I do remember that we let the kids fish for a while this morning. There is a creek that runs across the Hornes' property and you drive across the bridge to get up to their house. So we sat on the bridge to fish since all of the fish like to hide underneath it. Each kid caught a little something--tiny little 4" fish or a crawdad. (They call 'em "cray fish" or something weird like that up here.) It was fun, but nerve-racking since there are no rails on the bridge, it just drops off. Katie and Joe were fine, but Sam has no good sense and no fear of anything. Bad combination. He got yelled at and yanked away from the edge a lot and finally banned from the bridge entirely and told to go play on the swingset or something!
The weather finally cleared up today. We've been hoping for that all week and now that it finally happened we really regretted it! It was soooooo hot and muggy today! ~Bleagh~ Miserable. I had to take a second shower just a little while ago because of it!
We went "up the hill" for Katie to finish her "house" and for Grandpa to give all the kids rides on the tractor. They love that and I think I got some good pictures out of it. We'll have to take a look at them one of these days.
James wanted to go to Tops Diner before we head south, so that's what we did for dinner tonight. He loves to go on Friday night because it's fish night. I was just glad we didn't have to have any more Danny's Pizza! I thought for sure James would want that one last time before we leave, but I lucked out. :-)
I got all of the laundry and ironing done today and got most everything packed up and loaded into the van. We're going to try to get on the road pretty early in the morning (that's about 8:00 for us!), so I got most everything done tonight to make it easier. I just realized that I have no idea where my parents live and how to get there once we get to Cleveland. They won't be home from IYC yet when we get there tomorrow night, so I guess we're on our own. Actually, I don't know that for a fact. I'm hoping I can get ahold of one of them tomorrow and find out some more details about when they're going to be where and all that stuff. We'll get it all figured out, I'm sure.
Well, I guess that's it from here. Tomorrow we head to Cleveland, Sunday begins the Presbytery stuff for the guys, then Monday is Fields of the Wood and the Pre-Assembly Rally. And then we're off! To the Assembly, that is. Pretty exciting!!! I'm hoping my mother is coping okay. She's had sooooooooooooo much to do these past few weeks (that WMB cookbook just about did her in, I think! Ha!) and now she's been gone to IYC and will be getting home after her company arrives (do we classify as company?) and we will be in the midst of everything else in no time. Swamped. She's been swamped. I'm sure she'll pull through okay and be able to enjoy the Assembly and hopefully her company, too. ;-) I know they're looking forward to enjoying her and Granddaddy!
By the way, I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on anybody's blog out there. At home I have all of the blog addresses in my favorites folder, so on the laptop I don't know how to find anybody! This dial-up connection is too slow to be able to do much browsing anyway. Tammy did tell me yesterday that Bekah had the baby (Wow! Who knew?!), so I made a point of going to their blog today. It took forever to load the page because of all of the pictures, but it was worth it! What a beautiful baby girl!!! Congratulations, Rebekah!!!
Okay, I'm outta here.
Today James and I left the kids with Grandma for a few hours and did some running around. We went to Lewistown to go to Ollie's. It's... hhmmm... kind of like a Big Lots store, I guess. That means it's a big MESS, but if you're willing to wade through it you can find some really good deals. ;-) James loves it. We found a few nice books for the kids and a battery charger. Our batteries or our charger is giving out on us (we encountered big problems at the Creation Museum and had to buy some regular batteries to see us through!), so we bought one at Ollie's today for about half price. Nice.
We went a couple of other places, but I can't recall where. Then we ate at Hoss's for lunch. That drives me batty. Hoss's. If the name is Hoss then the proper possesive spelling would be Hoss'. That's it. It already ends with an "s" so you don't add an extra "s" after the apostrophe. But they do! So I make sure to pronounce it "Hosseses." If they're dumb enough to spell it that way then I should have the liberty to pronounce it just as dumbly. Ha! Dumbly! Anyway, in spite of the poor spelling, it's a nice steakhouse/buffet kind of place and we had a good lunch. :-)
James' Uncle Don came to visit while we were gone, so we missed seeing him. Too bad. He's the cutest of James' uncles, by far, and has one of the thicker accents so it's always entertaining to listen to him. I've been teasing James about the goofy way he talks when we're up here. It doesn't take him long to fall into the old lingo and weird pronunciations. The craziest thing is the way they ask questions up here. It never goes "up" at the end to make it sound like a question, so everything they ask sounds like a statement. It can't be explained, it just has to be demonstrated. Ask me at the Assembly. ;-)
When we got back to the house Duane Booher was here. He's a CoGoP guy that James has known forever. Really nice guy. James was able to have a good visit with him. I decided I'd take the opportunity to call Tammy to see how everything is going out west. Sounds okay, so that's good! Hershey Dog is doing well and behaving himself at Stacey's house. I'm soooooo glad to hear that! And it sounds like Sam & Tammy are doing well and getting excited about the Assembly. It was nice to talk to her and hear about home. Pennsylvania is great and we always have such a good time here, but it's almost like being on Mars. It just feels like a totally different world and I feel so detached from everything else, you know?! I guess that's what a vacation is supposed to be like. Still, as great as it is it's still nice to know that the real world is still out there somehwhere. :-)
