Home Again!  

Posted by cokelady

It's 11:40 according to the clock on my computer. (We have 12 clocks in this house, all proclaiming different times as much as 20 minutes ahead or behind their fellows--and two of them maintain the same time day in and day out. I've never figured out which are the liars and which are the truthbearers, except for the two that are dead of course. Anyway...) We just got home from our trip tonight and there is so much to share!!! I really don't know how much I feel up to writing tonight though. Some things came up and I've been on the phone for much of the past 2 hours since we arrived home and now I'm bushed. Haven't even unloaded the van! But I even got a comment from Jared on that last post, so I know that some of you are anxious to hear about our trip. ;-) So I'll give you the quickie version:

IT WAS GREAT! Tune in next time for the full length version. ;-) We had wonderful services with the folks in Albuquerque on Sunday. The morning service especially was just soooooooooooo good. I feel like God really helped James and he used such wisdom--and there was such power and anointing in the message he preached about "The House of God." One lady said to him after service, "I haven't felt the power of God like that in this building for 30 years!" Ha! The Spirit of God was so strong there and the people just ate it up. There are four ladies who seem ready and anxious to become members of The Church of God, so we plan on organizing the Church there and taking them in as soon as we get back from the Assembly, with hopes that there will be more to follow. Praise the Lord!!! Isn't that exciting?! There's more to tell, of course, but it will have to wait. And then we'll have to hope I can remember it. You know how I am. :-)

We figured since we were "this close" (5 hours away) we'd go ahead and drive up to Salida to see Chris and Shanda Clarkson. (It's an 11 hour drive to Salida from Andrews, so 5 hours seemed "close" to us!) We got to their house at about 6:00 Monday night and visited for a couple of hours, then went in to town to go to Pizza Hut for old times' sake. :-) When we lived in Salida we used to order Pizza Hut with them all the time--James still thinks of Chris every time he eats buffalo wings! So we visited in Pizza Hut for a couple more hours before calling it a night. It was sooooooooo great! I love them sooooooooo much and it was just so nice to be able to spend a little bit of unrushed time with them. And we figured this just might be the very last time we can ever eat Pizza Hut with them in Salida since they'll be moving to Arizona in the near future! I felt blessed and uplifted after our time with them and I'm so very glad we decided to make the trip up there. And the air! Oh, the mountain are was sooooooo wonderful!!! They've had lots of rain lately and I could smell the mountains the moment I opened the car door--oh, how I miss that! And I think the mountains are getting more and more gorgeous over the years. ;-) It was so great to be there again, even for just a few hours.

We had a long, but fun drive home today. I made James drive the trek from Raton to Clayton. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Hee! Hee! Hee! Har! Har! Tee! Hee! Hee! If you've never driven that stretch you can't possibly imagine why it's so thrilling that James drove it today and not me. Raton to Clayton is an 87 mile stretch that takes at least 16 hours to drive, I'm sure. There is NOTHING on it the entire way, just a long, lonely road with absolutely nothing to look at. It's miserable. Usually. But for the past couple of years it has been under construction. This has multiplied the misery four-fold, at least. Now it's a long, lonely stretch of road that takes 47 hours to drive because the speed limit is only 45mph for the majority of the route. But the evil fiends who conceived this road of torture were thoughtful enough to break it up with differing speeds rather than making you stick to 45 the whole way. The other speeds? 35. And 25. For miles and miles and miles and miles... And, of course, nobody is working on the road. You'll drive the entire 87 miles and you might see two men in orange vests (if you're lucky--a bigfoot sighting on the same stretch is probably just as likely), but no matter--we must crawl along the entire 87 miles so as to ensure their safety. It's been like this for years now and somehow I always end up driving that stretch while James sleeps. Every time. Well, not today!!! I informed him that I was driving Colorado and he was driving Raton to Clayton! So I got to zip down my old familiar canyon (although the van doesn't exactly hug the road and accelerate the way that glorious Grand Prix of mine use to in the good old days!), then I handed it over to James and I slept the Raton to Clayton stretch this time. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Hee! Har! Har! Har! Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha! Ha! You should have heard James when I woke up after a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong nap. He just went on and on about the terrors of the road and the injustice of the speed limits. I laughed, as I'm sure you've already gathered. Quite heartily. Until today I'm sure he thought I was just overreacting when I would rant and rave after driving it on the past several trips. It was extremly rewarding to know that he has now suffered the same agony that I've been through countless times. He still owes me though. At least 5 more times. :-)

Okay, that's pitiful. I was too tired to tell you any more about Albuquerque, but somehow hit a spurt of energy at the thought of James driving that rotten road this time, not me! Ha!

