ;-)

Okay, I think that's it!!! The only other details I can think to share I don't think I'm up to sharing tonight. I will mention that I think I made some new friends at Camp. I counted 33 of them at first, but there were 42 by the next day. "Chiggers" is what they're called--or we assume that's what they were. From the information I was given, they are tiny bugs that actually get under your skin and then crawl up to the warmest part of your body, wherever that is. I never could get anybody to tell me what it is they do when they get there, but it's probaby just as well. I was informed, however, that you are supposed to suffocate the little boogers, so I talked Jon & Emilee into buying some nail polish for me on their run to Wal-Mart. "Nothing red," was my only instruction and they were kind enough to come back with clear polish. :-) Anyway, I'm guessing we killed the little things because the spots disappeared. But now I'm concerned all over again. If they were under my skin, does that mean they died there?! Or do they have the decency to at least vacate before they keel over?!? The whole idea of little bugs under my skin is enough to give me a severe case of the galloping shudders, but the idea of them dying there is just about more than I can handle. GAH-RO-O-O-O-O-O-O-OSS!!!

Okay, enough for one night, don't you think. Hey, do I get some kind of ribbon or trophy for the longest post of all time?! And the best pictoral tour of Camp and Convention??? I didn't think so. Anyway, now you know! When I post again I'll try to remember to tell you about my children screaming in the hallway at the motel. It was quite a night. But I'm done for now. Later!!!


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Great pictures!! I love the many moods of corn!

Hahahaha! Chiggers! They don't get under your skin. They just bite, but here's the official word so you don't worry about dead bugs under your skin!!

Myths About Chiggers
One of the biggest myths or misconceptions about chiggers is that they can burrow under your skin and drink your blood. This leads to the common treatment for chiggers of putting clear nail polish on chigger bites to suffocate the chiggers. Since chiggers don't actually burrow under your skin, this 'treatment' is unnecessary...just use an anti-itch cream.

HA! Well, I'm sure putting the clear nail polish on made you feel much better anyway. *giggling* I doubt there are any chiggers anywhere near Mountainair, NM. I've never heard of them being in such an arid climate. But at least the "bites" are gone, whatever they were.

The pictures are to-die-for! ALL of them are great! The "moods of corn" series is too great! And the kids "with blood" are too funny. In the "communion" picture Jon's head is perfectly centered in the circle of the Colorado flag and makes it look like his head is in the center of a target. *tee hee*

THANKS for the great commentary and pictures. I'm hungry for more!

Yes you do get a trophy i couldn't write that long... I love the pics. and the story you did great

HA! That is sooooooo funny! I had 42 blobs of polish in various locations throughout my body for several days. That's what happens when you take other folks' word for it. Next time I'll know to go right to the source. (Do you keep a cell phone on you at all times, Sister Tammy? You never know when I might need you!) Actually, the bites themselves never itched, but the REST of me did just because of the THOUGHT of a bunch of creepy little mites traveling in packs of 40 invading my body and becoming a part of it without so much as an invitation... I scratched like crazy, but never where there was a bite mark! The worst part about the whole ordeal is that I spent nearly $5 on that dumb nail polish!!! Ha!

The corn pictures and first-day-of-Camp-bloody-kids pictures are some of my favorites. I wondered if anybody would notice Jon's head in the middle of the Colorado "C." I never thought of a target--I thought it made him look like a Catholic painting with a "halo" encircling his head! :-)

That picture of Brother Jon is so great! He looks like an astronaught to me.

The best thing for a chigger bite is Camphophenique...stops the itch and if it had truly been chiggers...the bite spot would have itched like crazy! Sorry you got ate up by something.

The pictures are awesome and the series are great. Jamie's "oops" on Dustin's head is hilarious.

Glad you were able to get the paper finished. I mailed our's out on Thursday. All of our camp and convention pics will be with the General Assembly pics immediately following the Assembly. That will probably be our biggest issue all year long.

yes... chiggers.. ah, don't you just love the South?

hey- screaming through the hallway isn't too bad, when my brothers were five, tyler had just figured out how to use the telephone, and OF COURSE, we had taught him one of the most important phone numbers that he needed to remember- 9-1-1

the only thing is, he kind of forgot that it is only in case of emergencies

by the way, pay phones and curious five-year-olds don't mix.

yup, he called 9-1-1 and the emergency services weren't too happy. :P

Yes, you definitely deserve a prize of some sort! I'll have to see what I can come up with. :-)

The "moods of corn" still cracks me up...even though I've seen it several times now.

It does look like Jon is in a target...that could be very useful!! HA! HA!

Oh, and I'm glad to know that there was NO REASON for me to spend several minutes standing in the make-up aisle looking for nail polish, thus giving ME the appearance of evil. Thanks a lot! :-)

Oops. I didn't read the whole last paragraph...PLEASE tell the story of your children screaming in the hall. It's soooooo great! :-)

Nope, I don't carry a cell hubby would call me 20 times a day!!!! A chigger bite would have left an itchy red mark and they mostly like to bite where you have creases:):) and around waist bands,etc.

I'm surprised someone didn't tell you to take a "bleach bath". That was the old tyme cure around my family. hahahaha. (you just pour a capful of bleach in your bath water....smelly!)

Wow Becki that was a great post. Thank you for all the pictures. That is great. I liked the one of Dustin and his great hair cut. I know how he is about everything being just right so that would be pretty funny. We miss him and Jamey and the children so much. I have always looked up to Dustin even though he is alot younger than I am, but he is a wonderful young man who loves God with all of his heart. He is someone I have alot of confidence in. I would love to hear the story about the children screaming in the hallway.

Wow Bek, great post. Glad that you did beat the ;aundry monster AND ironning. good job!

Those pictures were AWESOME! Very funny, made a good laugh for the invilid. *grin* lol Katie is such a girl, reminds me of someone I know....that's great that you caught her in action. hee hee

great post and great pics. Glad yall had a wonderful convention and camp