Aunt Grace came to visit tonight--she's another one of my favorites. She's a mess. She just sort of bumbles her way through life, so I can relate to her far better than most of the stiffs up here. Aunt Grace is uptight and paranoid like the rest of them, but she can't seem to actually pull it off and she just sort of rolls with the punches when things go wrong (a painfully rare quality in this family!)--and it seems like they often do for her. She can't compare at all to those who "bumble through life" in MY family (like Aunt Sue), but still--it's something I can relate to! It was good to see her today, although her daughter Amy wasn't able to come with her. Amy is my all-time favorite person up here. She TRULY bumbles through life, not quite at Aunt Sue's pace, but close. ;-)
This afternoon we left Katie with Grandma Wanda, and James and I took the boys in for haircuts at Sharon Long's barber shop. Don't know why a barber shop is run by a woman, but it is. I must admit I was a wee bit nervous about this lady touching my boys' hair. Stacey always does it at home and she does such a great job. This was the first time a stranger was to cut them and I was getting more nervous by the minute as I watched her hack up the first guy that came in there! Good grief!!! He was a shaggy mess when he came in and although his hair was much shorter when he left, he really didn't look much better. Bad, bad, bad. I thought we were doomed. She actually did a pretty good job on the boys for the most part, and I must admit it was far better than I anticipated as I watched the hack job on the first fella. The only bad thing is the way she cut them in the front. She gave them straight-across bangs like Moe from the Three Stooges and it's driving me crazy!!! The back of their hair looks terrific, but that straight line going across their foreheads is just absurd. They just look DUMB. Oh well. It's just hair, it'll grow back. I'm hoping it does some serious growing in the next few days before I take them back to the real world where real people will see them! Ha!
Oh yeah! Don't know how I forgot this--it was the best part of the day! James and his Dad grabbed the guns (a .22 pistol and a .22 rifle and a bb-gun) and we went "up the hill" (that means up behind the house on the rest of the property--where the barn is) to do some shooting. It was soooooooo fun!!! I had a hard time remembering that we were doing this for the kids. ;-) Katie shot a few times, but was more interested in "building her house" inside the hay wagon. She started on it a day or two ago and keeps on adding more and more junk--it even has chairs now. Sam found the .22's too noisy and just didn't want to shoot them, so he kept Grandpa Noy-man busy with the bb-gun. As fast as he could get it pumped and ready to go Sam was pulling the trigger. I really think it's best he was scared of the .22's. He is way too dangerous!!! Joe, on the other hand, loved the .22's. The pistol was a little too loud for him, so he stuck mostly to the rifle. We took turns shooting at an old milk jug and Joe hit it twice all by himself! He was resting the rifle on my knee, but he was taking aim without any help. He was pretty proud of himself. Almost as proud as his mother was of her own shooting! Ha! It was sooooo much fun! James and I tore that jug up pretty good. I enjoyed trying out the pistol because it's so much more challenging (until James told me we'd made enough noise and needed to put it away!), but did much better with the rifle. It was lots of fun. Maybe I'll become a pistol packin' woman, too! ;-)
That's about it, I think. It's been a good day. One more to go in this leg of the trip. Tomorrow I'll need to do some laundry and work on getting us packed up and ready to head south. At least a little south. If it doesn't rain we'll let the kids fish in the creek tomorrow, too. They've been dying to do that, but the weather and all of our running around hasn't allowed for that yet. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'm anxious to hear about how IYC is going. I've been thinking about that a lot and praying for everybody there. Only 4 more days until everything "starts" and I'm so excited!!!
The rest of us headed to Altoona, wherever that is. Don't ask me. There are all sorts of towns around here, most dinky, some more substantial, but I haven't a clue where any of them are. The one thing I do know is that any road will get you there. And it doesn't matter were "there" is. For real! If you want to go, say, to Shirleysburg, you pull up to the highway and somebody will ask, "Which way do you want to go?" You can turn left and go to Shirleysburg or you can turn right to go to Shirleysburg. Take your pick. It's like that with any given location around here. All of the roads twist and turn and weave in and out from one another and it just doesn't matter which way you turn, you'll eventually get "there." Crazy. Anyway, Altoona...
We went in search of a cheap little suit for Sam, but we bombed on that one. We found a nice little vest outfit for him and a cheap tie to go with his purple dress shirt, so it worked out just as well. We did bumble into a suit for Joe, though I'm scared to describe it! Ha! I love pinstripes and have been telling James to buy himself a pinstriped suit for some time now (to no avail), but this suit of Joe's is black with wide, broken pinstripes and three buttons on the jacket. (Let it be known that I dearly love black people--especially ours in the Church--and I mean this in no derogitory way, so please do not be offended by this statement!) It's a black guy suit! I just can't think of how else to describe it! Ha! It's so great. He didn't really need it and I never would have conceded to buying it except that it was only $12. And Grandma Wanda was with us. We end up with lots of extra things in the cart when Grandma Wanda is with us. :-) She loves to shop for the kid-o's.