I'm going to call it a night. It looks to be a really busy couple of days, but I'll try real hard to blog again soon. Time will tell! We leave on our Horne Family/General Assembly/Smith Family trip next week and the very thought of it makes me break out in a cold sweat. There is soooooooo much to do!!! So I'm going to bed in hopes that I'll have the energy to start doing it in the morning. :-)


P.S.-- Hi, Shanna!!! Welcome!!! For those who don't know who she is, she's the best phone answer-er at Headquarters. ;-) Among other things, I'm sure! So glad you've found us. I'll be stopping by your blog in the near future, I'm sure!

This entry was posted on 10:40 PM . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


I'm with ya sis on that stretch of road! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I was always so very thankful when that LOVE's Country Store would FINALLY come into view. There is nothing worse than driving that stretch unless it is when the construction guys are actually working and keep you sitting on that summer-heated highway in the middle of nowhere for an hour and a half. Glad I don't have to drive it anymore. ~grin~

We were praying for you this past weekend. So glad to hear that God moved in a great way, looking forward to hearing more good news from that area.

you always have the longest blogs of anyone i know.. i simply don't see how you do it...

Yeah. You're one to talk, Megan. ;-)

Great blog Becki. I always enjoy reading your blog. I didn't know that the Clarksons were moving to Arizona. Isn't James the Overseer for that area also?

I broke out into a sweat a few times today but I assure you, it wasn't COLD! YUCK! I was standing outside in Alabama at a graveside service while it was 104 degrees and very humid. Talk about miserable! Ya wanna know what's nearly as bad as that? At the funeral someone asked me if Vicky Bly and Kim Taylor were my sisters! ;-) I just had to put that in there since I know Sister Vicky reads your blog and her smart aleck response was, "No, she's our mother." She thinks she's SOOOO funny! hahahahahaha *rolling eyes*

Glad you're home safe and you had a good trip. I'm so glad you got to spend some "fun" time with Chris and Shanda.

Now that just made me laugh sooo hard. Now the bible says we are to entreat the older women as mothers or is that sister? Just trying to be obedient to the word of God. I can't believe the GO's wife would have a problem with that. OH but that's right, I forgot no one notices all the good things you do... Sounds like Sis Con We was right, we all need to pray for ourselves or was that, she needed prayer or maybe it twas I who needed prayer...Ah who cares if you get the quotes right anyway they are going to be twisted and turned till it's a repeated pretzel story... Night Mom.. Muwahahaha...I crack myself up. Look the only reason she said that is ALL 3 of us have salt and pepper hair. So there is a resemblence you know...

On another funny note;

Kim said she had no idea there was going to be a gun salute and it scared her so bad she almost needed a rest area immediately following the blast. I was concerned maybe you and Sis Bishop were having a shoot out...LOL!!!

Really goodnite Mom...

That is GREAT news about Albuquerque (although I must admit the urge to break out into a Partridge Family song was very strong while reading your post.... that probably only makes sense to me).

Anyway, we'll be praying that the good things continue!

(Sorry to highjack your blog, Bec, but I have to comment back to Sister Vicky) Kim didn't NOTICE all the guys there with guns? The guys we had to WALK AROUND in order to get to the gravesite? She didn't notice everyone turning to face them as their director (is he called a commander? A sergeant?) gave them the orders and they did their little routine of putting the guns to their shoulders and then he gave the orders for them to fire? She missed all that??? Bless her heart! Talk about an AIR HEAD! I hate to admit it, but it makes me question the possibility that maybe we really ARE related somehow! :-)

Salt and pepper hair??? Mom stole most of the salt. ;-)

Sis Smith, I am thinking she didn't think they were really gonna shoot...LOL...With your description of her though, I must admit she can be airheaded.

If I am going to be salt and pepper, I would much rather have more salt too, it's so much prettier. The part I don't like is, all these rude people trying to gauge your age by it. Bro Dupre has been white haired since his early 30's.

Thanks for the comment anyway Mom or would you prefer Mama,Mother, Mammie, Mommy, Mommie, Momma or Moma?

I'm feeling a STRONG urge to "reach out and TOUCH someone!", if you get my drift.

Oh that would really be fodder for the bloggers now wouldn't it???

I feel like quoting Gomer Pyle..."Citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest"

Or should I call 911 and report an abusive mother??

LOL...ok this is getting out of hand, hijacking my sister's blog like this...

It's great to have you back. :)

guss what I'm
going to the Assembly
this year I'm so happy see you there bye bye everyone

Cooklady? COOKlady?! What's THAT supposed to mean?!?!? ;-) I'm soooooo excited you and your Mom will be at the Assembly, Sara! That's great!!!

To any faithful readers who are still showing up here and may actually discover this comment... get a life! Ha! No really--I apologize for the lack of blogging. We've been terribly busy and there is so much to tell, but most of it is unblogable for the time being. (I HATE THAT!) Please pray for us--we're really needing some answers from God on some things. I'll be posting "regular" again in a few days. Of course, The Big Trip starts on Thursday, so I don't know how "regular" I'll be then! Anyway, I'll be back soon!!! Until then...


Becki fine
I wont call you
COOKLADY then well
I'm leaving in to weeks
so see you soon Becki bye