Motel Life  

Posted by cokelady

This is the kid and dog bed. The kids rotate each night, fighting over who gets to sleep in what position. There’s really no favorite spot, except for the one that somebody else got. Hershey usually lands right in the middle of the pile. I’m sure on this particular night he was wishing he had landed in the middle! Ha!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The real reason we are staying in a motel is experimental. We are testing of the reactions of human nature when cooped up in a 12’x16’ room for weeks on end with four other people and a dog—with no yard in which to run. Until now, everyone has coped pretty well. This week they’re beginning to snap one at a time, as the following pictures will evidence.

These are actually the nylon hoops that Katie uses to make pot holders with. Well, formerly that’s what they were used for. They have now transformed into costume attire. In case you’re struggling to interpret the costumes, Katie and Sam were dressed up as Indians. Of course.

And after a full 3 weeks and 1 day in a motel, this is what occurs…

I couldn’t get a good angle, but this is Katie chewing her toe nails off. Yes siree, the effects of life in a motel can be extreme, not to mention just plain gross. Actually, I can’t blame the motel for this. Katie has chewed finger and toe nails for as long as she’s had teeth. I never have to clip anything on that child. Last time we had communion and feetwashing it kind of snuck up on the rest of us, but Katie’s nails were nice and short! ~sigh~ That child. Still, she can’t be blamed entirely. It’s in the bloodline. Katie has a great-aunt who still chews her toe nails, as far as I know!

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My stomach is feeling a bit queasy, right now. I don't think I'll eat anytime soon.