Joe wasn't the only one who benefitted from our shopping spree today. James bought a brown suit for $29.50 and a gray one for $31.50. Can you believe that?! Entire suits!!! I kept looking for the tag saying "THIS SUIT WILL SELF DESTRUCT IN 10 SECONDS." Ha! The suits look terrific, too. He found a nice tie that goes with both suits, a pair of socks, and some suspenders. The receipt said that he had saved $513.91!!! You can't imagine how happy that made him! Ha! Later on he found a pair of really nice dress shoes marked down to $10. I found a few much needed items, myself--and a Bible cover for my odd shaped Bible, at long last. It's just plain black, so I'll have to get creative and doll it up a little bit one of these days. But for now at least it will keep my Bible from getting torn up.
We got back to the house at about 6:00 tonight, ate dinner, and let the kids play for a while. It rained all day today, so it was a good day to be out and about. The kids are dying to play outside here at Granma's house and it would have been a terrible day for that. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Hhmmm. I think that's all from around here today. Except that we've received lots of phone calls informing us of folks from our Region who won't be attending the Assembly this year! It's terrible! I feel so bad for everybody having to miss--it's just awful! I hate it for them, that they'll be missing out on everything. I hate it for me, that I'll be missing out on seeing them. And I hate it for the region, that we're apparently going to have a very small showing this year! That's so sad. We're still hoping and praying that God will work some miracles for some of these folks to make it there after all.
I'm actually online at the Horne's house right now and the dial-up connection isn't half bad. Who knew?! I posted my blog earlier today from a parking lot near a Holiday Inn in Altoona! Ha! But James got all of the dial-up numbers and passwords and all that into the laptop today, so now I can blog from here. That'll be nice.
Well, I'm going to go. I'm listening to the TV in the other room--James' Dad found a program from Answers in Genesis (the Creation Museum people) and it sounds very cool so I'm going to go check it out. G'night all!
Pennsylvania at last! It’s been a long, but enjoyable four days on the road and we finally made it to a very rainy Pennsylvania this evening. The kids were thrilled to finally be at Grandma and Grandpa’s house and quickly located all of the toys that are kept stored on the front porch and drug them into the living room. It’s been a whole year since they’ve been here and they were so excited to see their Grandparents—Sam didn’t even have to “warm up” to them this time, so that was great. We look forward to a really great week here with the Horne side of the family.
We got here tonight and James ran into town with his Dad to pick up some Danny’s Pizza for dinner. Danny’s Pizza is nasty stuff—just like the cafeteria pizza they used to have at school when I was a kid with the soy cheese and all—but James grew up on it and thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world. Gross. Anyway, I unloaded the van while he was gone and got it cleaned up, came inside and got us all unpacked, then bathed all of our smelly children before putting them to bed. It feels good to get all of that taken care of. I am so tired!
Hhmmm. I can’t seem to think of anything else to say. That’s strange! Ha! Perhaps it’s because I’m not really blogging right now. I’m actually writing all of the up as a Word document because I can’t get on the Internet tonight. James’ folks have super-duper slow dial-up access, but I don’t know all of the configurations to be able to use our laptop to get on—and it’s not worth it to try to use their computer! Ha! So I figured I’d just type this up tonight and maybe we can pull into a parking lot (somewhere with easy access) tomorrow and be able to copy it onto the blog real quick. We’ll see.
I look forward to all of the Amish stuff around here—I love the little stores they have all over the place. They’ve got the best meats and cheeses in the world, among other things. We’ll go to Bellville on Wednesday—that’s when they have their big “market” set up, so we always do that while we’re here. We’ll have to get some whoopie pies. :-)
Well, I think I’m all out of things to say. Lucky dogs. ;-) Later!














They have also created a really neat walking trail and botanical gardens just outside of the museum. It was beautiful (and the perfect day--nice and cool) and great to give the kids a chance to run around a little bit before getting back in the van.
~whew~ It took a while to get all of those pictures up here! After we left the museum (we were there for 4 and 1/2 hours--and we didn't even get a chance to do the planetarium!) we went for lunch at Big Boy. Hit the road for just a little while before we came across some outlet stores. James was hoping to find a cheap suit at Haggar, but no luck. He did come away with a couple of pairs of pants though, so that's good. I took the kids browsing while James was trying on suits, but we didn't have any luck either. We walked in the Old Navy outlet because it was right across "road." All I can say is eewy!!! (Isn't that what Abigail says, Em?!) That store was terrible! The music, the clothes, the whole "feel" in there was just... icky. I can't imagine a church girl ever being able to find anything... suitable (!) in that store! So we went to Bath & Body works. They had terrific prices and I probably would have come away with a bottle of lotion, at least, but even for $3.99 it just wasn't worth it to wait in the line--I'd had all I could take of crowds today!
