Blogger's Block  

Posted by cokelady

Am I the only one??? Just haven't been able to think of anything to write about. Which is crazy! I just took a trip to Colorado, had a Girl Party, and--of course--there's the endless supply of blogworthy material supplied simply by living with three little people. Guess I just haven't been in the mood. It's a good thing I don't have to worry about NARR. ;-)

The trip to Colorado was terrific! We left when James got off work last Thursday night and got a few hours behind us. We stopped and got a motel room in a little town called Hereford, Texas. I remember because it smelled like a cow. Actually, this was without a doubt the smelliest trip I've ever taken. Driving through Texas is alwasy an aromatic experience, but usually the odors come and go as you pass by beef farms and active oil rigs. Not so this time. The whole state just stunk. Stank? Stinked? Anyway, it was terrible. I don't think Sam is ever going to be the same again. Every time he's seen a cow since then he's sure to point it out. "Look, Mom, it's a cow. Cow's stink. 'At's a-scusting!!!"

Back to the motel. The room itself was very, very nice and I've never been so glad to have my handy scented candle in my overnight bag! It made the room pleasant enough we could uncover our mouths and noses and actually sleep. I even forgot about being in a cowy town until we opened the door the next morning. ~ugh~ The lobby was great, though, and their waffle irons made waffles in the shape of Texas! How cool is that?! The kids thought it was fantastic.

The drive into Colorado was amazing. Just enough fresh snow to make everything look clean and fresh and beyond gorgeous. Besides the cool, crisp mountain air, which I appreciated all the more after our cow/oil infested trip. When I go back there I'm reminded all over again of how very blessed I am to have grown up in such a magnificent place. As happy as we are in Texas, it still feels like "home" when I drive through those mountains and I soak it all in with an appreciation I never could have had while I lived there.

We were able to visit with Dad and Jon for a little while up at the Men's Retreat campground before the kids and I headed on to Denver. We got to Emilee's house at about 8:00, I think. We let the kid-o's play for a while, then put them to bed and started the girl party! We spent most of our time sipping on flavored cocoas and looking through my old photo albums, per Haley's request. I don't remember what we did after that, but it must have been enjoyable because we were up until 3:00am!

The next day Haley's cousin Laura came over to meet the Master. Emilee, that is. You see, Laura is just getting into scrapbooking and brought her book over to show what she's done so far and receive some pointers. Emilee is amazing and had helped her make a few improvements and filled her mind with lots of ideas and inspiration before she left a couple of hours later. Laura is a really, really nice girl and it was fun to be with her.

We made hearthside cider and a pumpkin roll that day. Uummm... ordered pizza for dinner... I'm thinking... I know we didn't do anything with the kids and rarely even saw them. They just hung out in the basement the whole time. Watching videos most of the time, I'm afraid! Oh well, it was a party, right?!

That night we girls stayed up and played games. I Buy, Clue, Memory Madness, Yatzee... And talked. And laughed a lot. Although I can't seem to recall anything specific that was actually funny, now that I think about it. Oh well. That's what girl parties are all about, right?! We lasted until 2:00am that night. I was at Emilee's house for a total of about 36 hours and we slept all of about 6! Ha! Maybe just a little more... ;-)

The next morning I loaded the kids up and headed back to the Men's Retreat campground. James rode with Jon and Dad rode with me so that I'd have at least a little while to visit with him. We went out to eat in Salida, then visited at Chris & Shanda's house until church time. We had a good service and Dad preached a really, really good message on sanctification. Wow. I was so blessed. Afterward, Jon and Dad left for Denver and we stayed the night with Chris and Shanda. It was so great to be with them! I still miss the time we used to spend with them when we lived in Salida and it's sooooooooo good to have a taste of it every now and then!

We drove back to Texas the next day and it seemed like a very, very long trip after our weekend of very little sleep. It was fun, however, as it usually us. The kids didn't get restless until the last hour or so, so I tried to come up with things to keep them occupied. We sang for a while, then I started up our own Memory Madness type game. I'd give them a category and they'd take turns giving an answer until somebody couldn't come up with one. We started with colors and then animals. Then Katie said she wanted to pick the category. Her choice? Bones. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to play a game like this with your 3, 4, and 5 year olds and you're giving answers such as "ribs" and "pelvis" while your kids are saying "clavicle," "phalanges," and "metatarsals"? One of Joe's answers was "cervial vertibrae." Dumb Leap Pad. Those things were only created to make parents look stupid. Do a pretty good job of it, too.

It's been a good week since we got home. I got unpacked on Tuesday and got the house straightened up. I've been doing lots of school and kid-related things since we've been home. Got both nasty bathrooms scrubbed down, shining, and smelling strong of cleaning chemicals. And I have half of the kitchen floor scrubbed to a shine, too. The other half comes today.

