Another Great Day!  

Posted by cokelady

I got a good night's sleep, in spite of Katie's flailing around and the dog laying on or against me all night long. (Hershey will be so sad when James comes home and he's no longer welcome to sleep in the bed! Ha!) Made oatmeal for breakfast, then baked a cake. Wasn't feeling the greatest, so I went and took a hot bath. Well, kind of hot. Every time we leave town James turns the water heater off, then when we get home he turns it back on... but never high enough to where you get truly hot water! It usually takes several days before we get it back where it belongs. Anyway, the bath didn't help much, but it still turned out to be a pretty productive morning. I had myself and all the kids ready for church in plenty of time to go shopping before service. We needed some Oreo's for Sunday School today (I love lessons like that, don't you?!), so I went ahead and picked up a few things we were getting low on. We finished shopping early enough that I had time to go back home and put all of the groceries away before heading on to church.

We had a good service today, although Sister Patsy wasn't there today and Stacey was at home with kidney stones. Albert showed up--first time in quite a while. Sara led songs and did a good job, in spite the struggling pianist. ;-) Brother Sam preached a great message on holiness and on hearing--truly hearing--the Word of God when it is presented to us. Good stuff.

Sam & Tammy came over for lunch. "Lunch," we call it. It was 4:00, I think! James doesn't like taco salad, but the rest of us love it, so we figured today was our opportunity! It was great. :-) I made that terrific orange cake for desert. It's my favorite spring/summer desert and I hadn't made it a single time this year! It was sooooo good and we've got plenty of leftovers. :-)

I went ahead and laid the kids down with some books for a little while and Sam & Tammy and I played games. Tammy was the big winner today, which is great. She's often the big loser when the three of us play. Sam took that position today, so that made me happy. :-) I went to tell the boys they could get up after a little while, but the little rats had fallen asleep! Late afternoon naps are the pits. Anyway, Sam picked out the next game: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. I won that one--no thanks to my phone a friend choice! (Why did you think "mohair" came from a rabbit, Em?! By the way, I looked it up and it is the coat or fleece of an Angora goat. Now we know, right?! That little bit of information will come in handy at some point I'm sure...) I think I was going for $16,000 at the time. No matter. In the next game I made it all the way to $250,000 and then had enough smarts left to walk away before I blew it. Sam had a chance to beat me and then lost it all on the $500,000 question, making me the big winner. ~ah, yes~ It was a great game day. :-)

Sam & Tammy left and I finally went and woke the boys up a little after 7:00. It was a gorgeous evening, so we all threw our shoes on and went for a walk. With the dog. This will enrage all of the dog enthusiasts out there (oh wait... I don't think any of those read this blog!), but I think this was the first time ever that I had taken Hershey for a walk. I usually only leash him when we're traveling and he needs to go outside for a few moments. That dog gets enough exercise on his own without my help--and who has time, with three kids, to devote a slot in your day to walking the dog?! Anyway, we did it tonight and now I know why there isn't a slot for it! Good grief--the dog pulls on the chain with all his might and near 'bout strangles himself. He coughs and hacks and wheezes, but won't even consider easing up a bit. The kids and Hershey managed to find big patches of stickers to trudge through, necessitating some unscheduled pit stops for me to dig in their socks and paws. Dummies. In spite of it all, it was really nice to get out and walk a bit. And there was a gorgeous West Texas sunset. I really wished I had my camera with me. It would have made a great backdrop for some kid shots--especially of Sam. He was wearing all of his cowboy garb and would have looked great silhouetted against the bright orange sky. :-)

Hhmmm. I'm just now realizing that I didn't feed anybody dinner. Well, I guess we really had more of a dinner than lunch since we didn't eat until 4:00! Nobody ever mentioned being hungry again, so I guess it doesn't matter. We came home and cleaned the house up a bit, then played some games for a little while. I told the kids they could all stay up a little bit later tonight (what choice did I have--the boys didn't even get up from their nap until after 7:00!), so we just had a nice, fun evening together.

I put them to bed, threw in a Ken Davis DVD and set to work on my quilt. And... (insert drum roll, please) I GOT IT DONE!!! The whole thing!!! Wa-Hoooooo!!! ~long, satisfied sigh~ That feels soooooo good. It only took me a little over two years, you know. ;-) It's in the washing machine right now. That's always the real test. If it comes out in once piece instead of hundreds of shreds and scraps then I will know I have indeed succeeded. Time will tell!