We didn't make it too far today, but that wasn't our goal so it's okay. Our goal was to have a great time at the museum, which we did. We are in Zanesville, Ohio now, so that means we've got... hhmmm, 6 or 8 hours away from James' folks house. We should make it there tomorrow afternoon. It seems so strange to not be going to church on a Sunday (!!!), but that seems to be the way it all fell this time.
I'm wiped out. Going to bed. It will be much more difficult to blog from James' folks house because they've got super slow dial-up--if they even have the Internet access anymore! I'll see what it's like when we get there. We'll be headed down to Cleveland next Saturday, but I'm sure I won't be blogging a whole lot during the Assembly anyway! We'll just have to see what happens. Until next time, whenever that is...
(Forgive all of the typo's--I'm sure there are a ton and I haven't the energy to proof anything tonight!)
The trip today took us through Little Rock, Memphis, Nashville (ooooh, I dislike that place!), Bowling Green, Elizabethtown, Louisville, and beyond. We are currently just south of Cincinnati (sp?), just about 20 miles away from Ken Ham's Creation Museum--the reason we decided to take this route. We'll be going there in the morning and I am sooooooo excited!!! It sure sounds impressive and I'm hoping I don't have my expectations set too high (!), but I think it's going to be very, very cool. I will finally have something to take pictures of--maybe I can get them posted tomorrow night. No promises though. I know better. ;-)
Today was the beginning of the whining in the van, though we mostly just mocked the children rather than fixing their problems. "Mo-om! Joe's not leavin' me alo-one!" Sam says. We didn't solve the delimma satisfactorily, I suppose, because before we knew it he had grabbed a notebook and drawn pictures of Joe in jail. Joe (the one who started drawing people in jail when he was mad at them) didn't appreciate it very much and suggested that Sam receive a spankin' for drawing "mean pictures." Can you imagine?! We told him we thought that was a very good idea and we would start implementing it immediately... the next time he drew such pictures! Ha! Little hypocrite.
The main entertainment of the day was the traditional Slug Bug game, although our family seems to be developing some "traditions" of our own every time we play. If you call a Slug Bug that somebody else has already called, they get to slug you twice. And if you call Slug Bug on a car that turns out not to be a Slug Bug you get slugged twice. Today Sam began making up his own rules. Any time anybody would holler "Slug Bug!" he would quickly yell, "TAKE!" and slug Joe before the rightful owner of the slug had a chance to make use of it! Ha! He continued "stealing" slugs and we finally told Joe that he could slug Sam. You should have heard the whining and crying and complaining from him. "No, Joe! Don't! No, please, Joe--no, Joe!" *slug* "That didn't hurt!!!" he said defiantly. Ha!
We saw a sign today that said "USED COWS FOR SALE." Can somebody explain that to me?! What on earth is a used cow???? I was so confused, but I thought perhaps some strange person from this part of the world might be able to enlighten me. Yes???
Well, that's it for tonight. I want to get to bed at a decent hour--we've got a musuem to go to in the morning! :-) G'night all!
We were able to pull out at about 8:45 this morning, bidding farewell to a very distraught Hershey Dog. He had been keeping a close eye on the suitcases all day yesterday and was getting increasingly nervous. We usually leave him home alone while we're away. He has a dog door so he can go in and out whenever he pleases, and Aunt Sue or somebody will come check on him. Still, it's got to be terribly lonely for a sociable dog such as he is. This time, however, Stacey offered to keep him at her house. Ha! Ha! Ha! That can't possibly be funny to most of you, but it's hilarious to me! If you knew Hershey, you would know half of why it's so funny. The other half is that Stacey has two dogs of her own: Cody, a Shitzu (sp?) with practically no personality whatsoever and Jasmine a Shitzu-mix of some sort that is the meanest, nastiest, moodiest, fiestiest, unfriendliest dog you've ever met. All of her bottom teeth stick out and up from her face and she hates everything and everybody except Stacey. She finally gets along okay with James and me, but it took a long time for that to happen. (Even still, I wouldn't trust her!) Hershey is the polar opposite of that. He loves everything and everybody, he's happy-go-lucky, playful, energetic, friendly (way too friendly, usually--won't leave you alone!) and all things opposite of Jas. Stacey has never been around a dog like Hershey before, I'm sure. But that's not the only reason the situation is hilarious. Stacey has also volunteered to keep her mom's Shitzu, Joey, (a sweet little guy) and Sam & Tammy's Bassett puppy, Archie! Ha! Can you imagine?! She is crazy!!! She is going to have Hershey for the full 25 days (unless he's just too much for her, in which case she'll drop him off at home again!) and ALL 5 DOGS for a whole week during the Assembly!!! She's even talking about taking them all for walks and such! Ha! She is truly a glutton for punishment. I can't wait to hear the stories.