I took the kids to Midland on Thursday and we did big shopping at Wal-Mart. (It had gotten so bad around here that the night before we had had peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches... on hamburger buns (!)... with Ramen noodles... for dinner!) We met James at Mardel, then we all went out to dinner together. Afterward, James took the kid and grocery laden van back to Andrews and I took the car over to Odessa for Ladies' Bible Study at Stacey's house. Afterward, Stacey lent me a couple of books from her vast collection of Christian fiction. I went home and read the first one (Love Comes Softly) that night (only took me 'til 2:00am -- I'm so dumb!!!), then the next book in the series last night (done by 12:30am). It was so great!!! It feels so good to be caught up enough on things to actually spend some time reading. It's so much better than watching a movie--even a good one. Just seems like it's good for your brain or something. Anyway, it's been great.

Aside from that, we've had the general kid craziness around here. Joe had a personal weapon ban for a week after he shot Katie in the face with one of his dart guns... twice. I made him go around and collect every piece of weaponry in the house and I stashed them all away. That was a long week for all of us. Joe does little else nowdays than shoot guns, bows & arrows, slingshots (even if it's just a stretchy lizard he has) and slash things with swords or makeshift knives. He spends most of his days in the backyard now and I'm thinking it's a good thing.

Enough rambling. I was just trying to make up for the week+ that I took off. ;-) Hope all is well with everybody -- and I hope we see some activity out there on the blogs sometime soon!


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The trip sounds wonderful, even if you did have to suffer through the aroma that truly is TEXAS. I hated driving through there when I was can figure that one out. ~smile~ Glad you are back though. You are missed whether the post be hilarious or simple rambling.

Glad you had a good time. Wow, I haven't done anything like that since I was in my undergraduate program at Lee. :-( sure do miss those days sometimes, but I wouldn't trade my present life for the world. Now I have parties at home with my little boy and Anthony. We have a good time. :0)

I'm still praying some young couple in the Church will show up around here one day with whom
Anthony and I could become "kindred spirits"--or even better, a young couple already around here will start coming to the Church. It gets a little lonesome with no one around who'll throw "girl" parties with me. Instead, we get invited to my family's "parties," and those aren't innocent little shin digs, let me tell ya'. They invite us to be polite, but they know we'll never go to one. Oh, well. God knows, and I'm learning to be content. It's a rough lesson sometimes, but I know I'm immeasurably blessed. I just have to remind myself of that now and again. :O)

Sorry to write a book on your blog, Bec.

Have a great weekend. :O)


Me too. I'm still not sure. No not really. But, I so need to try it sometime when I am awake and my brain is fully functioning.

Girl parties are just the coolest! Sounds like you all had a blast. I wanted to ask you (or anyone else reading) if you knew of a way I could get a graphic of our church flag in the "wavy design". I am wanting to make handkerchiefs to sell for March world missions. I figured since you were the editor of your regional paper, SURELY you probably had several different designs. Could you email me at Thanks a bunch!

Girl Parties! Bluk!!!!! Hhy is it girls are entitled to have girls' night out and parties and things. Men must labor by the sweat of their brow. Adam look at what you have done to us. Ughh!

Glad you all had a good time. Now blog somehting new. I guess I am not one to talk.

I'm so excited that you're reading the Love Comes Softly series! It is definitely one of my favorites! I think you'll like them. There's a total of 8 books in the series (that I know of) and I have all but the eighth one...still searching for it so I can find out what happens! :-P

Sister Tammi -- UGH. I was sick enough driving through Texas even without the added problems that accompany pregnacy!

Amy -- I wish you had some church girls around to party with. Of course, I had to drive 11 hours or more to make it to my girl party! (The prices we won't pay...) I pray the Lord will, indeed, bless you with some young people who are anxious to learn about God and his Church... and have girl parties. ;-)

Sister Pam, I Buy is a game played with Rook cards. It's very similar to Phase 10, if you know what that is... but I Buy is much more active (you can "buy" cards even when it's not your turn) and a faster game (you don't get stuck on the same "phase," you just keep moving right along) and it's just generally a lot of fun!

Haley, whether you realize it or not, I Buy is at it's best at 2:00am. ;-)

Lorrie, I just e-mailed several graphics to you. Hope something works!

Jason, we girls have to be married to you guys with sweaty brows, thus making girl parties an absolute necessity. Don't blame us -- it's really your fault that we need a break.

Grace, Stacey has all 8 books. I finished book 3 a few days ago, but I'm waiting until after Convention (or at least on the WAY to Convention!) to start the next one. They are sooooooo different from the movies! Which is kind of cool, I guess. Even if you've read the books, the movies are a total surprise because they're so different, and vise versa! Ha!