Now it's 1:00 again and here I sit blogging. I don't know why I do this thing. This late night thing, that is. I failed to mention that the other night when Tammy was here until nearly 1:00am... I actually stayed up after she left--reading the Reader's Digest until 2:00!!! I never do those things and with James being gone it just sort of seemed like the thing to do. And... it was great!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember when I was a teenager, how much I LOVED being home alone and I wished I could send Mom & Dad away for just one weekend a month. Now I'm wishing I could do the same thing with my husband and kids! Ha! That's terrible!!! I love them all dearly, but the all-alone-in-the-house-and-can-do-whatever-seems-like-the-thing-to-do thing is just sooooo much fun and happens far too rarely around here! Ha! Anyway, it has been a truly great weekend and I'm thankful for God's help with the kids--they've really been very, very good and we've had a whole lot of fun together--and I'm so glad I was able to spend some time with Sam and Tammy, and I'm happy about being able to do those fun things like read a magazine and quilt (finish a quilt, even!)... and now it's time for it all to come to an end and my husband to get back home where he belongs. :-) Kind of like when I'm the one traveling. I love to go, then I love to come home. Apparently I love for James to leave and I love for him to come home! Both are grand and glorious events, somehow! Ha!

Tomorrow I hope to get some school done with the kids, then do some more fun stuff. I'll need to make sure the house is in good shape 'cause I've got a hunch that it may be on the market in less than 24 hours after James' arrival! Ha! We'll see. Pray for us!!!


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I'm so glad you've enjoyed your "weekend off." ;-) Not all women get as excited about getting the house all to themselves and you and I do. I guess I trained it into you, or something. I used to LOOOOOVE hunting season because you guys would join your Dad over at the cabin and I would get to stay home ALL ALONE and do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It generally included reading till all hours, or sewing something, or watching a movie--those are all things I could do any other time but somehow it's just different when you're home all alone and there's no twinges of guilt or questions of, "Should I be doing this right now?"

My hubby is going on a business trip all next week. My daughter has moved out and my son will be in school 3 nights.......So I will have the house to myself this weekend and a good part of next week! WOOHOO! I can sleep late, clean & organize my collection (BIG FILE) of church materials & lessons, NOT COOK!!! and maybe READ something! aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

THEN like you....I'll miss him and be ready for him to come back home too! Cuz' we ARE enjoying our "empty nest" years :)

The "no cooking" thing--that's probably a lot of the reason it's great to be home alone. It's not that I don't neglect cooking when my husband IS home, it's just that I can skip cooking and not feel GUILTY! My husband is way too laid back and lenient with me--it's too easy to get slothful with stuff like that. He never fusses or complains. Then I REALLY feel like a dog! We are enjoying our empty nest, too. Most of the time. But we sure do miss the grandbabies! If we had our preference, we'd live real close to our kids. But "I Will Not Offer Anything That Costs Me Nothing."

So glad you had some "you" time. I have no family obligations but thank the Lord each time I am free to read a book, watch a movie, scrapbook (which I LOVE!!!!), not cook, and yes, NOT WALK THE DOG!!!!!!! :o)

You are funny...I didn't really like Damon being gone. It felt empty...but that is me I guess. I did enjoy having a full bed to myself from time to time...and I remember something that Sis Bishop said to me that changed that thought. Just remember to cherish them. There isn't anything wrong with alone time, or enjoying it, just cherish the together time. As I am sure you do.

You're right Sis. Kasey. Cherish the time together. When I read your blog, you've shown us what is truly precious. We love you and are praying for you.

Sis. Smith,
I guess we'll enjoy the empty nest until we get grandchillin and then we'll chase the little rug rats around again! We realized that we only had 1 year & 1 month of being alone as newlyweds. I found out I was pregnant 4 months after we got married and I was only 10 days from being 20 when I had Dustin.
So we're still young enough for that second honeymoon! Ha!

Sis. Haley (I MISS HER!!!!) and Sis. Bishop was trying to get me to go to Ladies Retreat in Colorado. Frankly, if I'm going to pay for an expensive plane ticket to Colorado, I'm going with my hubby to see the scenery and NOT to a Ladies Retreat;) I'll guess I'll go to a Ladies Retreat in a close-by "ugly" state. Hahahahha! (Well, TN is pretty too.) (no offense to CO ladies retreat, which I"m sure is very enjoyable :)