Anyway, I had all of Hershey's stuff together (dog bed, food, leash, etc.), but he didn't know it because I gathered it all when he was outside. But this morning Katie mentioned the word "leash" and then touched it. Hershey heard the word and the jingle of the chain and was suddenly transformed from a pathetic pouting puppy to a hyper and playful dog again! ~sigh~ He thought he was going with us. He was soooooo excited. I kept trying to tell him the truth, but he had already seen the leash and didn't believe me. You should have seen his face when we walked out the door and left him behind. (Stacey was going to pick him up this evening.) It's amazing how expressive dogs can be!!! It was sooooo sad. I'm sure he had a long, miserable, lonely day today. But oh, how exciting when Stacey showed up! I'm happy he won't be home alone for such a long time.
Anyway!!! (I had no intention of talking about the dog for so long!!!) Our first stop was in Abiline for lunch. We had to drive all the way downtown to return a stolen hanger to a motel that we'd stayed at a month or two ago. We got home from our trip there and discovered it in our stuff, so we called to let them know and promised to return it on our next trip through there. Then James remembered when he flew out of Abiline one time and the credit card machine was down and he had very little cash, so when he went to leave the airport he had no way to pay for his parking! The guy just let it slide, but he's thought of it several times since then, so we drove on out to the airport and he ran up to the booth and gave the guy the $2 that he didn't have on him 3 years ago! Ha! So Abiline ended up being a longer stop than it normally would be, but we took care of some necessary restitution so that felt good. ;-)
The only other major occurance of the day was Joe getting sick in the backseat. ~sigh~ I thought we were past that stage of the game! I haven't had to clean up stuff like that in ages!!! We had to stop and strip him down, clean him up (amazingly, I still had a big tub of baby wipes in the van from way back when!), dig around in the suitcase for some fresh clothes, and go into a gas station to rinse out the nasty stuff. Ugh. He said he was feeling fine after that. We stopped for dinner and he stuffed himself, then about 30 minutes later he said, "Uh... Mom... " He didn't actually lose anything this time, just said he felt like it. That's the "good reason" we had for stopping before we made it to Little Rock. What's 25 more miles?! I'd rather stop early and be in a room instead of have the kid mess up all of his clothes and the van all over again just for the sake of a few more miles! Actually, since we've been here he says he's feeling much better. He got in the room and was wanting to play and goof around. We told him he wasn't allowed to feel good--he's "sick," that's why we stopped, and he's going to bed! Ha! Of course, that was an hour and a half ago and everybody is sacked out except him. Still laying there, looking around. Weird-o.
Wish I could remember the funny things had have happened today instead of just the time consuming and gross things! I know that I've laughed heartily at the kids several times. After dinner tonight Sam polished off a whole bowl of chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup on top (James' doing!) and then handed me the bowl and said, "I'm done, Mom. If you eat too much chocolate you'll get sick, so I'm done." Ha! He was still telling me of his marvellous self-control when he spotted some chocolate cookie crumbs by his plate. He started shoving them into his mouth as he continued his speech on the dangers of too much chocolate! Ha! In theory, he's a very healthy kid!
Okay, I'm going to join the rest of the fam and call it a night.
Anyway, it's been a very, very busy couple of days, but there are so many terrific stories to tell! In fact, I may have to skip over the "what we've been up to" stuff and get right to the good stuff.
Katie came to me the other day and said, "A person who collects coins is called a numismatist. I had 83 cents, but I found a penny so now I've got 84..." I'm assuming that she is now considering herself a numismatist. :-)
Sam came and told that he had finished his juice then he said, "I drinked it for a reason. Because I love liquid!" Tonight I gave him a slice of cheese and he said that Hershey wanted some. I said, "Alright, you can give him one bite." The kid held the cheese out and let the dog take a bite out of it!!! I couldn't believe it! Both hands flew up and grabbed my head and I screamed, "Sam!!!!! You tear a piece off and give it to him--you don't let him eat a chunk off of your piece!!! GROSS!!!!!" He, of course, just grinned.
I think James is experiencing some mounting fears concerning Joe. He's showing more evidence of the Smith blood that courses through his veins. Tonight after dinner he went to clear his dishes. He grabbed his dirty plate and fork, walked to the refrigerator, opened the door, and set them on the shelf! When I yelled his name he suddenly came back to us (if you know what I mean!) and said, "Oh!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I thought that was the sink!" Then left the room chuckling at himself. You should have seen the look on James' face! Ha! Joe is such a nut. I love that kid! He's had such a rough day today. It started out this morning with another weapons ban -- just a one day one this time. A few hours later he was also banned from all of his cowboy stuff. Then his guitar (and he got a brand new "real" one yesterday!). And then at devotion time tonight he walked up to James and said, "You know what I think bedtime is?" Then he help up a notebook on which he had scribbled in his little boy script, "STUPID AND BAD." He gave that "gotcha" grin of his and said, "I can't say it, but I can write it!" (They can't say "stupid"--they way over-use it if we give them the liberty!) Ha! Ha! Ha! I cracked up!!!! James was pretty much teasing, but told Joe that he was now banned from notebooks and pens for the rest of the night, too. He then rehearsed to Joe how in this one day he had had weapons, cowboy stuff, his guitar and notebooks taken away from him. Joe looked rather concerned and said, "Dad, how could I be that bad???" Then the other night...
