Fringe Benefits  

Posted by cokelady

Aren't they great??? As any self-respecting Veggie fan is aware, the newest episode, "Mo and the Big Exit," is to be released this coming Saturday. But one of the glories of having a husband who works at Mardel is that you sometimes get a headstart on the rest of the world. James brought the demo DVD home from work on Saturday for us to "preview" it! It was sooooooooo great!!! Highly recommended. :-) We made chocolate chip cookies that afternoon so we'd be all set to celebrate. We scarfed down our dinner so we could all rush into the den and start the party! The show is TERRIFIC!!! Possibly the best ever. I remember saying that same thing when Little Joe came out a few years ago, so perhaps it's just the whole western thing. Maybe other people won't get as much out of it as we Texans... Nah, I can't imagine anybody not enjoying this show!!! Hilarious. Don't miss it!!! Of course, the rest of you sorry ninnies have to wait until the end of the week... (HA!)

In other news, we took a trip over to Merkel to be in service with them again yesterday. As always, we really enjoyed it. The Lunas are good people and it's always so nice to be with them. I know they must get desperately lonely over there. They've been getting lots of pressure from the Naborhood (am I allowed to say that on the blog, James?) and are so weary of it. But they're doing really well. We had a real good service and then a real good meal afterward! Sister Luna always insists on cooking for us and she always has enough to feed an army, but she must've tripled her efforts this time! She gave me (just for me--nobody else!) a plate with 6 enchiladas on it (!!!!), then brought in two huge tacos for me (the homemade, greasy kind that are soooooooo good), along with the large brisket she had cooked and several other huge bowls full of beans, rice, fajita meat, homemade tortillas... You name it, she had it. I did my best, but there was just no chance of eating it all. I made it through the tacos and three and a half enchiladas, but that's the best I could do. I didn't even sample the other food on the table--I was too full. You always feel bad leaving anything uneaten at Sister Luna's house ("What, didn't you like it?," she'll say), but I just couldn't do any more or I was going to be sick. The kids ate with a passion, so that helped in the don't-offend-her-by-not-eating-enough department. Two or three tamales (ah, yes--she made those, too) apiece--Joe may have even had four. And James put his whole heart into not offending her, I assure you. ;-) Everything was soooooooooooooo good. Faye, this is so scrumptious!

When we left her house I told James that we were going to stop at K-Mart in Sweetwater--not necessarily to shop, but to be able to just walk a little bit of our dinner off! We ended up shopping, however. Boy, oh boy, did we shop! Came out with a cart crammed full of bargains. That particular store never fails to disappoint. We got 5 pairs of shoes (some to grow into) for either $3 or $5 apiece, 4 pairs of jeans for the boys ($3.50), some polo shirts ($3?), a Quantum Leap Pad for Katie to use in a year or two (regular price: $40; price we paid: $10), and I can't remember what all else. It was crazy. I told James that there are always so many good bargains there we always end up spending a fortune! "We can't afford to save money like this!!!"

Sam and Tammy came over to help assemble the regional paper last night and brought with them... fajitas for dinner! Ha! They, of course, didn't know about our noontime feast. We figured we'd been exercising gluttony all day already, so why stop now?! The fajitas were great. ;-) After we finished the paper we played our usual game. Tammy won this time. Wow! That never happens. It's not as good as if I were to win, but still a lot better than letting Sam win. ;-)

Guess that's about it around here. Mom will gripe if there aren't any kid stories. Hhmmm... I don't know if this counts, but the other day I overheard Katie telling the boys, "Mom wishes she was an octopus 'cause then she'd have 8 arms and she'd be able to hold 8 switches and then even if she had 8 kids she'd still be able to switch them all at the same time..." Ha! This is only vaguely familiar to me, but I'm sure that the original conversation (when I apparently told her all of this) took place at least a year ago--maybe two. The things kids remember, I tell ya'...

Well, I've gotta get to the Post Office and mail the Western Skies, then stop off at Tammy's for a minute. Have a great day! And get busy blogging, you bunch of slackers!!! ;-)


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Slackers? Takes one to know one!
*whispering* Ummm, you might want to check out paragraph #3 on your post. I don't think you intended to say, "That store never fails to disappoint." You got a little confused there, didn't ya?
Your father would not find the octopus story at all amusing. He'd be looking around for a switch to pick up and take after YOU. ;-)

It may have been a typo, but I understood what you meant in paragraph #3. I can only say, "I am so very glad that it was you that had to eat all of that and NOT me!" My whole family loves that kind of food but my tummy gets squimish just thinking about it.

Anyway...I'm a little busy packing to be blogging! So a slacker I am going to be!!!!! ~HA!~

Mom--"Oopsie???" Never fails to disappoint... And just think--I'm proofing Sunday School stuff! HA! (We're in big trouble...)

Bekah--wish you could've joined us for our Mexican and your whole church--I'm sure there would've been enough for everybody! ;-)

Sister Tammi--WHAT, ARE YOU CRAZY?! You're saying that you don't like Mexican food?! How can you make it through life without Mexican food??? You'd have a hard time making it in West Texas, let me tell you. 90% of our restaurants are Mexican and there's a huge section in Wal-Mart for that kind of stuff. A whole aisle (nearly) of just tortillas! It's a far cry from when I was in Virginia with Mom a year or two ago and asked a Wal-Mart employee where the tortillas were (I couldn't seem to find them) and she responded, "The WHAT???" We finally located the two or three little bags of flour tortillas in the far back corner of the chilled foods! Ha! CRAZY!!!

Hey Becki

I was wondering if you could tell the Luna's that I said hello. They are so sweet. They used to be in our region. She can cook. Everytime we went to their church she had to cook. It was great.

I tried the tamales at camp, but Brother Shu wouldn't let me have the green tamales...he said that they were TOO hot for me to handle...I don't care for the massa...but the insides were okay. If the flour tortilla is fried, I can eat it, but if way Jose! I'm just not into Mexican food and I am definitely the odd ball in my family. However, I do know the rule about NOT offending, so when Sis. Pimentel put two tostados on a plate and handed it to eyes grew huge and I did some serious praying and managed to get one and half the other down. I will eat it when necessary, but if I have a choice...once again...NO WAY JOSE! ~hee hee~

(Psst! That senorita is loco!)

I love Mexican food - very picky about what Mexican food as I'm not one for hot things and its hard to get me to try new things. We've yet to find a place that has Queso dip up here :( but several places have awesome tacos.

Several times I've had stuff put in front of me when visiting church people that I've had to pray Lord help me eat this so I dont offend. Ive actually come out loving a few new things- spicy dried squid though was not one of them lol

Hmmm...if you are referring to this gal being loco...I'm a senora not a senorita (said with my best Spanish accent!) ~ha ha~


We are ready to make a CPMA church visit to Merkel. We will tell you skeptics on this blog that Sister Luna makes AUTHENTIC Mexican food, and she has two kinds, Delicious and Excellent.

We have different tastes in Mexican food, Sister Clarkson has the "Gringo" thing going on. Brother Clarkson has the "I like it a little hot, but not where it burns the hair off your tongue" taste. Sister Luna has not disappointed us, yet!

EVERYONE needs to visit the Merkel Church, often!!

Brother and Sister Clarkson

Becki! I finished the last Love Comes Softly book! I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob! ;-) I just thought I would say a big THANK YOU again!!! I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed these books! I'm starting up on the Amish ones now. :-) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Oh, and tell James he still owes me a TCOG car sticker. *wink wink*