It was nearing bedtime and the boys' room was trashed. They had taken a bath and I wrapped a towel around them, then instructed, "I want you to go to your room, get your pj's on, and clean up that mess--you've got 10 minutes 'or else'." In a few minutes I went to check on their progress. The room was perfectly clean... and both boys were running around buck naked!!! I couldn't believe it!!! "What are you doing?!?!?" Their sensible reply was, "We wanted to get it clean fast so we wouldn't get in trouble!" So they went in there, dropped their towels, and cleaned there room completely buck!!! Can you believe that?! My children have no decency whatsoever--no shame! NONE! I'm so ashamed!!! I just can't figure out where they came from. ?!?!?
Sam and Tammy have had some terrific stories to tell this week as well. Sam was at a restaraunt the other day and the lady standing next to him grabbed his arm, dropped to the floor and started flopping around--pretending to have a seizure! Ha! Can you believe that?! It was sooooo fake--no chance it was the real thing, and Sam was just mortified! Ha! Ha!
And then (Ha! I LOVE this one!!!) Sam got a call at work from a guy the other day. Somebody had told him to call the newspaper and ask for Sam Kaufman because he is a pastor. Turns out it was a homeless man and he was needing help. So Sam took him to get something to eat, then drove him down to the proper facility and dropped him off. The next day Tammy called down there about an entirely different issue. She was talking to the lady and mentioned her husband's name. She went on and the lady interrupted, "Wait a minute--did you say your husband is Sam Kaufman?" Yes. "Did he come down here yesterday?" Yes. "Was he wearing jeans and a checkered shirt?" Yes. "You be sure and tell him thank you for bringing that guy down here--he was a wanted man and now he's in prison!!!" Tammy was shocked, of course, but still coherent enough to say, "Really??? Is there a reward, 'cuz we could really use it right now!!!" Ha! Unfortunately there wasn't. Then the lady said, "And next time your husband decides to help somebody out, tell him to check his record first!" Ha! Isn't that great?!?!? We have had sooooooo many great laughs from Sam & Tammy's lives and experiences the past week or two--it's been crazy over there!!!
Okay, that should do it for one night. We're hoping to leave by 9:00, at the latest, in the morning. We'll have the laptop with us, so if I can I'll try to post along the way and let you know what we're up to. The first two days isn't going to be much--drive, drive, drive! I'll try to touch base every few days, anyway. Take care!!! I'll see most of you very soon!!! :-)
First of all, here is the first produce from our garden! HA! I just had to pick one to see if there really was a carrot under there! Isn't it cute?! They should be getting to a pretty decent size by the time we get home from the Assembly. If they're not all scorched to death by then! Ha!
Here's a picture of Katie in one of the new nightgowns Grandma Vicki just made for her.
Here is fireman Sam, out to save the day!
And here he is with his new favorite toy: a mini-Spiderman from the dollar store!
And here is Joe on a typical school day.
Ha! I love this picture!!!
Okay, I guess that's it for tonight. James just came and gave me one of those sideways smirks of his. The one that says, "I still can't believe you could do so many dumb things in one night, but I forgive you." He's a pretty good guy. :-)
IT WAS GREAT! Tune in next time for the full length version. ;-) We had wonderful services with the folks in Albuquerque on Sunday. The morning service especially was just soooooooooooo good. I feel like God really helped James and he used such wisdom--and there was such power and anointing in the message he preached about "The House of God." One lady said to him after service, "I haven't felt the power of God like that in this building for 30 years!" Ha! The Spirit of God was so strong there and the people just ate it up. There are four ladies who seem ready and anxious to become members of The Church of God, so we plan on organizing the Church there and taking them in as soon as we get back from the Assembly, with hopes that there will be more to follow. Praise the Lord!!! Isn't that exciting?! There's more to tell, of course, but it will have to wait. And then we'll have to hope I can remember it. You know how I am. :-)
We figured since we were "this close" (5 hours away) we'd go ahead and drive up to Salida to see Chris and Shanda Clarkson. (It's an 11 hour drive to Salida from Andrews, so 5 hours seemed "close" to us!) We got to their house at about 6:00 Monday night and visited for a couple of hours, then went in to town to go to Pizza Hut for old times' sake. :-) When we lived in Salida we used to order Pizza Hut with them all the time--James still thinks of Chris every time he eats buffalo wings! So we visited in Pizza Hut for a couple more hours before calling it a night. It was sooooooooo great! I love them sooooooooo much and it was just so nice to be able to spend a little bit of unrushed time with them. And we figured this just might be the very last time we can ever eat Pizza Hut with them in Salida since they'll be moving to Arizona in the near future! I felt blessed and uplifted after our time with them and I'm so very glad we decided to make the trip up there. And the air! Oh, the mountain are was sooooooo wonderful!!! They've had lots of rain lately and I could smell the mountains the moment I opened the car door--oh, how I miss that! And I think the mountains are getting more and more gorgeous over the years. ;-) It was so great to be there again, even for just a few hours.
We had a long, but fun drive home today. I made James drive the trek from Raton to Clayton. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Hee! Hee! Hee! Har! Har! Tee! Hee! Hee! If you've never driven that stretch you can't possibly imagine why it's so thrilling that James drove it today and not me. Raton to Clayton is an 87 mile stretch that takes at least 16 hours to drive, I'm sure. There is NOTHING on it the entire way, just a long, lonely road with absolutely nothing to look at. It's miserable. Usually. But for the past couple of years it has been under construction. This has multiplied the misery four-fold, at least. Now it's a long, lonely stretch of road that takes 47 hours to drive because the speed limit is only 45mph for the majority of the route. But the evil fiends who conceived this road of torture were thoughtful enough to break it up with differing speeds rather than making you stick to 45 the whole way. The other speeds? 35. And 25. For miles and miles and miles and miles... And, of course, nobody is working on the road. You'll drive the entire 87 miles and you might see two men in orange vests (if you're lucky--a bigfoot sighting on the same stretch is probably just as likely), but no matter--we must crawl along the entire 87 miles so as to ensure their safety. It's been like this for years now and somehow I always end up driving that stretch while James sleeps. Every time. Well, not today!!! I informed him that I was driving Colorado and he was driving Raton to Clayton! So I got to zip down my old familiar canyon (although the van doesn't exactly hug the road and accelerate the way that glorious Grand Prix of mine use to in the good old days!), then I handed it over to James and I slept the Raton to Clayton stretch this time. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Hee! Har! Har! Har! Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha! Ha! You should have heard James when I woke up after a lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong nap. He just went on and on about the terrors of the road and the injustice of the speed limits. I laughed, as I'm sure you've already gathered. Quite heartily. Until today I'm sure he thought I was just overreacting when I would rant and rave after driving it on the past several trips. It was extremly rewarding to know that he has now suffered the same agony that I've been through countless times. He still owes me though. At least 5 more times. :-)
Okay, that's pitiful. I was too tired to tell you any more about Albuquerque, but somehow hit a spurt of energy at the thought of James driving that rotten road this time, not me! Ha!
I'm going to call it a night. It looks to be a really busy couple of days, but I'll try real hard to blog again soon. Time will tell! We leave on our Horne Family/General Assembly/Smith Family trip next week and the very thought of it makes me break out in a cold sweat. There is soooooooo much to do!!! So I'm going to bed in hopes that I'll have the energy to start doing it in the morning. :-)
P.S.-- Hi, Shanna!!! Welcome!!! For those who don't know who she is, she's the best phone answer-er at Headquarters. ;-) Among other things, I'm sure! So glad you've found us. I'll be stopping by your blog in the near future, I'm sure!
Katie picked up my Every Day a Holiday book on Tuesday and began to flip through it. She informed me with great delight, "Mom!!! July is National Ice Cream Month! Some guy named Ronald Reagan said so! We should eat lots and lots of ice cream all month long!!!" I informed her that she was probably out of luck since her discovery of this national celebration wasn't made until the very last day of the month. Katie decided that, since it was the last day of the month and our only chance to celebrate it, we should eat as much ice cream as possible that very night! Can't fight logic like that, so we took a family trip to Thriftway and picked up a tub of Caramel Turtle Fudge (Bluebell) for me and Neapolitan (cheap-o) for the kids. James also splurged and bought some waffle bowls and some Reese's Shell syrup! We came home and fixed great ice cream bowls all the way around, topped with Hershey's syrup for the kids and Reese's for me--and a cherry on top, of course. What a great night! Oh, that we had known we were supposed to be celebrating the glories of ice cream throughout the entire month! Ha!
Yesterday... I can't even remember yesterday. I know we did school, but that's about it. Oh, I made a great dinner! Smothered steaks (although they were just beef, not elk ~sniffle~) and potatoes and that terrific mushroom gravy and corn and buttered carrots. It must've been the highlight of our day 'cause it's all I can remember!
Today I went to the shed and dug out a bunch of Katie's old clothes to take to Abigail at the Assembly. It's a nasty job (as are all jobs associated with the shed), but I got a nice big bag of stuff for Emilee to root through. There are some to-die-for dresses in there that my Mom made for Katie. They will look sooooooooo cute on Abbie!!!
It was a bittersweet day in school today. Joe just hates school. He has moments of excitement, but for the most part he searches high and low for things to distract himself with and then it takes him sooooooooooo looooooooong to finish a page and the whole thing becomes even more of a drudgery. And he has this little knack for getting me all riled up, too. I told him a dozen times today to finish that page--look at the picture, then write two statements and one question about it. It took him forever to get the two statements completed and then he was off in la-la land again. I reminded him to get back to work and he asked for the umpteenth time, "What am I supposed to do?" "ASK A QUESTION!!!" I screamed. "What's for dinner???" was his immediate and sincere replay. Ggrrrr. That kid.
Then there's Sam. He's going through an alphabet book. Each page will feature one letter of the alphabet surrounded by pictures. He is supposed to color only the pictures that begin with that letter, but he just can't handle it. He, of course, still knows very few of his letters and he still hasn't figured out the sounds that they make, but he has figured out what people do when they're trying to sound them out. He was on the "W" page today and looked at the picture of the ball. "Hey, Mom. Does b-b-ball start with 'w'???" "Nope. B-b-ball starts with 'B' because 'B' says 'buh.'" "But...I wanna color it!!!" He can't stand to leave a picture on the page uncolored, so he always asks if he can go ahead and color it anyway, then just draw an X on it to show that it's wrong. Whatever. It keeps him occupied while I'm trying to do school with the others anyway. Of course, it adds constant racket. "Mom, does c-c-cat start with 'p'??? Mom! Mom!!! Does C-C-CAT start with 'P'?!?!?! MOM!!!" It usually reaches this point before I have realized that he's talking to me and then I find myself screaming back, "NO!!!! Just color the thing and draw an 'X' on it!!!" Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart, I tell you.
Then there's Katie. Today was a red letter day for her. She's been working really hard and decided that today was the day she would finish up the math section in her 2nd grade book. She's learned all of the in's and outs of adding, subtracting, and carrying numbers (although she still gets confused on occasion on what she's carrying where!) and some simple multiplication and fractions, she's getting better at telling time and she's doing really good at counting money. She's doing good with all of it, but at the end of her book it "reviewed" everything she's learned so far. She was determined to finish it all today, but that meant switching from one method of math to another and then another and another... And then on the last page they threw a bunch of word problems at her that were far more complex than anything she's seen yet. (Don't know how they fit into a "review," but no matter.) She tried and tried, but kept adding when she should have been subtracting and had totally forgotten how to multiply altogether, and so on. I could tell by the strained expression on her face that her brain had shut down on her (I know it well--it still happens to me when I do too much math at once!), but she just had to finish the page. When she was all done I checked it and found that she had gotten every single problem wrong. Oh, brother. For the next several minutes I had a heaving, sobbing bundle of girl collapsed into my lap, just shaking and bawling and crying, "I can't do it, Mom! I--just--can't--do--it!!! What is wrong with me?!?!?" ~sigh~ Sanguine-Melancholy. What can be done with them? I'm still trying to figure out the proper way to respond to such a personality, but in the meantime I responded as my own Phlegmatic self. I laughed and laughed and laughed. She, of course, was offended by this and cried even harder which, of course, made me laugh all the more which, of course, made her cry all the more... It's a vicious cycle. I was not trying to be cruel to her, but if you could have seen her you would have laughed, too. I took her to the other room and made her sit and talk to me for a few minutes. I told her that she needs to learn to laugh at herself and to not be offended when others laugh at her--laughter is good for us and if you never learn to laugh at yourself and your mistakes you're in for a long and miserable life. I informed her that, despite what she thought, the scene was absolutely hilarious--a 6 year old girl at her wit's end, sobbing as if it's the end of the world... over a few math problems!!! Things that don't even matter! So what if she doesn't "get" them right now?! There's always tomorrow! She's got the rest of her life to work on it and improve and learn more and more--there's nothing tragic about having one bad day and messing up. She has a hard time accepting such things and would much rather wallow in the depths of despair than be reasonable and say, "You're right, Mom. This is crazy! It's just a few little ole' math problems--what do I care?! I'm 6 years old! I did my best and I'll try again tomorrow, but for now I think I'll go have a tea party!" Nope, not Katie. She did eventually laugh (because I was still laughing at her and she couldn't help it!), but she did so with tears streaming from her puffy eyes and trickling down her red splotchy face. Goofy kid.
Speaking of crying, I told Sam to do something earlier and he was tired and crabby and didn't want to do it. He came to me all choked up and said, "Mom, my face is just... My face is just starting to cry." As if his face works separately from the rest of him! Ha!
James and I had our joint CPMA-WMB service tonight. He talked about Jesus being the Rock, and I spoke on Faith. I think it went well. Now we've got to get our thoughts and prayers turned toward Albuquerque since that's where we'll be this weekend! Some CoGoP folks have been in touch with James and we're going to go have church and visit with them on Sunday. PRAY!!! We're very excited about the open doors and are praying for God's wisdom in all things.
Well, that's enough for one night. Until next time...